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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 17(145)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Soboleva T. SOCIOLOGICAL AND MARKETING METHODS OF BRAND RESEARCH // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 17(145). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/145/211541 (дата обращения: 24.03.2025).


Soboleva Tatiana

student, Department of Sociology and Organization of work with Youth, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article examines the recognition and popularity of the non-carbonated beverage brand "The Coca-Cola Company". Purpose of the work - To study the attitude of consumers towards the Coca-Cola trademark. Research methods and objects: data collection method - a questionnaire survey conducted using a Google form among residents of the Belgorod region. Results: Based on the data obtained, problems were identified and recommendations were made. Conclusions: Consumers often buy "The Coca-Cola", assessed the criteria of the products by which they choose. They are also ready to recommend this brand to their friends.


Keywords: brand, consumer market, public opinion, production quality.



Marketing research of the consumer market is considered necessary when changing and correcting behavior, as well as the attitude of consumers towards offers or products. In addition, consumer marketing research is needed to improve and improve the services provided by the company.

Market research acts as an information base for the achievement of these goals, such as the implementation of a certain volume of sales, the creation and introduction of new products to the market, and an increase in market share. The statement of data implies that we are talking about the market for a specific product. In this regard, revealing the content of market research, first of all, it is necessary to consider the study of the commodity structure of the market.

In conditions of fierce competition, even well-known enterprises face a rather difficult task: how to maintain their positions in the market and maintain efficiency. Usually, the management of organizations carries out a number of measures to increase market share, to reduce costs in order to implement price competition, and many others. But often this is not enough to survive.

From the point of view of F. Kotler, "marketing research is a systematic determination of the range of data required in connection with the marketing situation facing the company, their collection, analysis and reporting of the results." [1]

A brand is a trade mark that has, in the consumer's mind, a set of certain valuable properties and attributes.

To increase market share, brand awareness and increase sales of TNK Coca-Cola Hellenic, it was decided to develop recommendations on the adoption of measures designed to control and direct the company's activities in the market of non-alcoholic bottled beverages, as a sub-sector of the Russian food industry for the benefit of consumers, the industry itself. and the country's economy as a whole. [2]

The objectives of the study were to determine the brand loyalty and attitude towards this brand (positive or negative and a number of other parameters), to investigate the volumes, frequency of consumption of Coca-Cola products, and also to find out whether the consumer is inclined to switch to the consumption of another a similar product or other brand name. At the same time, one of the main tasks was to identify the attitude of consumers of the Belgorod Region to the Coca-Cola trademark.

Main part

The results of the research showed that the most popular brands of drinks are bought: PEPSI (77.9%); buy Coca-cola by a small margin of interest (76.5%); Sprite (36.8%); FANTA - (35.3%); less than half choose Mayskaya Kristallnaya (29.4%); on (19,1) 7-up; Schweppes (16.2%); the least respondents choose "Mountain Dew" -2.9%.

We asked consumers to rate what attracts the most in Coca-Cola products (from 1 to 5). First of all, buyers pay attention to taste; the next criterion was advertising; later assess the quality of the product; further becomes the range and price of products.

In the question aimed at identifying the convenience of using products, the answers showed that 38.2% consider plastic packaging. 17.6% chose the glass packaging of the product. 16.2% do not pay attention to the packaging at all. 11.8% choose metal. One person would like to buy in paper packaging.

Consumers in the question, aimed at identifying the evaluation of products by its customers, answered the following that 50% of Coca-Cola products are pleasant. 39.7% - rather like it. One percent does not like it and one more likely does not like it. 7.4% of the respondents were at a loss in their answer.

The conducted research has revealed a number of some problems that are present in The Coca-Cola Company. They are due to the fact that among consumers of soft drinks, the brand of the Coca-Cola company is recognizable, but they prefer the competing company PEPSI CO and buy it much more often.

Thus, based on the data obtained and the formulated conclusions, we can give the following recommendations:

1. In order for the ideal indicator of the level of popularity and payback of a brand to grow, you should turn to active marketing of products. Inform more often about promotions and discounts using various applications, distribution of flyers, advertising at the stand.

2. Due to the fact that consumers associate this brand with only the New Year holiday, it is worth considering various advertising options among other important days for an evolving SMM platform to attract as much customer attention as possible.

3. It is necessary to form a rational assortment of products, that is, to expand the range of flavors of beverages and offer a unique and high-quality product for each consumer.

Thus, the set goal and objectives of the marketing research were achieved. All hypotheses about the products of The Coca-Cola Company brand were also confirmed.


In conclusion, it should be noted that as a result of a marketing study of the attitude of consumers of non-alcoholic carbonated drinks using the example of The Coca-Cola Company, the goal and objectives of the study were achieved. Based on the analysis, you can see that the hypotheses of the study were also confirmed.

According to the results of a survey of residents of the Belgorod region, carbonated drinks are bought, the majority prefer Coca-Cola. Consumers have a positive attitude to the Coca-Cola brand and are ready to recommend it to their friends and relatives.



  1. Kotler F. Fundamentals of Marketing: Per. from English / F. Kotler- M .: Biz-ness-book, IMA-Cross. Plus, 2015.702s. - The material is taken from the Studwork website https://studwork.org/shop/65376-marketingovye-issledovaniya-potrebitelskogo-rynka.
  2. Yampolskaya, D.O., Chernova, V.Yu. / Analysis of the competitive situation in the Russian market of soft drinks // JOURNAL Humanitarian, socio-economic and social sciences. – 2014
  3. Beverage production - the largest companies [Electronic resource] Access mode: https://www.oborudunion.ru/largest/napitki

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