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Статья опубликована в рамках: LXXXIX Международной научно-практической конференции «Современная психология и педагогика: проблемы и решения» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 16 декабря 2024 г.)

Наука: Педагогика

Секция: Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования

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Библиографическое описание:
Yeshmurat G.K., Kudebaeva G.A. COMPREHENDING THE EFFECTS OF MATH ANXIETY ON THE CAREER PATHS OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION STUDENTS // Современная психология и педагогика: проблемы и решения: сб. ст. по матер. LXXXIX междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 12(86). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2024. – С. 254-262.
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Yeshmurat Gulnur Kuanyshkyzy

Postgraduate student, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University,

Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda

Kudebaeva Galia Almasovna

Postgraduate student, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University,

Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda


Certain attitudes toward mathematics appear to be universal across different countries and cultures. However, nations vary not only in their actual math performance but also in how much students enjoy mathematics, whether they view success as stemming from natural talent or hard work, and the level of importance they assign to math education. These differences in attitudes and approaches to mathematics can significantly impact levels of math anxiety, though the nature of this influence is complex and not easily predicted. In countries with high-achieving students, math anxiety might be lower due to their academic success. Conversely, it could be higher because of the intense focus on math and academic excellence, which exacerbates the fear of failure. Additionally, students in high-achieving nations often compare themselves to equally high-performing peers rather than those in lower-achieving countries, adding further pressure.

Research by Cipora et al. (2022) explored math anxiety across different nations and found an inconsistent relationship between national math achievement and average levels of math anxiety among children. [1] For example, students in high-achieving Asian countries such as Korea and Japan often experience high levels of math anxiety. In contrast, their counterparts in high-performing Western European countries like Finland, the Netherlands, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland report lower anxiety levels. These variations may stem from cultural or educational factors, such as intense exam pressure in Asian countries or differences in curricula that remain unexamined.

In Kazakhstan, where both school and university curricula impose substantial academic demands, it is essential to study math anxiety further, particularly among students pursuing mathematics-related education. This investigation could provide valuable insights into the factors contributing to math anxiety and inform strategies to address it effectively.

Results and Discussion

The survey revealed that 55% of participants experienced math anxiety, with third-grade students showing higher levels of anxiety compared to fourth-grade students (Figure 1). Among those affected, 28.7% reported that their math anxiety began in high school, 23.8% traced it back to elementary school, and 21.3% noted its onset during university. These findings suggest that a significant portion of participants likely developed math anxiety during their childhood.

Experts in math education suggest that math anxiety generally increases with age during childhood [2,3,4]. While severe math anxiety is rare in younger children, some studies have reported notable levels of anxiety even among early primary school students [2,5]. This trend reflects how attitudes toward math often deteriorate as children grow older [6]. Supporting this, research by Demedts et al. (2022) found that while two-thirds of 11-year-olds consider math their favorite subject, this enthusiasm decreases significantly by age 16.


Figure 1. Math Anxiety Comparison: Third vs. Fourth Year Students


Recent research has sought to identify the underlying causes of math anxiety among students pursuing a mathematics education. Findings revealed that 27.5% of participants attributed their math anxiety to a lack of self-confidence (Figure 2). Studies consistently demonstrate an inverse relationship between self-perception in mathematics and the prevalence of math anxiety [6]. Students who view themselves as lacking mathematical ability are more likely to experience heightened anxiety. This insecurity often stems from struggles encountered in math classes at different educational levels or within the home environment. In some cases, a lack of encouragement from teachers to engage actively with mathematical concepts contributed to diminished confidence. Additionally, family members or teachers inadvertently played a role in fostering this anxiety [7]. For instance, when math was described as “easy,” students struggling with the subject felt inadequate. Conversely, when math was portrayed as inherently difficult, coupled with adults admitting their own struggles, it reinforced the belief that the student was destined to face similar challenges [8]. This study highlights the significant impact of parental math anxiety on their children's learning and attitudes toward the subject. Approximately 27.5% of participants indicated that their math anxiety originated from family influences (Figure 2), emphasizing the critical role of a supportive and positive environment in mitigating this issue.


Figure 2. Causes of math anxiety


About 17.5% of participants reported that their math anxiety was caused by challenges stemming from missed lessons (Figure 2). This issue was especially common in university settings where large class sizes and fast-paced lectures left little room for questions or clarifications. Many students struggled to understand the professors' explanations, as they often presented mathematical content quickly on the board without sufficient detail or elaboration [9]. These teaching methods contributed significantly to students' anxiety about mathematics.

Additionally, some students experienced math anxiety when they observed their peers mastering concepts with ease while they themselves struggled [3]. In some cases, students had enrolled in courses without the necessary foundational knowledge or preparation. Occasionally, the prerequisites for the required level of mathematical proficiency were unclear. As a result, 15% of participants noted that while courses initially seemed manageable (Figure 2), the assignments became increasingly complex as the term progressed, exposing gaps in their understanding and increasing their anxiety. Survey respondents also detailed their personal experiences with math anxiety. A total of 37 participants described physical and emotional symptoms they had endured, while 35 shared feelings of frustration and confusion (Figure 3). Furthermore, 8 participants reported experiencing such extreme stress that they became disengaged and stopped paying attention in class. These insights highlight the multifaceted nature of math anxiety and the diverse ways it manifests among students.


Figure 3. Symptoms of math anxiety


The data shown in Figure 4 highlights the different strategies participants used to cope with their challenges. Many students have found ways to reduce stress, including techniques such as deep breathing exercises, listening to music, or using self-affirmation to restore their sense of calm (20.5%) (Figure 4). Additionally, 28.7% of students focused on improving their self-confidence by employing strategies like relating new material to previous knowledge (36.3%), starting with easier math problems and gradually progressing to more difficult ones, and reassuring themselves of their ability to succeed in mathematics (Figure 4).


Figure 4. Personal strategies to alleviate math anxiety


The survey asked participants about the methods they plan to use as future mathematics teachers to reduce math anxiety among their students. Notably, 35% of respondents indicated their intention to utilize a variety of technologies to address this issue (Figure 5). Experts in math education highlight the importance of incorporating diverse resources into mathematics instruction. These resources include tools such as textbooks, educational videos, math games, hands-on manipulatives, and technological integrations. Using this broad array of tools caters to the diverse needs of students and aligns with the principles of a constructivist classroom, which goes beyond traditional curricula and textbooks to foster an engaging and adaptable learning environment [5].


Figure 5. Teacher strategies to mitigate math anxiety


Approximately 27.5% of participants highlighted that tailoring math tasks to match a student's skill level can help reduce math anxiety (Figure 5). Experts in math education stress the importance of engaging students actively in the learning process [10]. This engagement involves building on students' prior knowledge and encouraging reflection by providing clear explanations and requiring students to justify their solutions. One effective strategy is to connect different mathematical concepts and link them to knowledge gained in previous lessons. When students face challenging math problems, identifying connections to familiar areas of mathematics helps them begin solving problems, reducing feelings of helplessness. This approach also reinforces the idea that there are multiple methods to solve a problem, boosting students' confidence and creativity. By fostering a sense of ownership in their learning, students are encouraged to explore and apply their problem-solving skills, which can significantly lower math anxiety. This method not only enhances understanding but also empowers students to take an active role in their educational journey, making mathematics more approachable and less intimidating [10].

As shown in Figure 5, 12.5% of participants emphasized the importance of encouraging risk-taking as a key aspect of learning mathematics. They expressed their commitment, as future educators, to fostering mathematical learning through the adoption of interactive and student-centered teaching practices. These include encouraging students to share their ideas openly, reinforcing the concept that there are multiple ways to solve a problem, and treating mistakes as valuable learning opportunities rather than something to be hidden. These strategies play a crucial role in building students’ confidence and are consistent with research that highlights the need to evaluate solutions based on their mathematical logic and coherence [11]. Within this approach, teachers actively engage with students, collaborating with them to develop their own problem-solving methods. This process empowers students to create unique strategies, shifting the focus away from the teacher as the sole source of authority and knowledge [11].

As future educators, participants emphasized the importance of implementing these practices to create inclusive and innovative classroom environments. Such approaches aim to inspire confidence and creativity in students while fostering a deeper understanding of mathematics.

The main goal of this study is to assess how math anxiety impacts students training to become mathematics teachers and its potential effects on their future careers. A significant 90% of participants expressed concerns about making mathematical errors and the negative consequences these could have on their teaching effectiveness. Additionally, 65% of respondents reported feeling overwhelmed by the idea of teaching mathematics in the future, with this apprehension closely linked to their existing math anxiety.



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