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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 16(102)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Yakshina T.V. ANALYTICAL ASPECTS OF STUDYING CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN THE MARKET OF HOBBY GOODS IN BELGOROD // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 16(102). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/102/176375 (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).


Yakshina Tatiana Vladimirovna

3 year student of the Department of Sociology and Youth Work Organization, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article reveals the definition of consumer satisfaction, presents the results of a sociological study of the hobby goods market on the example of Belgorod and draws conclusions.


Keywords: hobby, home, creativity, customer satisfaction, market hobby products, the average amount of quality


Products for Hobbies and creativity have been in demand at all times. Of course, groceries and utilities – essential expenditure, which will always be the priority for anyone, but if he is seriously involved in some form of creativity, its values are somewhat different than those of any other person not having a hobby-creativity: the consumer would rather trade foreign expensive trips, but not from his passion. That is why products for crafts and creativity are sold even in times of crisis.

Consumer satisfaction with products for Handicrafts and creativity is the feeling experienced by the consumer after purchasing and using a product that meets or exceeds their expectations.

It should be noted that the economic crises of 2008 and 2014 had a positive impact on the development of the hobby goods market. In contrast to the decline in many other areas, the market for Hobbies and creativity grew steadily by 20% per year. Home creativity has become an affordable alternative option for recreation and self-expression, a way to decorate the interior and make a beautiful gift with your own hands.

The implementation of a creative function in home creativity often leads to consumers moving from the category of " Amateurs "to the category of"professionals". In Russia, the business model of "home" earnings on Hobbies is gradually being formed.

The metrics that are used to determine customer satisfaction are different, but they are individual for each organization. These indicators are developed by companies based on the specifics of their activities and the characteristics of their products.the other part is formed based on research of consumers and their attitude to products. The latter appear due to feedback from the company's customers.

To develop communication with consumers and obtain the necessary information, surveys are conducted, excursions to enterprises, etc.any information, both positive and negative (complaints, complaints, claims), is important.

The main source of information for determining the level of satisfaction is consumer surveys. Companies, depending on their goals, objectives, capabilities, and resources, conduct research independently by their own marketing Department or contact consulting agencies. Any method has its pros and cons. If a company conducts research on its own, it is a survey to determine the degree of customer satisfaction with a particular product or service. Third-party organizations address a wide range of issues. The issues of determining the reputation of an enterprise, its position in the market, as well as the competitiveness of a product or service are considered.

In order to identify the needs of consumers in the market of hobby goods, a sociological study was conducted, the method of which was a questionnaire survey. The respondents were residents of the Belgorod region. The following results were obtained in the course of the study.

The first question was aimed at identifying the kind of hobby of Belgorod residents. The majority are interested in sewing (14.6%), painting and embroidery (12.5% each). 10.4% are interested in modeling, and 8.3% of respondents are engaged in knitting, burning and wood carving. 4.2% of respondents chose diamond embroidery, mosaic and coloring by numbers and contours as their Hobbies, and an equal number of respondents are engaged in beading, modeling and sculpture, making dolls and toys, working with leather, soap making and Floristics (2.1% each). This suggests that Belgorod Residents are not interested in the remaining types of needlework, perhaps they did not know about some of them at all.

Daily visitors to hobby stores are 10.4% of respondents, and 14.6% of respondents visit hobby stores on a weekly basis. 33.3% of respondents visit such stores once a month,22.9% once a year, and 12.5% once a year. 6.3% of respondents made purchases in hobby stores only once.

Most likely, people who visited a hobby store once are not interested in needlework, but made a purchase "as a gift". But daily visitors to such stores may have made their hobby a way of earning money. The rest of the respondents visit hobby stores as necessary or as their Hobbies change.

As part of the study, we found that half of the respondents surveyed do not care what store to make a purchase for crafts and creativity. 27% of respondents prefer to make purchases in supermarkets, 19% - in hypermarkets, 4% - in the store " at home».

The results of evaluating the criteria for making a purchase show that the choice of the majority of respondents is primarily influenced by the quality of products (42%) and affordable prices (35%). For 15% of respondents, convenience of location (proximity to home/work) is important, for 6% - relevance of collections, for 2% - quality of service. Therefore, for most people, the assortment and its price-quality ratio are in the first place, and the convenience of the store's location and the relevance of the collections go by the wayside.

Interesting is the fact that more than half of respondents (83%) consider prices in hobby stores to be affordable. Prices are low for 11% of respondents, and unacceptable for 6%.

To the question "do you Need expert advice when choosing products?" 46% of respondents answered "no, not necessary", 33% of respondents answered "Yes, sometimes", 21% – "Yes, rarely". This indicates that, most often, the buyer clearly knows what he wants to buy and he needs the help of a consultant superficially or not at all.

Analyzing the average purchase amount in a hobby store, we found that for 30% of customers it is 600-800 rubles, for another 30% - 800-1000 rubles, for 13% - 200-400 rubles, for 12% - 1000-1500 rubles, for 10% - 400-600 rubles, and for 5% - up to 200 rubles.

The survey was conducted by 33.3% of men and 66.7% of women under the age of 18 (33.3%),18-30 years (27.1%),30-45 years (20.8%), and 45 years of age (18.8%). Out of the entire sample of consumers of hobby products, 69% of respondents estimate their income as average, 19% of respondents consider their income low, and 12% consider themselves high-income people.

Thus, the results of the conducted sociological research showed that, in General, respondents are satisfied with the "price-quality" ratio. First of all, the quality of the product is important for the respondents, not the price, novelty of collections, etc. Respondents estimate their income as average and the amount of purchases in hobby stores varies from 200 to 1500 rubles.

It should be noted that the consumption of products for Hobbies and creativity has not fallen even in the crisis, during which consumers are trying not only to spend their free time profitably, but also to earn money by selling products of their own production or save on buying a number of products using Hobbies and creativity. Almost every city with a population of more than 300 thousand people has at least one Federal chain store that sells products for Hobbies and crafts. Thus, we can conclude that the market for creative goods will always exist.



  1. The hobby market in Russia: yesterday and today [Electronic resource]. – URL: https://kanzoboz.ru/article.php?View=448631 (accessed: 15.10.2019).
  2. Consumer Satisfaction [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://spravochnick.ru/marketing/udovletvorennost_potrebiteley/ (accessed: 23.10.2019).
  3. Questionnaire for studying demand [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://znaytovar.ru/s/Anketa-dlya-izucheniya-sprosa.html/ (accessed: 24.10.2019).
  4. Description of the sales market [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://www.beboss.ru/bplans/198-biznes-plan-magazina-rukodeliya/3-opisanie-rynka-sbyta/ (accessed: 24.10.2019).

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