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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 21(191)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Kibenko I. THE INFLUENCE OF THE INTERNET OF THE FORMATION VALUE ORIENTATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 21(191). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/191/257065 (дата обращения: 27.02.2025).


Kibenko Inna

Student, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article examines domestic literature, and presents and analyzes the results of various studies on the topic presented. The work is devoted to the study of the problem of the influence of Internet resources on the formation of value orientations of young people. The purpose of the work is to prove the negative impact of the global network on the moral values of young people on the basis of the previously given results of modern research.


Keywords: internet, values, youth, violence, pornography, gambling, social network.


Nowadays, the Internet penetrates into all spheres of people's lives. According to VTsIOM, about 81% of citizens of the Russian Federation are users of Internet resources for 2018. In modern society, using a virtual network, you can search for information, listen to music, watch movies, order goods and food. But there were also negative aspects of the development of the network, such as the loss of moral values of the citizens of the Russian Federation. The most prominent representatives of the users of the global network are young people. Youth is a social group that is most subject to change and outside influence. And since this group determines the direction of development of society and forms the values of subsequent generations, the study of the influence of the Internet space on the value orientations of modern young people is the most important and relevant topic of scientific work.

Main part

Many sociologists consider the impact of the Internet on a person in terms of its impact on the socialization of the individual. Thanks to the development of the Network, from an early age, the individual is included in social activities. But not always early involvement in the economic, political and social sphere of society has a positive impact on the development and socialization of young people. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the possibility of free access to Internet resources and free self-expression creates a kind of culture within the Internet, which contributes to changing the culture of the country and rethinking the moral values of young people.

If we talk about what currently has the greatest value in the life of modern youth, then the majority of respondents single out a family with good relations, health and their own lives, while in the 20th century, young people primarily determined the benefit of the Motherland and service to the people. Summarizing the above, we can conclude that young people have rethought their value attitudes, it can also be assumed that such a transformation took place under the influence of the spread and development of the Internet.

Among the unwanted materials of the Internet, visited by the population of our country, which were presented by the specialists of Kaspersky Lab, pornography (46.4%) and weapons (26.4%) are distinguished further in descending order: obscene language, gambling, violence and drugs. It can be concluded that for the inhabitants of our country on the Internet, "pornography" plays a significant role. It is noteworthy that according to a survey conducted by VTsIOM, to such a question as “Do you think it is necessary to create a ban on the placement of pornographic materials on the Internet”, 75% of respondents answered that this is necessary.

It is interesting to note that the legislation pays great attention to protecting children from unwanted information of this kind. This is explained by Federal Law No. 436-F3 of December 29, 2010 "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development", Federal Law No. 124-FZ of July 24, 1998 "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation", Law of the Russian Federation dated 12/27/1991 No. 2124-1 "On the mass media", but the question of protecting the entire population from unwanted information on the Internet that destroys moral standards remains open. It is necessary to distinguish between pornographic materials and materials of erotic content, not only for children, but also for older people.


In conclusion, it should be noted that the development of Internet communications and society play a significant role in the formation and development of individual values. Every day, a modern person is faced with new technologies and innovations in all areas of his life. The problem of deformation of value orientations when interacting with the global network "Internet" is of great importance, both for the development of the individual and for the future of our country. Pornographic materials, websites with scenes of violence and cruelty, online casinos only negatively influence the formation of the worldview, ideals and values ​​of our youth, reduce the culture of human relations.



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