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Статья опубликована в рамках: XCVI Международной научно-практической конференции «Экспериментальные и теоретические исследования в современной науке» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 27 декабря 2023 г.)

Наука: Междисциплинарные исследования

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Библиографическое описание:
Danilenko L., Yakimenko D. ARCHITECTURAL AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS FOR URBAN NAVIGATION // Экспериментальные и теоретические исследования в современной науке: сб. ст. по матер. XCVI междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 12(88). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2023. – С. 37-43.
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Danilenko Lyudmila

Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building,

Russia, Tomsk

Yakimenko Darya

Master’s student, Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building,

Russia, Tomsk



Даниленко Людмила Петровна

доцент кафедры иностранных языков, Томский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет,

РФ, г. Томск

Якименко Дарья Викторовна

магистрант, Томский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет,

РФ, г. Томск



The article considers the creation of a simple scheme of communication in urban space. It is underlined, that the visual channel of information assimilation is the most accessible and fastest one for humans. Examples of the systematization of signs are given. The authors define a decoding of navigational design as a new direction in the architectural development of urban space and emphasize that one of the most important criteria for the comfortable formation of navigation is safety. It is necessary to note that architectural and artistic navigation performs not only aesthetic and utilitarian functions, but also wider directions, such as the formation of cultural and social environment.


В данной статье рассматривается вопрос создания простой схемы коммуникации в городском пространстве. Подчеркивается, что для человека самый доступный и быстрый канал усвоения информации является зрительный. Приводятся примеры систематизации знаков. Авторы дают расшифровку навигационному дизайну как новому направлению в архитектурном развитии городского пространства и отмечают, что один из самых важных преториев для комфортного формирования навигации – это безопасность. Следует отметить, что архитектурно-художественная навигация выполняет не только эстетическую и утилитарную функцию, но и более широкие направления, как формирование культурной и общественной среды.


Ключевые слова: городская навигация; символы и знаки; дизайн; схема коммуникации; городское пространство.

Keywords: urban navigation; symbols and signs; design; communication scheme; urban space.


In modern everyday life, the word "design" has a very frequent use. The more often you hear "design", the more comprehensive the concept becomes. It is used in different spheres of human activity and in each of them has its own unique character. About a century ago, when the word "design" was just gaining its strength, it was much easier to give a concept to this word. Now, to give an exact definition of this term is much more difficult.

One of V.L. Glazychev's books "Design as it is" perfectly illustrates the diversity of concepts and opinions about design [1].

Gio Ponti is guided by a more romantic view of the term, seeing in it the possibility of implementing creative directions that allow you to create aesthetic things and a new world [1, p. 32].

Herbert Reed evaluates design as the highest form of art, devoid of point-directed professionalism, and the objects of design have the form of abstract art [1, p. 21].

John Gloag takes a more pragmatic approach to design and says that design is a wonderful combination of observation, imagination and practical skill [1, p. 25].

Modern society needs to create a simpler communication scheme. In this regard, design is considered as an opportunity to adapt modern information to the rapidly changing environment of the world. For humans, the most accessible and fastest channel of information assimilation is the visual one. In the 20th century visual means of communication became part of all areas of culture and new terms were introduced: visual image, visual culture. Methods for achieving communication are carried out through color, text, writing, symbols, signs, etc.

The electronic component of our world increases enormously and "absorbs" the material aspects, releasing them into more accessible information and turning it into a sign of itself.

With this interpretation of information, any object turns into a sign, so the object is inseparable from the sign that it represents. There are different classifications of signs, but for the design needs, the ones proposed by the American logician Charles Sanders Pierce (1839-1914) are more suitable [3, p.176].

Some of the systematization of signs:

Iconic signs show the object in any degree of possible reliability.

Signs-indices are perceived only by means of a causal relationship. This type has only a specific sign in a specific justification

Symbol signs create a complex constructive relationship with the subject of study. Such signs are perceived only through the medium of a suggested context.


Figure 1. Systematization of signs [6]


The effectiveness of such symbols arises not only from the particular psychological perception, but also from the conditions of the surrounding space. In a dynamically developing world, information must be able to be constantly updated and become more accessible. Pictograms, signs, symbols allow you to deliver information in an acceptable way for perception, regarding the ability to read textual information. This situation has developed in such a way that a new direction of "navigational design" began to develop. Navigational design is a relatively new direction in the architectural development of urban space. Modern realities dictate their own rules for the development of this direction. One of the main tasks is to facilitate orientation in the city and speed up the process of identifying marks. Urban navigation is the language in which a city communicates with its inhabitants and visitors, and the more logical and comprehensible it is, the better people can get to know the area around them. The urgency of the problem is determined by a number of reasons: in modern cities with the territory without navigation, people find it difficult to choose particular ways of movement. It has been proved more than once in practice that a person perceives images visually on a completely different, subconscious level than in the case of text or speech. Navigation and information infrastructure is the language in which the city speaks to its inhabitants and visitors. Navigation opens up new possibilities for the city: it creates additional points of attraction, it marks tourist routes.

Today, graphic design, on the one hand, solves the task of harmonizing the environment in accordance with the laws of perception. On the other hand, it has the function of selecting and structuring information and then transforming it into visual signals that are perceived and interpreted by the recipient. Finding the right place can take a significant amount of time for a non-resident person, so navigation in the city should be as accessible as possible.

Peter Morville in his monograph "Total Visibility" classifies this concept as:

  • firstly – the object must be easily found or accessible;
  • the second moment is the ease of searching for a particular object;
  • the third moment is the ability by which the environment can maintain accessibility to the object. [2, p. 20].

Urban navigation design can be viewed from different angles to clarify the main goals and directions, just as the authors of "Urban Navigation System with Multiple Sub-Maps and Multiple Sub-Navigators" examine a multiple navigator system developed to achieve two specific goals:

  • the system must be able to include different types of navigation and plan navigation using multiple algorithms to reach a target position;
  • the system must be able to respond to the dynamics of the environment in real time [5, p. 2].

The main task of a person working on architectural and artistic navigation is to create a sign, a symbol understandable and readable for any person, using the aesthetic component and positioning this material according to the canons of ergonomics and urbanism.

It is also necessary to take into account various factors related to this topic: the main target audience, their age category, ways of demonstrating information, possible types of media, for what period this method can serve, what financial costs and benefits for the city.

But one of the most important points for the comfortable navigation formation is safety. Also it is necessary to focus attention on public safety, a problem that is present in almost every metropolis. A new application has been developed, that aims at identifying safe and short paths for people to move around the city. At the same time the spatial constraints imposed by the structure of the urban road network are taken into account as well [4].

The main advantages of the development of a structured navigation component of the city can be:

  • logical structuring of the space;
  • the creation of an additional point of profit due to the additional flow of tourists;
  • the possibility of additional information for residents, attracting attention to the less known objects of the city.

When creating urban navigation, it is advisable to take into account the large number of crowds of people in some places, for example, the stopping pavilions are the most visited places regardless of the day of the week. Modern design is characterized by a synthesis of different directions, their interaction in relation to each other. This process allows us to develop new creative forms. To saturate the navigation material of the city, it is necessary to make the navigation maps interactive and add information about the route of public transport and their schedule.

Any type of design can mutually flow from one direction to another. Graphic design creates excellent collaboration with the navigation design.  Symbols, signs unacceptably perform a specific function, they can exist independently, but fulfilling a certain load, they have a more integral structure. Graphic elements represent a semantic environment and influence us in one or another way. In more simple terms, the visual-communicative environment forms the sphere of human thought (noosphere). How can architectural and artistic navigation look like? Let's take the examples of Kazakhstan and Tanzania.


Figure 2. Architectural and artistic navigation of Kazakhstan [7]


Figure 3. Architectural and artistic navigation of Tanzania [8]


Analyzing all the components, we can say that architectural and artistic navigation performs not only an aesthetic and utilitarian function, but also wider directions, as the formation of cultural and social environment. Thanks to the systematic in navigation, information content is preserved and background symbols are demonstrated as a cultural and sociological context. Now it is   saying that navigation acts as an aesthetic guide. All these advantages and modern conditions allow navigation to be more informatively accessible for people, which allows the audience to more quickly immerse themselves in the process of learning and reaching the necessary information. Psychological aspects in relation to the population are becoming the key in the formation of visual-communicative systems.



  1. Глазычев В.Л. Дизайн как он есть / В.Л. Глазычев // Изд. 2-е, доп. – М. Издательство «Европа». – 2006. – 320 с.
  2. Морвиль, П. Тотальная видимость / П. Морвиль // Санкт-Петербург. «Символ Плюс». – 2008. – 264 с.
  3. Розенсон, И.А.  Основы теории дизайна / И.А. Розенсон // Санкт-Петербург. Из-во «Питер». – 2013. – 217 с.
  4. Esther Galbrun, Konstantinos Pelechrinis, Evimaria Terzi. Safe Navigation in Urban Environments. Boston University – 2014 – 9 p.
  5. URL:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282261623_Safe_Navigation_in_Urban_Environments (дата обращения: 21.08. 2023).
  6. Sukhum Sattaratnamai, Nattee Niparnan, Attawith Sudsang. Urban navigation system with multiple sub-maps and multiple sub-navigators. Chulalongkorn University – 2020. – 17 p. URL:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341400192_UrbanNavigation_System_With_Multiple_Sub-Maps_and_Multiple_Su (дата обращения: 17.06.2023).
  7. https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/730990583248798313/
  8. https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/610308187027069333
  9. https://auth.services.adobe.com/en_US/deeplink.html#/social-fallback


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