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Статья опубликована в рамках: XXXI-XXXII Международной научно-практической конференции «Естественные науки и медицина: теория и практика» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 10 марта 2021 г.)

Наука: Биология

Секция: Микробиология и вирусология

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Библиографическое описание:
Malgeldiev D.N., Bekenov B.N., Sagyndykova A.A. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ANTIFUNGAL BIOLOGICAL PRODUCT DEVELOPED ON THE BASIS OF A NEW STRAIN FOR SPRUCE SCHRENK (PICEA SCHRENKIANA) // Естественные науки и медицина: теория и практика: сб. ст. по матер. XXXI-XXXII междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 2-3(19). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2021. – С. 58-62.
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Malgeldiev Damir Nurbekovich

General Director of the Ile-Alatau National Nature Park,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Bekenov Berik Nesipbaevich

Senior Researcher of the Ile-Alatau National Nature Park,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Sagyndykova Asel Alievna

4th year student of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Keywords: soil, antifungal, coniferous, microorganisms, biological products.


Everyone knows that the development and spread of forest diseases, their impact on the soil and other abiotic conditions depend on the quality of seeds, the composition of seedlings, and age. Therefore, one of the most pressing issues in the cultivation of forest seedlings of the RSE "Ile-Alatau State National Natural Park" is the protection of conifers from fungal and bacterial diseases and the improvement of their rapid growth.

The purpose of this article is to study the effect of an antifungal biological drug based on the related Arthrobacter spp. E-1 for the protection of a growing spruce (Pícea schrenkiána) in the nursery of the RSE "Ili-Alatau State National Nature Park".

We can say that the efficiency of growing plants in forestry depends on planting materials. But they can be infected with certain fungal diseases that reduce the germination of seeds, lead to the weakening and drying of seeds, seedlings. The plants that are most sensitive to pathogenic microorganisms of seeds and seedlings are coniferous species of pine and spruce. In forest nurseries, including tree plantings, species affected by fungal diseases and mold varieties are common. Therefore, in the future, the issue of considering effective methods of plant protection in forests is one of the main problems of forestry [1].

Over the past few decades, the forestry industry has increased its work with chemical fertilizers and pesticides to combat phytopathogens. Excessive use of chemicals and changes in traditional cultivation practices lead to physical, chemical, and biological degradation of forest lands [2]. Improper use of fertilizers and pesticides is a consequence of irreparable problems of forestry. Therefore, this article discusses the effectiveness of the use of microorganisms to stimulate the growth of coniferous species in integrated plant management systems and increase their resistance to pathogenic microorganisms [3-8]. The use of soil microorganisms that stimulate the growth of coniferous plants is one of the directions of an environmentally friendly approach to the management of nutrients and the preservation of the functioning of the ecosystem [9, 10].

Diseases of coniferous species lead to a loss of plant luxuriance, general weakening,and a reduction in life expectancy [11]. The most harmful role in forest pathology is played by bacterial diseases of forest plants. Because it is proved that they have a detrimental effect on the mass desiccation of the vegetation of coniferous forests.

In recent years, the creation of two-component biological products characterized by a combination of positive qualities, synergistic interaction of manufacturers, their high viability and competitiveness in ecosystems has been recognized as a promising and economically profitable area of ​​microbial biotechnology. Biologics based on highly effective strains of nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-decomposing microorganisms increase the biological potential of the rhizosphere, improve the root nutrition of plants containing nitrogen and phosphorus, and increase the intensity and resistance of conifers to diseases [12].

Among the most dangerous diseases of coniferous trees are pathogens of rust, fusarium, cytosporosis, and phomosis. Also, conifers most often suffer from spring burns. In order to prevent the development of these diseases, seed workers in the first year treat the seedlings with a chemical preparation of copper. This will prevent mold infestation of pathogenic fungi, as well as infection of trees with bacteria-pathogens.

The Pseudomonas corrugata strain showed antagonistic activity against Alternaria alternata and Fusarium oxysporum. An effective antagonistic strain of Bacillus subtilis isolated from the rhizosphere was found to be effective for pathogens of the tea bush plant. The bacterial strain was good at suppressing the growth of all the fungi studied. Similarly, the Bacillus megaterium strain A. alternata and F. has been studied to have the ability to diffusely inhibit the growth of phytopathogens [13, 14].

Practical application: in biotechnology and forestry.

Research methods and equipment: the Koch method and the diffuse method. Equipment: autoclave, thermostat, microscope, fermenter, centrifuge.

Results of the study

It was found that the germination of the seeds of spruce shrenki inoculated with the culture fluid Arthrobacter spp. E-1 was 99% in the experimental version and 70% in the non-inoculated control version. The growth of phytopathogenic fungi was suppressed when the culture liquid Arthrobacter spp was used for phytopathogens. E-1: Fusarium oxysporum P-3 decreased by 2,2-2,0 times, Aspergillus niger P-4-by 2,4-2,5 times. This indicates that the studied microorganisms significantly inhibit the growth of phytopathogenic fungi.

The use of bio-organic fertilizers increases the number of plantings, which, in turn, increases the yield of standard planting material per unit area and increases the soil fertility of softwood seedlings.

The composition of the biological product includes a strain of Arthrobacter spp. E-1 which stimulates the growth of conifers and has an antifungal effect.


Diagram of seedlings of coniferous fir (Pinus sylvestris) in the Aksai upper nursery

Needles (PINUS SYLVESTRIS), 108 pieces (upper nursery)



1 repeatability

1 repeatability

2 repeatability

2 repeatability

3 repeatability

3 repeatability

54 pieces

54 pieces


When used in field conditions, seed liquid Arthrobacter spp. E-1 seedlings of plants fir coniferous (Pinus sylvestris) in the amount of 108 pieces growing in Aksay upper forest nursery RMM, it was found that above-ground length, compared to the control is 30% in the form of crop Arthrobacter spp. E-1 liquid, and raw, the 14% (Table 1).


Figure 1. Experimental variant treated with culture fluid with Arthrobacter spp. E-1 strain


Figure 2. Control version, treated with water



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