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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 13(141)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Markhotko V. SYSTEMIC REGULATION AND CORRECTION OF PRONUNCIATION DISORDERS OF WHISTLING SOUNDS AND STIGMATIC SPEECH DYSFUNCTION IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 13(141). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/141/207221 (дата обращения: 01.03.2025).


Markhotko Valeriya

Student of the Department of Preschool, Elementary and special education BelSU Research Institute,

Russia, Belgorod



Мархотко Валерия Александровна

студент факультета дошкольного, начального и специального образования, Белгородский государственный университет,

РФ, г. Белгород



Correctional work on the problems of sound pronunciation in preschoolers contributes to the correct formation of the communicative and significative functional of the speech apparatus and, as a result, favorably affects the harmonious development of the worldview and lifestyle of children, their relationship to others and to themselves.


Коррекционная работа над проблемами звукопроизношения у дошкольников способствует правильному формированию коммуникативного и сигнификативного функционала речевого аппарата и, как следствие, благоприятно влияет на гармоничное развитие мировоззрения и образа жизни детей, их отношения к окружающим и к самим себе.


Keywords: sound reproduction disorder; speech dysfunction; development of verbal communication; preschool age.

Ключевые слова: нарушение звукопроизношения; речевая дисфункция; развитие вербальной коммуникации; дошкольный возраст.


Verbalica is an unconditional, innate function of the human body and practical speech is mastered by individuals personified. Speech development proceeds according to the established patterns, which can be clearly traced in children at certain age stages: from 0 to 1 year, from 1 to 3 years, and also from 3 to 7 years. Despite the conventionality of the framework and principles, their knowledge will actually make it possible to differentiate the norm and pathology.

Speech dysfunction, limitedness and locality of conversational communication negatively affect the full development of a preschooler. This can manifest itself in mental layers, identifying the negative aspects of the emotional-volitional area, the formation of such character traits as self-rejection, excessive shyness, lack of determination, etc. particular of the highest levels of cognitive active function [2, p. 45].

T.V. Aleksandrova in her writings distinguishes three levels of speech development with characteristic phonetic and phonemic components:

1. Diffuse sound reproduction due to unstable, labile articulation, as well as reduced auditory recognition. Features: babbling speech without highlighting the sound and syllabic structure.

2. Phonetics of speech is presented with the presence of distortions, form substitutions and mixing of sounds. Features: spontaneous speech with the substitution of hard / soft, deaf / voiced, sibilant / hissing, stop / fricative sounds, sigmatism.

3. Lack of differentiation of sound pronunciation, replacement of one sound for several sounds of a close phonetic group. Features: erroneous speech with communicative sound filling of words, own interpretation of pronunciation of suffix / prefix morphemes [1, p. ten].

To regulate the presented levels of speech development and the characteristics of violations of sound pronunciation, corrective work is organized, which includes the main stages: preparatory, staging, automation and differentiation of sounds.

In connection with the underdeveloped articulation in children, one of the difficult directions for correcting sound pronunciation is working with sibilant sounds and hissing sounds.

The preparatory stage of pronunciation correction is based on articulation exercises and the development of basic sounds. The greatest effect of gymnastic training of mouth mobility occurs with additional visualization - visual gymnastics in front of a mirror. According to the Soviet teacher M.E. Khvatsev: “With the help of an additional visual stimulus, controller and brake-mirror, which promotes better differentiation of movements, he enhances the comprehension of articulation” [4, p. 31]. When the child understands the movement algorithm, the mirror is removed. The training and play form of interaction between the speech therapist and the child begins. Each exercise - articulatory movement - is given a bright associative name so that the child can draw parallels not only at the physiological, but also at the semantic level. As an accompaniment to the exercise, thematic pictures are added.

Working out supporting sounds - similar to problematic ones in articulation - allows you to clearly pronounce syllables, words, phrases, which contributes to the development of phonemic hearing and good diction in general.

At the next stage - sound production - there are three main corrective methods of work: onomatopoeia, with mechanical assistance and mixed.

The more analyzers work at the same time (visual, auditory, motor, tactile), the more efficient the sound production is. Therefore, the teacher's mechanical assistance is added to associative onomatopoeia.

The automation stage forms the correct pronunciation of phrasal speech. At this stage, the child connects the fixed consonants with the vowels. The sequence of syllables: forward - reverse - problematic for the child. Then comes the cycle of play exercises, which are repetitive, playful in nature.

The correctional stage of differentiation allows the child to distinguish between the mixed sounds. Using pictures, children identify differentiating sounds in words. In addition, word creation is an effective method of sound separation.



  1. Alexandrova T.V. Live sounds or phonetics for preschoolers: teaching aid. SPb: Childhood-press, 2005 .-- 10 p.
  2. Belova-David R.A. Violation of speech in preschoolers. M .: Enlightenment, 1972, S. - 43 - 56.
  3. Povalyaeva M.A. Didactic material on speech therapy (whistling, hissing). Tales of the merry tongue. Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2003 .-- S. 32 - 51.
  4. Khvatsev M.E. Speech therapy: uch. for ped. institutions. M., 1937. - S. 31. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://kst-logoped.ucoz.net/polezstranich/khvatcev_m.e-logopedija.pdf (date of access: 01.04.2021)

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