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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 3(131)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

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Библиографическое описание:
Tukhtasinov A. MODERN MARKETING CONCEPTS TO INCREASE THE COMPETITIVENESS OF NATIONAL GOODS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 3(131). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/131/201226 (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).


Tukhtasinov Abdulaziz

student, at the department of Economics and service, Fergana State University,

Uzbekistan, Fergana

Axunova Ogulxan

научный руководитель,

senior lecturer, at the department of Economics and service, Fergana State University,

Uzbekistan, Fergana

Salimjonova Zilola

научный руководитель,

teacher, at the department of Economics and service, Fergana State University,

Uzbekistan, Fergana


In this article, improving the competitiveness of national goods is the main solution to the problem and marketing research in this regard, access to foreign markets and gaining a worthy reputation in it, in turn, is associated with the marketing science of Uzbekistan and its foundations.


Keywords: marketing, foreign market, GDP, national brand.


Increasing the export potential of economic entities by increasing the competitiveness of national goods is one of the priorities of the country's socio-economic development strategy.  Conducting research aimed at scientific solutions to the problems of increasing the competitiveness of national goods "Five priorities for the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021" adopted by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017

It is important to note that the Strategy of Action in the direction of "Development of fundamentally new types of products and technologies, thereby ensuring the competitiveness of national goods in domestic and foreign markets."

Effective use of modern marketing concepts for the implementation of these tasks requires further strengthening of state support, and therefore the issue of creating a new, modern and effective mechanism in this regard is indicated as one of the priorities in the Action Strategy.

Improving the competitiveness of national goods is the main solution to the problem and in this regard, marketing research, access to foreign markets and gaining a worthy reputation in it, in turn, is associated with the creation of marketing science and its foundations specific to the Uzbek market.

In our country, large-scale work and deep reforms are being carried out to increase the competitiveness of national goods, in general, the use of modern marketing concepts in industries and sectors.  In particular, the principles and methods of marketing are being introduced on the basis of systematic and effective marketing research, development of marketing strategies aimed at protecting the domestic market and active penetration into foreign markets, in-depth analysis of existing problems and untapped opportunities and resources.

In recent years, in the context of modernization and deepening of the country's economy, further expansion of national production, ensuring the improvement of the country's exports, the development of the economy and the effective development of the consumer market.  economic growth was ensured.

The GDP of Uzbekistan in January-June 2018 in current prices amounted to 152,533.4 billion soums and increased by 4.9% compared to the same period last year.  The GDP deflator index in January-June 2017 compared to prices was 135.4% [1].  The GDP per capita is 4 million 653 thousand soums, which is 3.1% higher than in the corresponding period of 2017. The pace of economic growth is related to the positive dynamics observed in key sectors of the economy and the healthy competitive environment being created.

But statistics on the country’s foreign and domestic trade the observation of negative cases in the indicators is still ongoing.

According to the results of January-October 2018, the foreign trade turnover of the Republic of Uzbekistan amounted to 25 768.3 million.  USD, an increase of 15.9% over the same period last year.  In particular, the volume of exports amounted to 10,258.0 mln USD and the volume of imports amounted to 15 510.3 mln USD dollars. According to the final results, the foreign trade balance represents a negative indicator. There were also no sharp changes in the structure of exported goods and services, and the share of basic consumer goods, ie food and textiles, in total exports did not increase significantly.

The Action Strategy highlights the approval of a program for the development of promising sectors of the economy aimed at a high degree of localization for exports [2].  The implementation of this work will contribute to the construction and modernization of new production facilities, the introduction of modern technologies for the development of competitive, export-oriented products.

As a result of the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the concept of development of export activities for 2018-2021, the main tasks are [3]:

  • expansion of exports of high value products;
  • Identification of target markets for the development of trade relations for Uzbekistan;
  • further development of large-scale export-oriented production based on the study of foreign markets;
  • government support for the development of marketing-specific methods of studying foreign markets;
  • providing national markets with established products through close cooperation with key players;
  • widespread introduction of international quality standards (ISO 9001), familiarization of manufacturers with information on product standardization and certification in foreign markets, etc.

Therefore, increasing the export potential by ensuring the competitiveness of national goods produced by enterprises of the republic is one of the priorities for the effective use of modern marketing concepts in the real sector of the economy.

is one. In defining the challenges of global competition, it is important not only to focus on simple product demand and supply, but also to focus on the needs, desires and goals of potential consumers, to study them in depth and implement innovative marketing strategies to meet these conditions. remains.

Secondly, in order to strengthen the export potential of the country, special attention is paid to increasing the volume of supplies to foreign markets, expanding the range and geography of exported products, attracting new enterprises to export activities.

This, of course, requires the use of modern marketing concepts, ie the main focus should be on improving product quality and the effective use of consumer-oriented marketing concepts.  Through the introduction of modern marketing concepts, enterprises will help to form consumer demand for products, increase sales, further strengthen the brand of national goods, implement a special approach to customers in foreign markets, strengthen the company's market position.

Third, the use of innovative marketing strategies as a key area to increase the competitiveness of national goods is important.  Recently, approaches to the use of innovative marketing concepts in the country are used mainly in the framework of startup projects.  There is a lack of experience in the use of innovative marketing technologies in the practice of enterprises engaged in the production and sale of consumer goods.  Based on this, it is necessary to conduct systematic research aimed at the introduction of innovative marketing technologies.

Fourth, one of the main problems in increasing the competitiveness of national goods in the country is the lack of intellectual knowledge, skills and creative thinking professionals.

The main direction of solving this problem is to ensure the effective integration of education, science and industry.

In conclusion, it can be said that in different forms of ownership.

The production of national goods in enterprises will increase their competitiveness, in which the effective use of modern marketing concepts will play a worthy role in increasing the export potential of the regions.



  1. Data of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-4947 of February 7, 2017 "On the Action Strategy for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan." 144-band. // Uzbekistan Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017, No. 6.
  3. State on the implementation of the Action Strategy on the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 in the "Year of dialogue with the people and the interests of man" scientific-methodical pamphlet on the study of the program. - T.: “Ma'naviyat” publishing house, 2017. 213 p.

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