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Статья опубликована в рамках: XLI Международной научно-практической конференции «Современная психология и педагогика: проблемы и решения» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 14 декабря 2020 г.)

Наука: Педагогика

Секция: Педагогическая психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Mamyrkhanova Zh., Orazkulova A. THE ROLE, CONTENT, AND SPECIFICS OF TEACHING READING IN ENGLISH CLASSES // Современная психология и педагогика: проблемы и решения: сб. ст. по матер. XLI междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 12(39). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2020. – С. 114-117.
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Mamyrkhanova Zhamila

PHD, Taraz regional university named after M.KH.Dulaty

Kazakhstan, Taraz

Orazkulova Akmaral

Master student, Taraz regional university named after M.KH.Dulaty

Kazakhstan, Taraz


The article is devoted to the specifics of teaching reading in English lessons in high school. The article reveals the mechanisms, forms, and types of reading, as well as its connection with other types of speech activity.


Статья посвящена специфике обучения чтению на уроках английского языка в средней школе. В статье раскрываются механизмы, формы и виды чтения, а также его связь с другими видами речевой деятельности.


Keywords: learning to read, English, reading mechanisms, forms of reading, types of reading, specifics of learning to read.

Ключевые слова: обучение чтению, английский язык, механизмы чтения, формы чтения, виды чтения, специфика обучения чтению.


Reading is a receptive type of speech activity, which is based on the perception, processing, and comprehension of the written text. This is one of the most important educational and educational processes, during which various communication tasks are solved by extracting information from the text, and the experience accumulated by humanity in various fields is transferred and mastered: social, cultural, etc.

Reading is an effective learning tool. Its role in the process of mastering the language material and it is indisputable during the reading language units are memorized.

Memorization can be either involuntary or arbitrary [GEZ 1982: 271]. The first is carried out in the process of rapid introductory reading when the reader's attention is focused only on the content of the text, but along with it there is involuntary assimilation of language forms. Voluntary memorization is realized in the course of the conscious orientation of the reader's attention not only to the content but also to the language means used in the text.

Reading is closely related to other types of speech activity. Without writing, there would be no need for reading, while without the ability to read, writing would be extremely useless. It is impossible to start learning to read if the child does not have speech experience in speaking. It follows that reading is the process of recognizing language material already known in the form of oral speech in a printed text. In turn, reading itself has a positive impact on the development of correct oral speech, since repeated repetitions of language units in different contexts help to clarify their semantic boundaries and norms of use. Auditory perception contributes to the assimilation of the intonation side of speech, which, of course, has a positive effect on the reading technique. It should be noted that the ability to read is formed only once. Everything that happens afterward is an improvement of this initial skill by including in it particular skills related to both the perception of the graphic side of texts and their understanding [Rogova 1991: 140].

The speech mechanisms of reading, as well as in oral speech, are speech hearing, prediction, and memory. Speech hearing plays an important role in the sound-letter analysis of the printed text, which involves the ability to compare spoken sounds with letters, determine their order and number in a word, and then memorize them. Prediction, or" mental overtaking", involves the relationship between known and unknown words and largely depends on the degree of familiarity with the topic of the text being read.

In modern methods, there are two main forms of reading: to oneself (internal reading) and aloud (external reading). It is common to define internal reading as the main form of reading, and external reading as a secondary form. The purpose of the first is to extract information in private, which indicates that reading to yourself is characterized by monologue. The purpose of the second is to transmit information to other people, which indicates the dialogical nature of this form of reading. Despite the functional differences between the two forms, they are closely interrelated and complement each other. Both external and internal readings are carried out by the same mechanisms of speech activity: probabilistic forecasting, operational and long-term memory, and comprehension. Internal speech when reading to yourself largely depends on how sounding speech is formed when reading aloud. In turn, the sound of speech when reading aloud is an indicator of the features of internal speech.

As the role of information in the life of society has increased significantly in recent decades, the amount of information required for perception and study has also increased significantly. Based on this, there is a need to develop flexible approaches to extracting information with varying degrees of depth and completeness, depending on the communicative tasks facing the reader:

* viewing is a cursory, selective reading that aims to get a general idea of the content of the text. It is preceded by awareness and learning reading;

* introductory-reading "for yourself". It is characterized by the lack of installations for obtaining any specific information, it is aimed at identifying the main content of the read, the ability to distinguish the main and secondary thoughts;

* learner – thoughtful and unhurried reading, which is based on a complete understanding of the text information and its subsequent analysis. A distinctive feature of learning reading is a large number of regressions – repeated rereadings of individual parts or the entire text as a whole;

* search-a type of reading aimed at quickly finding certain information in the text and then studying it [Folomkina 2005: 25].

There are also other types of reading, depending on the forms of organization of the reading process and the complex of mental operations necessary for the implementation of this speech activity. For example synthetic and analytical reading, untranslated and translated, educational (on the teacher's instructions) and real or independent (on the student's own initiative), frontal (everyone reads the same book) and, individual.

Knowledge of different types of reading is an important component of the culture of reading both in the native and foreign languages. However, the texts used in the learning process are of great importance for the successful assimilation and further use of these types of reading by students. They have the following requirements:

* educational value. Reading the proposed texts should develop students ' moral and ethical norms; * cognitive value, the correctness of the ratio of the new and the known. Texts should include a variety of information and facts about countries, peoples, different cultures and, spheres of human life, giving you the opportunity to learn something new or to specify and expand already known information;

* the content of texts should be appropriate to the age and individual characteristics of students. It should correspond to the level of intellectual development and meet the interests of students. Boring and difficult to understand the text is unable to bring any positive results to the learning process.

The process of understanding is a complex mental activity that requires both memory and a variety of mental operations: generalization, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, etc. In the course of semantic processing of information obtained from the text, the reader does not just establish facts, but identifies significant fragments among them, generalizes, correlates, evaluates, interprets them, and based on the results obtained, comes to any conclusions.

There are two levels of understanding-the level of meaning and the level of meaning. The first level is aimed at obtaining information, determining the meaning of language units and their relationship. The second level is related to the further processing of the received information to understand the meaning of the text as a complete speech work.



  1. GEZ N. I. et al. Methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary schools: Moscow: Higher School, 1982, 373 p.
  2. Klychnikova Z. I. Psychological features of teaching reading in a foreign language: a guide for teachers. 2nd ed., ISPR. M.: Enlightenment, 1983. 207 p.
  3. Milrud R. P. Didactic materials for teaching early reading. To the book for teachers of EMC "Star English" (primary school). M.: Enlightenment, 2012. 49 p.
  4. Rogova G. V. et al. Methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary schools. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 1991. 287 p.
  5. Solovova E. N. Methods of teaching foreign languages: basic course: manual for students of pedagogical universities and teachers. 3rd ed. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 2005, 239 p.
  6. Folomkina S. K. Teaching reading in a foreign language in a non-linguistic University: textbook.-method. manual. M.: Higher school, 2005. 255 p.
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