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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 17(145)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

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Библиографическое описание:
Yumasheva D., Nozdrunov A. UNEMPLOYMENT IN RUSSIA AND ITS STRUCTURE: NATIONAL AND REGIONAL ASPECTS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 17(145). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/145/211325 (дата обращения: 24.03.2025).


Yumasheva Dilia

Student, faculty of management, St. Petersburg State University of Economics,

Russia, St. Petersburg

Nozdrunov Andrey

Student, faculty of management, St. Petersburg State University of Economics,

Russia, St. Petersburg

Borkova Elena

научный руководитель,

scientific adviser, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of General Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought, St. Petersburg State University of Economics,

Russia, St. Petersburg


The article outlined the main causes of unemployment. Statistics on the unemployment rate in different years are also provided. Some regions and cities and their unemployment rates are considered. Solutions to problems related to unemployment are considered.


Keywords: unemployment, indicator, situation, economy, process, cause, moment.


In the twenty-first century, many processes are taking place in the economies of various countries, which entail negative consequences. These include inflation, unemployment, low economic growth, under-production, and low GDP. All these processes have a negative impact on the economic development of countries, but unemployment occupies a special place among them.

The problem of unemployment is one of the most urgent and global problems, both in our country and around the world. It is an important macroeconomic problem that has an impact on each individual and on the economy. Unemployment is a socio-economic phenomenon in which a part of the economically active population cannot find a job.

Unemployment entails a lot of negative trends, both economically and socially. The economic losses of unemployment include:

- lost profits, i.e. the amount of output that could be produced by the unemployed;

- decrease in the income of persons who are unemployed;

- reduction of deductions to the budget and state insurance funds;

- direct costs associated with reducing unemployment and overcoming its consequences.[1]

1. The nature and causes of unemployment in Russia

Unemployment is a complex and multidimensional concept that characterizes a socio-economic phenomenon in which a part of the economically active population cannot find work.

This is not to say that unemployment is just a lack of jobs. Unemployment is also a low standard of living, psychological problems, degradation of the population, an increase in crime and violence. This phenomenon has negative consequences, and we need to fight it.

Unemployed people are people who do not have a job, are actively trying to find one and want to work. The unemployment rate is the ratio of unemployed people to the total economically active population, i.e. the population that already has a job or other source of income.[6]

The unemployment rate can be calculated using the formula:

u - the level of unemployment; U - the number of unemployed; L - the number of the labor force.

Among the main causes of unemployment in Russia, it should be noted:

Insufficient number of jobs;

Low labor cost, i.e. wages;

Lack of demand for professions;

People's reluctance to work;

NTP, replacement of workers ' labor with machine labor.[2]

2. Let's analyze the situation with unemployment at the moment

The COVID-19 pandemic, which led to the temporary closure of enterprises and a drop in production volumes, was a strong shock to the Russian labor market. Half of the workers in Russia (49.7%) are exposed to the risks of dismissal, reduction or delay in wages, as well as forced leave, experts from the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences have estimated. Based on the total number of employees in Russia (70 million people, according to Rosstat), almost 35 million workers will be at risk.

And the passions around migration are heating up – according to forecasts of economists and political scientists, in 2021 it will reach the peak for the last 10 years.

Reasons: 1. The sanctions that are regularly imposed on Russia by Western states-they slow down the development of the economy. A wary attitude towards the countries of the post-Soviet space and the increasing international isolation of Russia.

2. Insufficiently developed level of medicine and social sphere.

3. Education, which is little valued in the world.

4. The poor state of the environment, careless attitude to nature and its riches-and this is directly related to health and life expectancy.

5. The highest level of corruption, which affects the worldview of the nation and throws the country back.

6. The ever-widening gap between rich and poor, the absence of a middle class.

7. Gradual tightening of migration policy by developed countries (it is already very difficult to get to the United States).

Table 1.

Population migration (2019-2021)


Arrivals total, pers.

Eliminated total, pers.

Migration growth, people.














The number of foreign citizens who had a valid work permit at the end of the third quarter of 2020 was 62.1 thousand people. In the third quarter of 2020, we received a permit.

The number of foreign citizens-highly qualified specialists amounted to 47.1 thousand people. The number of foreign citizens who had a valid patent for employment at the end of the third quarter of 2020 amounted to 1213.8 thousand people. In the third quarter of 2020, 231.0 thousand foreign citizens received a patent. The majority (95.5%) of foreign citizens who had a valid patent for employment were citizens of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Ukraine.

Table 2.

Dynamics of unemployment in Russia (2019-2021)


Unemployed million people

Economically active population, million people.

Unemployedmen rate, %














The structure of unemployment in Russia also differs depending on the national and regional aspects. The level of unemployment in different regions depends on their differences in geographical, economic, and climatic aspects.

The lowest unemployment rate for 2019-2021 (1.3%) is in Moscow. The highest rate of unemployment was recorded in the North Caucasus Federal District and is 13.3%. The Northwestern Federal District accounts for approximately 8.5%; the unemployment rate in the Southern Federal District is 12%. Unemployment in the Volga Federal District was 6.5%; in the Ural Federal District-7.8%. In the Siberian Federal District, the unemployment rate is 5.0%; in the Far Eastern Federal District, it is 8.5% [3].

Thus, we can say that in general, the unemployment rate in Russia is normal. However, if we consider the regional structure of unemployment in the country, it should be noted that the situation in the North Caucasus, Southern and Far Eastern Federal Districts is quite serious. The government should pay attention to these regions and direct all its forces there, creating various programs to support the unemployed population and create additional jobs.

3. Ways and means of solving the problem of unemployment in Russia

Unemployment affects macroeconomic instability and reduces economic efficiency in the country. In order to normalize the current situation, the State takes various measures to combat unemployment.

The main measures are the payment of unemployment benefits and the creation of employment services to help find a suitable job.

Unemployment benefits - a regular monetary payment to persons recognized as unemployed, which is carried out by the state. From 2012 to 2014, the amount of the allowance was set from 850 to 4900 rubles per month. The minimum amount of unemployment benefits is paid to citizens who are looking for work for the first time or have been dismissed for violating labor discipline. The amount of the remaining benefits depends on the average earnings for three months at the last job.[7]

In addition to the basic methods, there are also special ones that are used for certain types and forms of unemployment. To combat structural unemployment, public and private services are being created to retrain and retrain specialists in unclaimed professions. The main measures to reduce cyclical unemployment are additional jobs in the public sector, as well as the implementation of counter-cyclical policies.[5]

There are direct and indirect ways to overcome unemployment. The direct route involves the creation of additional jobs in all sectors of the economy; the indirect route involves the regulation of employment through administrative and legislative measures.

The Government of the Russian Federation is constantly taking new measures to combat unemployment. In the period from 2010 to 2021, the following state measures were implemented:

Retraining, retraining of unclaimed specialists;

Internship of graduates of schools, colleges, and universities to obtain the necessary experience.

Financial support in the creation of your own business, farm;

Creation of additional jobs in various sectors of the national economy;

Toughening of labor legislation in connection with illegal migration;

Creation of specially equipped workplaces for people with disabilities;

Introduction of quotas for foreign labor [4].

In general, the State provides economic and moral support to unemployed people, enacts the necessary laws regarding labor legislation, and regulates the labor market. For a more effective solution to the problem of unemployment, it is necessary to pay attention to science and art. We need to create various organizations of artists, scientists, and writers, because these people are mostly considered unemployed and are engaged in their favorite hobby.


Список литературы:

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