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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 5(133)

Рубрика журнала: История

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Библиографическое описание:
Batura A. PERSONALITY OF VLADIMIR MONOMAKH IN MODERN STUDIES BY ISHCHENKO A.S. AND ZAITSEVA L.A. “THE TEACHING” // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 5(133). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/133/203359 (дата обращения: 18.03.2025).


Batura Andrei

student, Department of Philosophy and Theology, Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Musaelyan Elena

научный руководитель,

scientific advisor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Doc. Foreign languages, Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article is devoted to the personality of Vladimir Monomakh, his direct state activity and spiritual influence in Russia during his reign in the years from 10 to 20. XII century. The author analyzes the importance of political decisions, as well as one of the most significant works of his life, "The Teaching." How much the figure of Vladimir Monomakh and his coming to power were sacred to Kiev Rus.


Keywords: Vladimir Monomakh, Kiev Rus, Prince, "The Teaching," sacrality, political.


One of the important stages throughout the existence of Kiev Rus in the period of ancient Russian history is the beginning of the XII century. This period became a transitional stage to feudal fragmentation, when such a large statesman as Vladimir Monomakh appeared on the Kiev throne. Modern researchers, when considering the period of the reign of Vladimir Monomakh, are trying to emphasize one of his activities (military, state or church relations), which in turn does not give the fullness of the picture of the understanding of Vladimir Monomakh as a full-fledged political figure. According to the author, one of the first modern researchers who tried and presented a more complete picture of the life of Monomakh to the discussion of the scientific community was A.S. Ishchenko, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Department of History, Philosophy and Social Technologies, Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute of the Don State Agrarian University. In his works, and in particular the monograph about Vladimir Monomakh, the latter appears as a major political figure from the time of Kiev Rus. Since the articles of A.S. Ishchenko represent Vladimir Monomakh in several directions and primarily not only as a commander, but as a major statesman and person who sought to educate morality and morality among the people.

Monomakh became one of the first statesmen to try to give the princely power of sacrality, thereby showing a level of wisdom and flexibility in the management of the state.

Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh (1053-1125) for 12 years occupied the grand ducal throne and became famous as an outstanding politician and commander. In addition to the experience of personal reflection, his political views are already based on the traditions of Byzantine political elites (the mother of Vladimir Monomakh was the daughter of Emperor Constantine IX Monomakh, whose surname was inherited by the prince). So is the emerging tradition of the political elites of Ancient Russia (the father of Vladimir Monomakh was the son of the "book lub" and the patron saint of Metropolitan Illarion, Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise)[1,p. 85]. Vladimir Monomakh was the youngest son and, according to all the canons of his time, could not become the ruler of Russia. Since the throne was engaged in seniority, as it so happened that the youngest son became the ruler of Kievan Rus. There is no definite answer to this question.

In his research works, A.S. Ishchenko reveals the scale of the personality of Vladimir Monomakh not just as a commander who defeated the Polovtsy. He shows his human qualities as a statesman.

In the review of V.V. Puzanov "Vladimir Monomakh and the Russian Socio-Historical Consciousness."[2] V.V. Puzanov gives a positive assessment of the research work done, but, despite this, he also points out that this is the first serious attempt to study the personality of Monomakh from different aspects of his life. V.V. Puzanov points out exactly what A.S. Ishchenko concentrates his study on. A. S. Ishchenko relies on those research methods (historical-genetic, historical-comparative, social analysis) that allow us to imagine the Russian historical consciousness as a long cultural-historical process, analyze its impact on different sides of later domestic spiritual culture, and explain the mechanism of interaction of the mythologized image with real reality. As a result, the stated methods of historical analysis are included in the research process, "work" to achieve the goal [2, p.618]. At different stages of the development of the Russian state, the personality of Vladimir Monomakh played a particular indicative role. In the article by A. S. Ishchenko "Vladimir Monomakh through the eyes of contemporaries and descendants: the formation and evolution of the mythological image,"[3] the author clearly reveals the creation of myths and legends around the name of Vladimir Monomakh in the historical transformations of the leaders of the Russian state. Thus, reflected in the sources, the image of Vladimir Monomakh is a product of many hundreds of years of development of Russian history and culture [3, p. 27].

One of the most striking works in the development of Russian statehood and the formation of the self-consciousness of the Russian people is the spiritual work "The Teaching." Despite the fact that most scientists believe that most of the works of Vladimir Monomakh were written in the second half of his life and shortly before the death of Monomakh himself. The studies show that "The Teaching" began to be created in the young years of the prince. Working on the "The Teaching," Monomakh first of all set himself the task of leaving some edification, inheritance to descendants and, first of all, to his sons. The very approach to raising his children shows how awe and reverence Monomah was about religion. Ruling in his estate on the Chernihiv lands, which he rightfully got, under his father, he sought to rule from the position of moral and moral foundations of the Christian Church. Monomakh firmly believed that only Christ's faith helps to overcome the hardships that he faced throughout his life. Therefore, Vladimir Monomakh prayed at every opportunity.

In a research article by Zaitseva L.A. "The Teaching" by Vladimir Monomakh in the history of political and legal thought of the Russian Middle Ages"[4] the researcher reveals the moral morality of creating" The Teaching. " TheTeaching reflected the needs of its time - the time when Kiev Rus still had hope for overcoming the feudal strife. This topic takes place in the "red thread" in the political and legal heritage of Monomakh [4, p. 29]. The very moment of the reign of Vladimir Monomakh in Kievan Rus fell at the most difficult and controversial historical moment of the formation of the state. The scientific community, according to the author of the article, only approached the formation of the very understanding of the personality of Vladimir Monomakh as a statesman. Since throughout the history of the existence of the Russian state, the memory of the personality of Vladimir Monomakh was not once tried to be deleted from the national memory for the sake of certain political events.

"The Teaching" of Monomakh, like the very personality of Vladimir Monomakh, is of great scientific interest and deserves further historical and legal research not only in terms of the genesis of the system of public administration and relations between the state and the church, but also in order to develop fair justice [4, p. 31].



  1. Kazantsev D.A. Article, Power and Law in the public consciousness of Byzantium and Ancient Russia. Cyberlenink's official website [Electronic Resource] – Access mode. – URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/vlast-i-pravo-v-obschestvennom-soznanii-vizantii-i-drevney-rusi/viewer (circulation date 07.02.2021)
  2. Puzanov V.V. Vladimir Monomakh and the Russian Socio-Historical Consciousness. BULLETIN OF UDMURT UNIVERSITY. 2017. T. 27, issue 4 SERIES HISTORY AND PHILOLOGY. Reviews. Reviews: The official website of Cyberlenink [Electronic resource] – Access mode. – URL:  https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/vladimir-monomah-i-russkoe-obschestvenno-istoricheskoe-soznanie/viewer (circulation date 07.02.2021)
  3. Ishchenko A.S. Vladimir Monomakh through the eyes of contemporaries and descendants: the formation and evolution of the mythological image. History. Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University named after N.I. Lobachevsky, 2016, No. 5, p. 23-29, 2016 Don State Agrarian University, Novocherkassk; Entered the editorial office of 15.06.2016. Cyberlenink's official website [Electronic Resource] – Access mode. – URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/vladimir-monomah-glazami-sovremennikov-i-potomkov-formirovanie-i-evolyutsiya-mifologicheskogo-obraza/viewer (circulation date 07.02.2021)
  4. Zaitseva L.A. "Teaching" by Vladimir Monomakh in the history of political and legal thought of the Russian Middle Ages. History of law; Cyberlenink's official website [Electronic Resource] – Access mode. – URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/pouchenie-vladimira-monomaha-v-istorii-politiko-pravovoy-mysli-russkogo-srednevekovya/viewer (circulation date 07.02.2021)

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