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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 15(185)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Umarova C. MARKETING RESEARCH OF THE FITNESS CENTER "BIOMECHANICS" // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 15(185). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/185/247717 (дата обращения: 27.02.2025).


Umarova Camila

Student, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article deals with the study of satisfaction with the services of the fitness center "BioMechanics" as a necessary element of the health care system. The aim of the work is to study the residents' satisfaction with the services of the fitness center "BioMechanica". Methods and objects of the study: the method of data collection - a questionnaire survey conducted with the help of Google-form among the residents of the city of Belgorod. Results: the level of residents' satisfaction with the services of the fitness center was determined. Conclusions: The residents of Belgorod are generally satisfied with the services and in general the fitness center, the material and technical equipment of the halls, however, attention should be paid to the work of the sauna and ventilation.


Keywords: satisfaction, fitness center services, quality services, residents.



Currently, information technology is developing very dynamically, and its application in the marketing activities of the enterprise is of paramount importance. In order to successfully sell goods and services to modern consumers, the company must be able to effectively use information technology in marketing activities, it is determined by the conditions of ever-increasing competition, in particular its non-price factors.

Thus, the study of customer satisfaction with the services of the fitness center is very relevant and necessary for further development. In order to identify the level of satisfaction of residents with the services of the fitness center "BioMechanica" a survey was conducted, in which 100 residents of Belgorod, including 33 women and 67 men took part. As a method of collecting information was used questionnaire survey, conducted with the help of Google-form.

Main part

The results of the study showed that the majority of residents believe that "BioMechanics" provides quality services (75%). At the same time 60% of respondents want to continue using the services of the fitness center. Such a ratio of those who believe that "BioMechanica" provides quality services and those who want to continue using the services further, indicates that residents purposefully purchased a subscription to the fitness center "BioMechanica", as they consider it a decent fitness center with quality services.


To summarize, we can outline the main conclusions drawn after processing the results of this sociological study. Residents believe that the fitness center "BioMechanica" provides high-quality services, they are satisfied with the fact that they visit this fitness center. In addition, people are satisfied with the choice of the trainer and are willing to continue to visit the fitness center. It is confirmed by the fact that the majority of respondents agree with these statements. In general, the residents are satisfied with the quality of services provided and the condition of the rooms in general. Such criteria as ventilation in the fitness center and temperature in the sauna were rated the lowest. Also residents are not satisfied with the service of the solarium and the ventilation of the halls, as well as the quality of printed materials (season tickets, business cards, etc.) and the availability of parking.

In conclusion it should be noted that the knowledge of satisfaction with the services of the fitness center "BioMechanics" helps the fitness center to further develop and improve training processes and allows to build a competitive advantage. "BioMechanica" is an actively developing fitness center, which is visited by a large number of residents of Belgorod. In order to retain and attract new customers, it needs to monitor customer satisfaction with fitness center services. This approach of consumer monitoring is a necessary element in the quality management system of services in "Biomekhanika".



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