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Статья опубликована в рамках: LXXXIX Международной научно-практической конференции «Современная психология и педагогика: проблемы и решения» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 16 декабря 2024 г.)

Наука: Педагогика

Секция: Профессиональная компетентность: проблемы, поиски, решения

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Библиографическое описание:
Болат М.С. THE MODERN EDUCATION SYSTEM AND THE ROLE OF CRITICAL THINKING IN TEACHER TRAINING // Современная психология и педагогика: проблемы и решения: сб. ст. по матер. LXXXIX междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 12(86). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2024. – С. 263-267.
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Болат Мөлдір Саматқызы

студент, Костанайский региональный университет имени А. Байтурсынова,

Республика Казахстан, г. Костанай


The article addresses the issue of developing critical thinking skills among students of pedagogical specialties as one of the key components of their professionalism. It describes the main approaches to developing critical thinking, its importance for the professional training of future educators, and the methods that contribute to fostering this skill. Practical recommendations for integrating critical thinking development technologies into the educational process are highlighted.


В статье рассматривается проблема развития критического мышления у студентов педагогических специальностей как одного из ключевых компонентов их профессионализма. Описаны основные подходы к развитию критического мышления, его значение для профессиональной подготовки будущих педагогов, а также методы, способствующие формированию этого навыка. Делается акцент на практические рекомендации для включения технологий развития критического мышления в образовательный процесс.


Мақалада педагогикалық мамандықтардағы студенттердің сыни ойлау қабілетін дамыту мәселесі, оның кәсібиліктің негізгі компоненттерінің бірі ретіндегі маңызы қарастырылады. Сыни ойлауды дамытуға арналған негізгі тәсілдер, болашақ педагогтардың кәсіби даярлығындағы рөлі және осы дағдыны қалыптастыруға ықпал ететін әдістер сипатталады. Білім беру процесіне сыни ойлауды дамыту технологияларын енгізуге арналған практикалық ұсыныстарға ерекше назар аударылады.


Keywords: critical thinking, pedagogy, professionalism, cognitive skills, educational technologies, project-based learning, reflection.

Ключевые слова: критическое мышление, педагогика, профессионализм, когнитивные навыки, образовательные технологии, проектная деятельность, рефлексия.

Кілт сөздер: сыни ойлау, педагогика, кәсібилік, когнитивті дағдылар, білім беру технологиялары, жобалық қызмет, рефлексия.


The Modern Education System and the Role of Critical Thinking in Teacher Training

The modern education system places high demands on the competencies of educators. One of the key competencies is critical thinking, which enables future teachers to effectively analyze and interpret information, make informed decisions, and adapt to changes in the educational environment. Developing critical thinking enhances professionalism and the quality of pedagogical activities.

The relevance of this research is determined by the need to prepare educators capable of applying a critical approach to solving professional tasks. The goal of this article is to explore methods and technologies for developing critical thinking in students specializing in education and to substantiate their impact on improving future teachers' professionalism.

1. The Concept of Critical Thinking and Its Importance for Educators

Critical thinking is a conscious, reflective process aimed at analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information. According to R. Ennis's theory, critical thinking includes the following components:

  • Logical analysis;
  • Identifying cause-and-effect relationships;
  • Justifying conclusions;
  • Evaluating the reliability of information sources.

For educators, critical thinking is crucial as a tool for analyzing pedagogical situations, planning and implementing the learning process, and solving problems related to teaching and upbringing.

2. Methods and Approaches to Developing Critical Thinking

2.1 Active Learning Methods

Discussions and Debates

Discussing pedagogical situations or current issues fosters skills in argumentation and analysis. For example, debates on topics like "Should technology fully replace traditional teaching methods?" encourage students to analyze complex issues and form their own perspectives.

Case Studies

Practical tasks based on real-world situations allow students to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. For example, analyzing a conflict between a teacher and a student helps students critically evaluate the problem, propose alternative solutions, and choose the most effective approach.

Problem-Based Learning

This method involves setting tasks requiring analytical approaches for resolution. For instance, designing a lesson for a class with mixed proficiency levels develops skills in analysis, planning, and evaluation.

Digital Platforms

Platforms like Moodle, Edmodo, and Google* Classroom facilitate the creation of interactive assignments, such as tests, discussion forums, and projects. Students can analyze pedagogical cases, upload their findings, and receive feedback.

Interactive Assignments

Tools like mind mapping, brainstorming, and group projects help students visualize information and identify connections between concepts. For example, creating a mental map on "Critical Thinking in Pedagogical Practice" organizes material and highlights key aspects.

3. Practical Examples

Example 1: Debate on "The Role of Teachers in the Digital Age"

In a pedagogy course, students prepare arguments for and against using technology extensively in education. This exercise helps develop a critical attitude toward innovations in education.

Example 2: Case Analysis

Students analyze a case involving a disruptive student and propose ways to address the situation. This task fosters analytical and problem-solving skills.

Example 3: Project Work – Designing an Educational Module

Students create a module for 5th graders on "Environmental Protection," selecting teaching methods, designing assignments, and planning evaluations. This activity encourages critical evaluation of materials and solutions.

Example 4: Data Analysis

On Google* Classroom, instructors upload statistical data on student performance. Students analyze the data, identify causes of low performance, and suggest solutions, fostering analytical and decision-making skills.

These methods prepare students to address real-world professional challenges while developing their critical thinking.


Critical thinking is a vital skill for teachers, enabling them to analyze complex situations, make informed decisions, effectively plan lessons, and find individualized approaches to students. Developing this competency enhances professionalism, adaptability to evolving educational demands, and the ability to implement innovative practices.

Future Research Directions

  1. Developing and adapting digital tools for fostering critical thinking in teacher training programs.
  2. Studying the effectiveness of different methods for developing critical thinking in hybrid learning environments.
  3. Exploring the impact of critical thinking on professional problem-solving and career development.
  4. Analyzing interdisciplinary approaches to education aimed at enhancing critical thinking.

These directions can solidify critical thinking as a core component of teacher training, ensuring a high level of professional competence among future educators.

Research indicates that students trained with interactive technologies and active methods demonstrate better performance, adaptation to pedagogical activities, and problem-solving abilities.

By integrating active learning methods, interactive technologies, project-based activities, and reflective practices, educational institutions can improve the quality of teacher training and foster professional growth.



  1. Ennis, R. Critical Thinking: Theory and Practice. Moscow: Publishing Center, 2020.
  2. Bloom, B. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2018.
  3. Leontiev, A. Activity-Based Approach in Pedagogy. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 2015.
  4. Ganny, A. Developing Critical Thinking in Students: Approaches and Methods. Almaty: KazNPU, 2019.
  5. Kozlov, V. V. Teaching Methods in Pedagogical Universities. Moscow: Publishing House, 2017.
  6. Shpek, V. Y. Theory and Methodology of Developing Critical Thinking in Education. Moscow: Higher School, 2016.
  7. Paul, R., Elder, L. Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life. Pearson, 2019.
  8. Dias, S. R., Carpenter, K. Project-Based Learning and Critical Thinking Development. Moscow: Academic Project, 2021.
  9. Kovaleva, L. M. Pedagogical Reflection to Develop Critical Thinking. Tver: Tver State University, 2018.
  10. Yankovich, V. N. Modern Approaches to Teaching and Developing Critical Thinking in Schoolchildren and Students. Moscow: Nauka, 2019.


*По требованию Роскомнадзора информируем, что иностранное лицо, владеющее информационными ресурсами Google является нарушителем законодательства Российской Федерации – прим. ред.)

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