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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 1(129)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Berebera O. ORGANIZATION OF INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY OF CHILDREN OF SENIOR PRESCHOOL AGE IN THE CONDITIONS OF PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 1(129). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/129/199655 (дата обращения: 27.02.2025).


Berebera Oksana

master student, Faculty of Preschool, Primary and Special Education The National Research University “Belgorod State University”,

Russia, Belgorod

One of the main forms in the process of education and upbringing of children in kindergarten is independent activity of children. Independent activity of children is one of the main models of organizing the educational process of preschool children. it is free activity of pupils in the conditions of a subject-developing educational environment created by teachers, which ensures that each child chooses activities based on their interests and allows them to interact with their peers or act individually.

Independent activity is a very broad concept. For example, in the older preschool age, the child already independently visits the toilet, eats with a spoon or puts on pajamas. These actions he performs daily and, just for fun, memorized them by heart. At the same time, it is difficult for him to figure out how, for example, to lay out a tree from a mosaic. In other words, the main thing in the development of independent activity of a child is to learn how to complete a task without the participation of a teacher or other assistants, determine the goal and ways to achieve it, make mental or physical efforts to do it in a certain period of time. Planning such activities by a child and achieving certain results is the development of independence [2, p. 51].

Independent activity of older preschoolers is manifested in a variety of game forms, in conducting observations and experimentation. At the age of 5-6 years, children significantly expand their sphere of interest, their curiosity goes beyond the study of objects in the immediate environment. In children's conversations, classes and games, thoughts and fantasies about space flights, pirate adventures, the age of dinosaurs, and trips to distant countries appear.

To develop the thinking of a preschooler, you need to use the following methods (Fig. 1).


Fig. 1. The ways of thinking development


But in any case, children should be offered classes based on their interests, regardless of whether they are collective or individual. Plus, independence should be manifested in helping others, which, of course, helps the division of labor with parents in everyday life.

The main task of the teacher is unobtrusive introduction of the child to different types of activities [3, p. 116].

The teacher's organizational skills are half the success in the development of his ward group. Among the main tasks of a teacher are the following:

1. Sound assessment of the age and individual characteristics of the child.

2. Creating conditions not only for independent activity, but also for performing it with a creative approach, having the opportunity to experiment.

3. Democratic approach to the individual choice of activities for the baby.

4. Timely response to changes in the mood and condition of children, necessary assistance, respect for the interests and joyful perception of children's appreciation.

5. The ability to interest the child, provide all the necessary conditions and even take part in children's fun.

6. In case of a negative reaction – to calm or distract the baby, and it is better to prevent negative consequences.

7. Introducing children to independent collective work [5].

At the same time, parents are required to pay maximum attention to educational activities. Joint conversations, informative stories, interesting walks in the Park, shopping or to the theater. In each of the areas of our life, the child will find something important to think about. Parents should not forget to ask their child after the impressions received, what he remembered more, what he liked and why.

Few parents have knowledge of the scientific approach to parenting. Most often, we are guided by the skills of our parents, remembering their tendency to educate themselves. Having not the most successful experience, many moms and dads on the contrary - try to do with their baby with the complete opposite. But there is no guarantee that this or that way of behavior is correct. A lot of educational literature is being produced to help parents. As a good example, we can mention the manual of E. Р. Nikolaev, which tells about the development of independent thinking skills in children in the.

Well, as you know, there is nothing more effective in education than cognitive development games. For kids from 3 years old, you can give an example, the magnetic constructor "Farm", where with the help of 33 elements, the child equips his" agricultural " field. It will be more interesting for girls to dream about the arrangement in their own home [7, p. 83].

Important in the process of developing the child's independence is the definition of play and educational zones in the walls of the kindergarten. There are mandatory corners with literature and pictures, photos and children's creative works. Also, each group should have a corner with inventory for creative activities. Plasticine, paints, and auxiliary items are usually placed here. As a result, the child will be able to choose an activity based on their interests, that is, determine the goal; put and remove used items in the same place. In this case, the furniture arrangement must necessarily correspond to.

In the senior group, you can create a duty schedule in order to form the ability of children to set the table, monitor the observance of order and cleanliness in the dining and playing areas, the bedroom, and the locker room. Positive emotions are brought by being on duty in a corner of wildlife, where children are assigned to monitor the condition of animals and plants, take care of them.

A huge plus will be a lot of boxes and shelves, where items of different sizes, sizes and textures are laid out. Children's constructor, dolls, cars or educational games-everyone, as they say, has its place.

Another important detail is the correct alternation of children's activities. The teacher's or parents ' employment planning should include mental, creative, mobile, or dance-music classes that alternate between each other. So the child will not get tired, and develop, as they say now, "comprehensively" [6].

Summing up, I would like to emphasize once again the importance of independent activity of children. After all, their personality is formed already now – at a very early stage of development. The responsibility of parents and teachers will help the future of their children. And sometimes resenting the fact that you don't do all the work for them, kids don't know how grateful they will be in adulthood.



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  2. Bukina, N. N. on the development of independence of preschool children / N. N. Bukina. - SPb., 2016. - 198 p.
  3. Ganeeva, A. S. Organization of independent activity of preschool children in accordance with the Federal state educational standard / A. S. Ganeeva // Questions of preschool pedagogy. – 2016. – № 1 (4). – P. 115-117.
  4. Methods of organization of independent activity of gifted preschoolers. Mode of access: https://mirdoshkolyat.ru/specialist/pedagogika/metody-organizacii-samostojatelnoj-dejatelnosti-odarennyh-doshkolnikov.
  5. Independent activity of children in the senior group of kindergarten. – Mode of access: https://melkie.net/vidy-deyatelnosti-v-dou/samostoyatelnaya-deyatelnost-detey.
  6. Independent activity of a child in kindergarten. – Mode of access: https://metodbv.ru/samostoyatelnaya-deyatelnost-rebenka-v-detskom-sadu/.
  7. Yudina, R. A. Myself! Development of independence in children 4-6 years / R. A. Yudina. - M.: Karapuz, 2017. - 121 p.

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