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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 17(145)

Рубрика журнала: Биология

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Библиографическое описание:
Borisovskaya S. THE ROLE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE IN MAINTAINING THE HEALTH OF STUDENTS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 17(145). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/145/210895 (дата обращения: 24.03.2025).


Borisovskaya Svetlana

student, Faculty of Physical Education, Pedagogical Institute, Belgorod State University NRU "BelSU",

Russia, Belgorod

This article touches upon the question of the role of physical culture and sports as a factor contributing to the preservation of the health of students. The problem of the development of physical culture among student youth, as well as the relevance of this issue, is considered. The needs, motives and incentives of students in physical culture activity are determined.

In the modern world, a healthy lifestyle of students is an important component, since the state of health of future specialists who will graduate from higher educational institutions directly depends on this. After all, healthy youth is a healthy future, it is the socio-economic well-being of the entire country, as a whole, expressed in a healthy population for the coming years. Their further performance largely depends on the physical and mental state of specialists with higher education.

By reasonably preserving his health, a person can provide himself with a long, active life and good health. In public life in the process of education, upbringing and recreation, physical culture shows its health-improving, restorative value. A person who devotes time to physical activity improves their health and mental performance.

Physical education is a universal way of physical recovery, improvement, education of creative, social and labor activity of young people. In the future, when students perform professional duties and social functions, their state of health and physical fitness will affect the speed, dexterity, ability to work and even the state of the nervous system of the body. In addition, physical education is a multifunctional mechanism of self-expression and development of a student's personality [1].

Physical education is a significant element of students' activity, since their further work often requires constant mental activity and attentiveness, but at the same time reduces the level of physical activity. As a result, physical health deteriorates, deviations occur in the central nervous system, the functions of attention, thinking, memory decrease, emotional lability is disturbed. [2] Therefore, it is important in the process of all training to form students' skills of a healthy lifestyle and to achieve an understanding of the need for physical education. Unfortunately, many students do not adhere to the simplest, science-based norms of a healthy lifestyle.

According to scientists and specialists, stress is one of the main reasons for the development of many diseases, respectively, it not only directly affects the health of students, but also contributes to the development of other diseases, which in turn will reflect low success in academic and later work. activities. A fairly large number of ways and methods of dealing with stress are known, such as psychological practices, switching attention, drugs, but practice shows that it is sports and increased physical activity that most effectively cope with nervous conditions and stress.

In the process of playing sports, a student can throw out the accumulated negative energy and reduce the level of emotional stress, moreover, this will have a beneficial effect not only on the psychological state, but also on the physical condition of the body and will improve various skills that will be useful both at school and at work. in future.

Regular physical education will help students:

1. Increase resistance to stress;

2. Relieve nervous tension and improve brain functioning;

3. Achieve good sports results;

4. Reduce the level of anxiety and increase energy;

5. Get rid of depressive thoughts;

6. Improve self-esteem;

7. Strengthen immunity and improve metabolism;

8. Maintain good posture;

9. Improve the quality of sleep.

Physical culture should provide students with physical activity necessary to strengthen their well-being. As you know, the minimum volume of physical activity of students should be within 6-10 hours a week. At the same time, the bulk of students are engaged in physical education only during class, which is only 4 hours a week.

Students need to regularly go in for sports, pay due attention to their physical condition. However, when attending physical education classes, students face a number of common problems.

Firstly, the physical education program, according to which the classes are held, is designed for premises provided with special equipment and inventory. Obviously, in the absence of the necessary conditions, this program becomes completely impracticable, and the teacher is forced to direct the classes to the standards proposed in the program. [3]

Secondly, physical culture will contribute to improving the health of students only if their sports interests are fully realized, at least for the majority of students. At the moment, the most popular are the following sports: sports games, tennis, swimming, fitness aerobics, yoga. In practice, it is often impossible to realize such a scope of interests due to the lack of specially equipped sports bases and high rent in sports complexes and swimming pools. [four]

The orientation of teachers to fulfill the existing normative base of the course in physical culture leads to the preparation of students for passing the standards for an average result. Computation, which consists of a comparative analysis of the development of knowledge and skills of students with some contrived "mean" values. At present, the situation is such that the established standards do not cause aspirations among students, but rather alienate them from physical education, since the orientation that has developed in our education towards the "average" student is not a fundamental factor in the desire to engage in physical culture and improve existing student performance. [five]

Thirdly, in order to increase the authority of the subject, a new approach to physical education is needed. At the moment, there is a process of improving the discipline by introducing additional sports into the curriculum for physical culture, providing physical activity of students, increasing the health-improving orientation of classes, as well as sports that increase intellectual activity and students' interest in attending physical education and sports activities.

Nowadays, the most popular among young people is physical recreation. In the life of students, it can be designated by such concepts as "mass physical culture", "health-improving", "mass sports", "active rest". Physical recreation is the use of physical exercises, games, various sports in a simplified form for the purpose of active rest, entertainment, change of activity, distraction from the causes that cause physical, intellectual and mental fatigue. Thus, physical recreation satisfies the needs and interests of students in emotional active rest, rational use of free time.

For girls, the most popular area in sports is fitness, which helps to keep the body in shape, but the goal of fitness is not only an ideal figure, but also strengthening the whole body. Fitness increases the reserves of energy and vitality, as well as self-esteem, improves digestion and sleep, and reduces nervousness. In addition, the positive effect of fitness is manifested in the active assimilation of subject training programs at the university, and, of course, in strengthening the health of students.

It is necessary to create appropriate conditions in the institutes so that students can show their abilities in the forms of sports and recreational activities they have chosen, organized taking into account all modern trends in the field of sports.

To do this, you need as many alternative programs for the formation of students' physical culture as possible, taking into account regional conditions, the professional orientation of the university and other features. [6]

Thus, "physical education and sports", in the process of all training, should develop the students' correct approach to physical activities, awareness of the importance of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, lay down the basic skills that they can use in the future to maintain themselves in physical shape. It is necessary to achieve students' interest, and most importantly, the need for regular physical activity in order to maintain their health. Future specialists should clearly understand how important the result will be for them in the future. It is important that students are motivated and interested in the field.



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