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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 28(114)

Рубрика журнала: Информационные технологии

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Библиографическое описание:
Mukhammadjonov Kh., Umarov Kh., Abdullakhujayev D. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE INTRODUCTION OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 28(114). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/114/187086 (дата обращения: 23.03.2025).


Mukhammadjonov Khojiakbar

student, Ferghana branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies,

Uzbekistan, Fergana

Umarov Khusniddin

student, Ferghana branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies,

Uzbekistan, Fergana

Abdullakhujayev Davronkhuja

student, Ferghana branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies,

Uzbekistan, Fergana


The article gives an idea of innovative technology. As well as the importance of innovative technology in the development of society.


Keywords: innovation, information, technology, education, pedagogy, strategy.


In modern society, the issues of harmonizing one's inner and outer culture, establishing their objective criteria, are extremely important. We can say that this is evident in the rapidly evolving globalization process. The struggle for a worthy place in this space does bypass Uzbekistan. Globalization is the process of increasing interconnection between different countries and regions of the world. The convergence of countries of the world in the socio-economic, political and cultural spheres, the integration of events into one country on the universal scale. It is no wonder now that a lot of money is spent on processing information, delivering it to a designated space, and being the first to deliver it. After all, young people have a perception that it is always right to provide information. This will allow them to disseminate any information they want from their own interests.

Today's globalization process, along with the modernization of society, bypasses any society or state. Therefore, their positive and negative effects are seen in social life, especially in the case of young people who have the power to influence the country's future. Particularly the currents that are trying to influence our youth in various ways, the so-called “mass cultures” are aimed at provoking youth in such a way as national identity, patriotism. The ability to withstand such modern threats is a time-consuming use of national spiritual heritage and Islamic culture, which is a national idea and its basic principles in the implementation of the country's strategic goals and objectives.

In the ideological landscape of the world, regardless of how much money is spent, the issue of education and training is important. This is the fourth priority of the "Strategy of Action for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021", adopted at a new stage of development of Uzbekistan. The establishment of effective mechanisms for the implementation of innovational achievements in the information society is highlighted.

In the development of innovative activities, it is important to note that, to some extent, it is a system that regulates social, economic, cultural and other relations. These regulating relationships cannot thrive without socio-cultural technologies.

For over the years of independence the Republic of Uzbekistan has carried out fundamental, structural and substantive reforms that have encompassed all levels of education system and its components, which were aimed at ensuring its compliance with the long-term objectives and interests of the country, modern requirements, as well as international standards. The appropriate legal framework reforming this sector was created, which defined as a priority the growth of investment, as well as the investments in human capital, training of educated and intellectually developed generation, which is the crucial asset and a decisive force in the achievement of democratic development, modernization and renewal, ensuring stable and sustainable growth of the economy.

One of the culminating problem while creating the Democratic society is the change of human’s education and thinking. The creation of new type of thinking, will become the principal factor of development which is based on the directions democratic society of the person’s place and understanding the role in today’s progress. Human is a main wealth in every nation. It can be concluded from this, the primary way of improving nation’s wealth and power is to increase the each person’s own creative skills. Nowadays the amount of money which are spent on education are just not simple expenses, probably they are considered as investments which bring economical income in a fast rate.

Innovation - is theoretically grounded, focused and practice - oriented innovation. The objectives of the innovative education are:

- Ensuring a high level of intellectual and personal and spiritual development of the student;

- Creation of conditions for mastering the skills they scientific way of thinking;

- Teaching methodology innovations in socio-economic and professional spheres.

Nowadays required to prepare a new professional quality, society needs not just a competent worker, and the expert, capable to self-oriented creative approach to business, with high culture of thinking, multilateral development people.

Many teachers of special subjects now ask, what should be a lesson for modern students with the knowledge of the maximum of what they are given.

We need to teach students how to learn for life, and for that the teacher must be capable of continuous updating of techniques to work with the new generation, to fit in a constantly changing environment, encourage students in their creative approach to the subject, using a variety of non-traditional forms and methods of teaching , innovative technologies.

Particular emphasis is placed on student-oriented technologies - cooperative learning, project-based learning, technology individualization and differentiation, multilevel training. Individualization technology is widely used in conducting training courses with course design, graduation design. Students' progress in the protection course or research projects show performance. Collective learning technology is used during the lessons in the form of workshops, talks, discussions, dialogues as a result of which is the solution of the problem situation to a student, for example, on the railways.

Training is carried out in co-operation during the laboratory and practical works on disciplines special cycle.

Learning is based on binary Stepping organization of cognitive and practical activities of students.

These lessons are lively, emotionally, in an atmosphere of high activity of students and cover material more than one discipline.

Under the prism of innovative technologies change the system checks the students in the knowledge of specialized disciplines. Modern methods of measuring the level of training of students, focused on the use of computer technology (computer testing), and fully meet the realities of the present, provide fundamentally new opportunities, increase the effectiveness of the teacher. A significant advantage of these technologies is that they provide new opportunities and student. Student of the object of study is transformed into a subject of study, consciously involved in the learning process and make their own decisions associated with it. Forte computer test control of knowledge is the ability to capture in the process of testing a large amount of material, and thus get a really broad view of knowledge of the student test that allows you to significantly increase the objectivity, the detail and accuracy of the estimation results of the learning process.

Conducting lessons of special subjects using video, computer presentations - is a powerful incentive to learn. Through these lessons the students become active mental processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking; much more active and quicker arousal of cognitive interest. Information technologies provide information in various forms and thus make the learning process more effective. Saving the time required studying a particular material, the average is 30%, and acquired knowledge stored in the memory is much longer. Thus, the use of ICT in conjunction with the right technology training and create the necessary level of quality of education, variation, differentiation and individualization of learning.

In this regard, the following conclusions and highlight a number of advantages such a lesson in comparison with the ordinary:

- Improves the absorption of new material, as a result of the predominance of Visual thinking students easily perceive the information thus supplied;

- In the course of the students formed spatial and logical thinking;

- Naturally achieved by optimization of the pace of work of students;

- It is possible with the help of computer animation in the classroom to create a problematic situation, resulting in a lesson assumes the character of educational games, and most of the students increases the motivation of educational activity.

Integration of conventional lessons with a computer allows the teacher to shift part of their work on a PC, while making the learning process more interesting, diverse and intense. In particular, it is faster recording process definitions, objectives, and other important parts of the material, because the teacher does not have to repeat the text several times (he brought it to the screen), the student does not have to wait until it is again required him to fragment.

All this shows that the lesson using computer presentations has a higher efficiency compared to a conventional lesson.

The essence of innovative technologies aimed at the formation of skills is precisely to ensure that the students of these problems, in the solution of which they have mastered the techniques of activity.

All of the above leads to the conclusion that the major features innovative learning can be considered:

- Intensive development of the individual student and teacher;

- Democratization of their joint activity and communication;

- Humanization of the educational process;

- Focus on creative teaching and active learning, student initiative in forming themselves as future professionals;

- Modernization of the means, methods, technologies and facilities of learning, contributing to the formation of innovative thinking of the future professional.

In conclusion we can say applying innovation technologies are the main factor of the development of the country. We think that every citizen must be initiative and active in accelerating the process of applying innovation technologies.



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  2. S.Axmadjanov. Pedagogy. Text. Tashkent., 2007 y
  3. WWW. Referat.uz

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