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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 17(145)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Absalimova Sh. ORGANIZATION OF GAMING TECHNOLOGIES BASED ON INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEMЕМЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 17(145). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/145/211147 (дата обращения: 24.03.2025).


Absalimova Shokhsanam

2nd year master student, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute,

Uzbekistan, Kokand



Абсалимова Шохсанам Мухаммадаминовна

магистрант 2 курса, Кокандский государственный педагогический институт,

Узбекистан, г.Коканд



The game has features of learning, development, and personal education. Due to their peculiarities, games have long been one of the important foundations of folk pedagogy. Games help to develop the spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development of children, helping them to develop perception, intuition, memory, thinking, and speech.


Игра имеет особенности обучения, развития, воспитания личности. В силу своих особенностей игры издавна были одной из важных основ народной педагогики. Игры помогают развивать духовное, нравственное, интеллектуальное, физическое и эстетическое развитие детей, помогая им развивать восприятие, интуицию, память, мышление, речь.


Keywords: learning, game, development, intelligence, education.

Ключевые слова: обучение, игра, развитие, интеллект, воспитание.


Each profession has its own difficulties and achievements. Therefore, a person faces fatigue in the performance of his profession. Then, when distracted by a few mood-boosting exercises, the fatigue in the body dissipates and productivity increases again. This process is especially evident in young organisms. Therefore, the life experience, acquired knowledge, lifestyle and social relations, cultural values accumulated by the older generation through games have been consistently passed on to the younger generation.

The game has the features of educating, developing, educating the individual. Due to their existing features, games have long been one of the important foundations of folk pedagogy. Direct games serve to educate children spiritually, morally, mentally, physically and aesthetically by helping them develop perception, intuition, memory, thinking, speech. “A preschooler is prepared to study and work in play activities. As you get older, the role of the game diminishes a bit. The educational value of games is maintained throughout a child's life ”(2).

In modern pedagogy, games are used in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process, to strengthen the learning activity of students as follows:

Play is defined as a type of activity in situations aimed at the acquisition and reproduction of social experiences, and in the process of play the individual's self-control is formed and improved. Depending on the type of game, the team can reveal hidden aspects of their abilities that their partners do not know. These positive aspects can serve as a model for their teammates.

The main motive of the educational activity is the learning-learning motive, and the most important motivation of the teacher's activity is the interest and desire of the student to master the basics of his choice. The student must be emotionally satisfied with the knowledge, professional skills and abilities acquired in the educational process, and be able to take an innovative approach to pedagogical activity. The use of game technology in the teaching process is of particular importance in solving this task. Game technologies also develop students ’creative ability and creative thinking.

I. Types of game technologies. Games used for pedagogical purposes are called game technologies. Game technology (game education) is one of the types of person-centered education (pedagogical technology), which represents all the forms of learning social experiences: knowledge, skills, abilities and conditioned learning situations aimed at creating a process of emotional-evaluative activity.

Game technologies serve to prepare learners for a particular process, to develop in them the initial skills, competencies to participate directly in the process of certain life events. Performing different roles as participants in the educational process (students, parents, members of the teaching staff, heads of educational institutions, representatives of public organizations, etc.) is theoretical to effectively organize certain activities based on the opportunity for students to get acquainted with the content of pedagogical activities. , in terms of practical and mental preparation.  The use of games and play situations in the educational process is carried out in the following main areas: - didactic goal is set for students in the form of game tasks; - learning activities are subject to the rules of the game; - didactic learning material is used as a game tool; ; - Successfully completed didactic task is the result of the game.

Like any game, games used in pedagogical processes have their own specific purpose and outcome.

Educational institutions often use role-playing and professional business games. Importantly, the basis of game technologies used for pedagogical purposes is the activity of students based on activity and agility.

Pedagogical games are aimed at mastering and strengthening new teaching materials, developing students' creative abilities, general vocational training skills, the formation of skills. With their help, students will have the opportunity to understand the learning material from different situations, to master certain skills, competencies and qualities on its basis.

Well-known pedagogue GK Selevko groups games used for pedagogical purposes in the following order: Here we talk about the essence of game technology, grouped according to the methodology of the game.

1. Didactic games are a type of educational activity that increases the interest of students in learning, based on the modeling of the studied object, event, process. Such games play an important role in the active acquisition of socially useful work and reading skills by students, and their importance is determined not by the results but by the content and course of the process; such games prepare children to take an active part in the process of social relations, reducing various psychological tensions in them.

2. Story games are games based on pedagogical reality, a certain sequence of events and the interdependence of the activities of individuals involved in it. Such games are usually used to seek solutions to pedagogical problems, to overcome problematic situations in the educational process, to re-educate the individual.

3. Role-playing games - games aimed at revealing the mental state of a person in the performance of tasks and responsibilities, the essence of the action, in which the roles are distributed with a mandatory content. Role-playing and business games serve to prepare students for a particular process, to develop in them the initial skills to participate directly in the process of certain life events. Performing different roles as participants in the educational process (m: students, parents, members of the teaching staff, heads of educational institutions, representatives of public organizations, etc.) provides students with an opportunity to get acquainted with the content of pedagogical activities. , most importantly, helps to prepare mentally.

4. Business games - games organized to cover the content of a particular activity, process or relationship, to acquire the skills, abilities and qualities to organize them effectively, correctly and rationally. These types of games are organized in order to form or develop the necessary BCM and qualities in the learners in a specific area of activity. In this sense, the process of production of business games means the modeling of professional activity. The business game not only develops professional qualities in students, but also cultivates personal qualities, ensures their socialization.

5. Simulation games - games that direct students to effectively prepare for a particular practical or professional activity on the basis of imitation (imitation, transfer) of activities performed by employees in manufacturing enterprises, workplaces, firms, organizations. In addition to the plot, the scenario of this type of game is modeled in order to fully reveal the imitation process, the structure and significance of the objects. In the process of simulation games, learners have the opportunity to master certain operations, m: problem solving, a certain method.

6. Dramatic games (psychological and social dramas) - games aimed at solving psychological and social problems, which are close to role-playing and business games in terms of organization, methodological features. Typically, dramatic games of a psychological and social nature help to improve the environment in the team, to achieve positive interpersonal relationships, to communicate, to decide on unity in the team, to assess the mood of others, to help those in difficult situations and to create the necessary conditions for effective work. In this regard, there is cooperation between the teacher and the student through suggestions and feedback. Innovative ideas emerge in the teacher and the student. The quality of the lesson is effective and the teacher and the student do not experience fatigue.



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