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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 39(125)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

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Библиографическое описание:
Rustamov Z. MOTIVATION OF LABOR STAFF AT THE ENTERPRISE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 39(125). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/125/194136 (дата обращения: 01.03.2025).


Rustamov Zakir

student, Faculty of Management, Dagestan State University,

Russia, Makhachkala

Abdullaeva Madina

научный руководитель,

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Dagestan State University,

Russia, Makhachkala



Рустамов Закир Арсенович

студент, Факультет Управления, Дагестанский государственный университет,

РФ, г. Махачкала

Абдуллаева Мадина Имимаевна

научный руководитель, канд. филос. наук, доц. кафедры иностранных языков, Дагестанский государственный университет,

РФ, г. Махачкала



We see how the world is changing rapidly. It is difficult to imagine the functioning of all spheres of human life without the help of electronic, computer, network and many other automated technologies. Such a unique phenomenon as the digital economy has appeared and is developing, which begins with communication, the acquisition of goods and ends with production, as well as the supply of products to sales markets. This article is devoted to the emergence of a new economic era - the era of the digital economy. The article is aimed at defining the concept of a country's digital economy, its development prospects, as well as the state of the digital economy in Russia and its development trends.


Мы видим, как стремительно меняется мир. Трудно представить функционирование всех сфер жизни человеческого общества без помощи электронных, компьютерных, сетевых и множества других автоматизированных технологий. Появилось и развивается такое уникальное явление, как цифровая экономика, которая начинается с общения, приобретения товаров и заканчивается производством, а также поставками продукции на рынки сбыта. Настоящая статья посвящена зарождению новой экономической эпохи – эпохи цифровой экономики. Статья направленна на определение понятия цифровая экономика страны, ее перспективы развития, а также состояние цифровой экономики в России и тенденции ее развития.


Keywords: digital economy, innovative development, information technology, information environment, development trends.

Ключевые слова: цифровая экономика, инновационное развитие, информационные технологии, информационная среда, тенденции развития.


Modern information and communication technologies have a multifaceted effect on public relations, a new information society is being formed, which is called the "digital economy". The properties of the digital economy are quite similar to traditional, economic relations, but it differs in many respects from them, which makes it relevant in our time. The introduction of the digital economy is a mechanism for the development of the economic structure and state structure as a whole. In the messages to the Federal Assembly dated 01.12.2016 - the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin proposed "Launching a large-scale program for economic development." Following the President's proposal, in December 2016, the strategy for the development of the information society of Russia for 2017-2030 was published, which for the first time defines the digital economy as an activity “in which the key factors of production are data presented in digital form, and their processing and use in large volumes, including education, allows, in comparison with traditional forms of management, to significantly increase the efficiency of quality and productivity in various types of production, sale, delivery and consumption of goods and services. " This strategy formulates the concept of "information society" as an industrial society, a new historical phase in the development of civilization, in which the main production is information and its highest form of knowledge. [1] From the above, it can be seen that the problem of the formation and development of the digital economy is relevant, both in theoretical and practical understanding, where digital technologies play decisive roles in the formation of the strategic competitiveness of our country.

The digital economy is at the heart of development in general and has an impact on industries such as banking, retail, transportation, energy, governance, education and healthcare. It is noted that insufficient attention is paid to the development of management of individual industries, little attention is paid to the institutional aspects of the digital economy, the problems and prospects of business development in the conditions of the formation of the digital economy are poorly covered, and the digital economy is not sufficiently reflected in the management of modern economic relations.

The core of the digital economy is the production sector, digital goods and services that are directly related to digital technologies. Despite the global economic instability, statistics show a steady growth in world trade in digital economy products, the volume of services provided is growing at an outstripping pace, and business spending on research related to digital technologies is increasing, which shows how the digital technologies sector plays a key role in innovation. Digital technologies, and with it the digital economy, have significant potential to accelerate innovation processes. At the same time, the indicators of investment in the development of the digital economy for many enterprises is an important factor in its competitiveness in modern conditions. The governments of many countries also predict such changes, and are increasingly striving to develop the digital economy, the advantage of which is given by answers to key challenges of our time, such as reducing unemployment, improving living standards and improving the environment. [2]

Modern national digital strategies are aimed at developing the economy, creating innovative enterprises, increasing employment of the population, and shaping the efficiency of the public sector. The importance of developing the digital economy is also taken into account in Russia. It should be noted that the following measures aimed at developing the state of the digital economy:

- Development of infrastructure, which provides the basis for the formation of new models of business vision and the construction of scientific and social networks;

- Reducing barriers in the sectors of the digital economy;

- Increasing the level of proficiency in digital technologies, in terms of training and retraining of specialists;

- Ensuring confidence in the reliability and security of digital infrastructure;

- Development of the digital sector of the economy.

The digital sector of the economy is based on innovative technologies created by the electronic industry and is represented by two elements. Firstly, it is the electronics industry, the production of microchips, computers and telecommunications devices, as well as consumer electronics. Secondly, these are companies providing services in the field of digital technologies and using digital means of production. And in this direction, one of the main key points is investment in the digital sector of the economy. [3]

In modern conditions, the problems of the digital sector of the economy do not nameably affect competitiveness, given that the lag in receiving and processing relevant data, as well as the inability to use the digital resource, affects the loss of previous market positions. For this reason, the state of the digital sector, its elemental base, special technological equipment, which provide the necessary parameters of microcircuits, are a determining factor in the development prospects of the whole society. Today, in the global economy, there is a struggle in the field of digital technologies, which allows you to acquire undeniable advantages. The digital economy has created an indisputable type of resource - data, which is a modern factor of successful economic activity. [5] There are 4 criteria for analyzing the digital economy:

- Criterion related to the sphere of employment: this approach considers the structure of employment of the population and the patterns of observed changes. The transformation of socio-economic relations occurs due to the fact that most of the employed work in the digital sphere of the economy. The main problem with this criterion is the complexity of the employee who is involved in working with data;

- Spatial criterion: a number of digital economy concepts are based on a geographic principle, with a focus on data networks. At the same time, an important point is what aspect related to data transmission networks to consider when studying the digital economy;

- Economic criterion: this approach involves taking into account the growth of economic value in the field of activities for the creation, transmission, processing, storage of data. The data itself in such conditions becomes the object of economic relations;

- Technological criterion: the main technological concept has become a variety of technological innovations in the field of information and communication technologies, which have become available to a wide range of users. New technologies are a noticeable sign of changes in economic systems and they are often called the driver of economic development. [3]

The effectiveness of the development of these criteria in the digital economy is possible only in the presence of developed technologies, therefore measures to stimulate it should be focused on two directions. First, the restructuring and modernization of institutions is required to create conditions for the development of the digital economy - this is the normative regulation of digital markets and digital production. Secondly, it is a technical infrastructure, the creation of which requires not only significant efforts, but also investments for the data transmission network, data centers and advanced services. Despite the existing obstacles and difficulties, experts note that the digital economy in Russia continues to develop rapidly. [9] The manufacturing sector of the digital economy is also growing. Industrial automation, data use and artificial intelligence are transforming production processes, accelerating and increasing the release of various products, work execution and services. This allows you to open new ways of using human potential, but at the same time it can give rise to social problems associated with the disappearance of a number of mass and traditional professions. [6]

In our country, in order to develop the digital economy, on May 9, 2017, a presidential decree was issued "On the strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030", which determined the program of measures to develop the economy in Russia, taking into account the possibilities of its informatization and digitalization. In the development of this decree, on July 28, 2017, an order of the Government of Russia was issued, which approved the program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation". The main objectives of the program are to create conditions for the development of high-tech industries and to prevent the creation of restrictions in traditional sectors of the economy; increasing the competitiveness of the branch of the national economy and its strengthening in the world market. In this document, a number of indicators can be distinguished, so in 2024 at least 10 national companies should enter the market that could compete in the global market. In the same year, 10 digital platforms should function in the country for basic areas of the economy, these include: digital education, digital health and the creation of a smart city. It should be noted that Russia has good starting opportunities for the development of the digital economy, according to its current position in the world rankings, and does not show a lag in its level of development. On the other hand, being in the fourth ten of the world rankings, in the general opinion, requires intensified efforts with an orientation towards improving the situation. It is required to develop resource concepts in priority areas, the main technologies that will be used in the implementation of the adopted digital economy program. The digital economy of Russia has received a significant impetus for development in recent years, private companies have achieved certain success, the labor market is transforming, the level of availability of digital services for the population and business is increasing, the Internet, mobile and broadband communications are widespread. How the daily spread of the Internet has changed positively; banking sector development; expansion of the market for electronic services; improving urban infrastructure; availability of training materials and more. [7]

Nevertheless, like any other large-scale transformation, the development of the digital economy is associated not only with positive consequences, but also with a number of different kinds of risks and threats. These sources can be two main factors: the emergence of new types of risks and threats inherent in the digital economy, which are based on its technological features, and secondly, during the transition to the digital economy, an institutional transformation takes place, which is a powerful destabilizing factor for sustainable and successful socio-economic development. ... [8] The negative consequences of the development of the digital economy include such risks and threats as the growth of cybercrime, the technological vulnerability of the created digital infrastructure, the rapid obsolescence of technology and, as a consequence, the presence of disposal problems, as well as the growth of technological dependence on foreign suppliers. Among the priority tasks required to prevent threats and risks are:

1. Stimulating, creating and developing a business that is focused on the digital economy. The state should provide them with targeted support, provide guarantees for bank loans, compensate for part of the costs of patenting, provide support through the mechanism of public procurement, etc.;

2. Additional support for small and medium-sized businesses in the creation of digital technologies, the provision of digital services;

3. Formation and scaling of digital platforms for the main areas of the economy;

4. Increasing the volume of training and information specialists;

5. Formation of sectoral, regional and state systems for ensuring cybersecurity. [4]

The digital economy is a new type of economic relations, which today is involved in almost all sectors of the world market and has a tendency to actively develop. In the near future, the digital economy may become a leading segment, a driver of growth and development of the economic system as a whole. One of the key advantages of the digital economy over the traditional one is that electronic goods are practically inexhaustible. Digitalization is being introduced into social processes, and the successful life of people depends on it to a greater extent. Efforts in the digital economy of Russia are based on the strategy for the development of the information society and the provisions of the state program "Digital Economy". It should be noted that competition in the digital economy remains very tough and it is impossible to stop there. There is a need for joint work of the state and business to further develop the digital economy, where it is necessary to take into account a number of problems, risks and threats in order to focus resources and efforts to neutralize them.



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