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Статья опубликована в рамках: LXV Международной научно-практической конференции «Современная психология и педагогика: проблемы и решения» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 14 декабря 2022 г.)

Наука: Педагогика

Секция: Профессиональная компетентность: проблемы, поиски, решения

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Библиографическое описание:
Akhmetova A.K., Mambetova N.A. PECULIARITIES OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES TO STUDENTS OF THE SPECIALTY "CATERING" // Современная психология и педагогика: проблемы и решения: сб. ст. по матер. LXV междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 12(62). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2022. – С. 120-123.
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Akhmetova Assel Kuttybayevna

Ph.D, Lecturer, Ural Technological college «Service»,

Kazakhstan, Uralsk

Mambetova Nadezhda Amangeldievna

Lecturer, Ural Technological college «Service»,

Kazakhstan, Uralsk

Keywords: Teaching Professional English, Specialty "Catering", Professional Competencies of Future Catering Specialists.


The role and place of the subject "Professional foreign language" in the system of vocational education are determined by the features of modern social order, the expansion of international relations, the development of the catering industry and hospitality. Intensively forming hotel-restaurant complexes require qualified workers with a high level of professional competence, capable of effective work in the specialty at the level of international standards. An integral part of the modern training of specialists in the catering industry is professionally directed foreign language training.

Based on these requirements, foreign language teaching in an institution of secondary vocational education requires a professional orientation of the content of the academic discipline for active use both in professional activities and in everyday life.

To implement the professional orientation of training we actively use an activity-based approach in which we simulate real situations of professional communication. Training sessions are brought closer to the conditions of future professionals' professional activities, real professional production and interpersonal situations are recreated. Thus, students get practical skills of solving a number of production tasks and form skills of professional communication in a foreign language.

The main factor of successful teaching of professional foreign language is motivation, i.e. students' positive attitude towards foreign language as an academic discipline and their conscious need to acquire knowledge in a professional sphere. It is necessary not only to interest students in a foreign language, but also to present its study to them as a professionally significant subject. In solving this problem an important role is played by integration with special disciplines.

During the course of the discipline students get acquainted with specially selected professionally-oriented vocabulary for communication, active grammar, translation techniques of professional texts and specialized vocabularies. The working curriculum in addition to conversational topics contains the following sections:

  1. My future profession
  2. catering product range
  3. Good nutrition
  4. National cuisine (Cuisines of the people of Kazakhstan. Cuisines of the near-abroad countries)
  5. The working day and professional duties (The waiter's working day. The cook's working day. The technologist's working day)
  6. Catering (In a restaurant. In a cafe. In a bar)
  7. Menus, types of menus, principles of menu development.
  8. Methods of cooking.
  9. Styles of service
  10. Commodity characteristics of food products.

Requirements for students who have studied the course:

As a result of studying a foreign (English) language, the student must:

1. understand

Peculiarities of cultures of the countries of the studied language (national cuisines and recipes of different countries, variety of menu types);

2. know

1. responsibilities of a cook, daily routine of a cook

2. the basic ways of cooking food, the difference between the ways of cooking food (boiling, stewing, frying, distinguishing between frying, steaming, grilling, barbecue)

3. What foods can be cooked

4. The names of different kinds of food and dishes made of them

5. Types of menu, the main differences between different kinds of menu, the structure of the menu, the arrangement of the dishes on the menu.

6. Traditional dishes of Russian cuisine,

7. characteristics of various national cuisines

3. be able to

speak .

1. Lead a dialogue using the necessary speech cliches in situations of formal and informal communication (within the framework of professional topics), observing the rules of speech etiquette;

2. recommend a dish to the guest

3. introduce the kitchen (according to student's choice)

4. recommend various dishes (from different products and national cuisines) to restaurant visitors.

5. present national dishes of modern and traditional Russian cuisine

6. serve the visitor, observing elementary rules of etiquette.

7. Give a brief culinary characteristic of different kinds of food.

 Listening .

1. understand completely and accurately the interlocutor's statements in common standard communication situations on a professional topic,

 reading .

1. read authentic texts with professional content using basic types of reading (reading, exploring, searching/viewing) depending on the communicative task;


1. write recipes,

2. make extracts from a foreign language text;

3. compose different kinds of menus

When organizing foreign language communication within the framework of these topics, we rely on the students' existing knowledge of the specialty. In this case the material studied is interesting for students because it is directly related to their future profession. Students master special terminology in a foreign language, read and translate professional texts, make and translate recipes, look for additional material in magazines, the Internet, in textbooks on special disciplines [1, 2].

To increase the effectiveness of language training at the lessons we use game and non-game methods. Non-game methods consist of modeling, analyzing and solving a specific production task. Game imitation methods include internship with performance of a job role, simulation training, role play, game design, as well as training, organizational and activity, role-playing, business, cognitive and didactic games.

One of the types of final control of the results of the study of these topics is a project in the form of an electronic presentation in English using the program Power Point.

During the preparation of the presentation students do a lot of work:

- searching for information: students study specialized academic literature, professional newspapers and magazines, disk media, work on the Internet, consult with teachers of special disciplines.

- translating found material into English using all available vocabulary and grammar.

- selection of visual material, pictures, photos, diagrams.

- making an electronic presentation, using the program Power Point.

- defense of own presentation. Students demonstrate the level of professional knowledge of English, pronunciation, intonation, show the skills of orientation in the factual material.

Students, working on presentations, acquire intellectual, organizational, communicative, design and technological skills, develop diligence, the ability to make decisions independently, show ingenuity, develop project thinking. All this contributes to the formation of basic and professional competencies of future specialists, their professional mobility, increases cognitive interest in the chosen specialty.

Conclusion. Foreign language, cooperation of teachers of special disciplines, selection of modern methods, use of technical means of education promote not only qualitative training of a specialist, but also its formation as an active personality, ready for self-education, self-development, self-improvement.



  1. Dooley J., Obee B. Action for Kazakhstan. – Express Publishing, 2019.- 124 p.
  2. Spencer D. Gateway 2 edition. – Macmillian Education, 2019. – 159 p.
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