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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 36(164)

Рубрика журнала: История

Секция: Краеведение

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Библиографическое описание:
Batyrbekova M. PROSPECTS OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN KATON KARAGAY STATE NATIONAL NATURAL PARK // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 36(164). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/164/229282 (дата обращения: 19.03.2025).


Batyrbekova Madina

1st year master's student, The Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism, faculty of Tourism,

Kazakhstan, Almaty


In the article, the contribution and current state of domestic tourism development in the area of the Katon Karagay State National Natural Park was considered. Conducting an analysis of the tourist potential of the Katon Karagay state National Natural Park, the main features and development issues were identified. The main factors of social change in the region were identified, the relationship and influencing factors of tourism were shown. Katon Karagay district has long been well known to our republic and many countries of the world. Their attention was drawn to the beautiful and beautiful nature, natural resources that are not like anywhere else. It is known from history that the Altai in the far east of Kazakhstan is a sacred place that was the birthplace of the entire Turkic people, the settlement of Akzhailau Ata.


Katon Karagay State National Natural Park is a national park within the central Altai and Southern Altai physical and geographical provinces in the Katon Karagay District of East Kazakhstan region. The territory of the National Park is part of the Kazakh part of the Altai-Sayan eco-district. It was established in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 17, 2001 No. 970. It is the largest national park in Kazakhstan. In 2014, the park was included in the UNESCO list of specially protected heritage sites[1].

The nature of Katon Karagay district is rich and unique. The basis of the district is the magnificent sights located on the territory of this district, the peculiarity of the landscape, flora and fauna. Despite the peculiarities of climatic conditions, Katon Karagai has a great potential for the development of Tourism: 643,477 hectares are occupied by a national nature protection zone of the SNPP, more than 30 historical monuments and more than 10 tourist monuments.

The purpose of creating the National Park is to preserve and restore unique natural complexes of the Southern Altai, which are particularly valuable in terms of ecological, scientific, cultural and recreational aspects.

The main tasks are:

1. Preservation of the State Natural Reserve, Biological Diversity, unique natural, historical and cultural complexes and objects of special ecological, recreational and scientific value.

2. Study of the development of natural processes in natural conditions and conducting environmental monitoring.

3. Restoration of destroyed natural and historical-cultural complexes and objects on the basis of recommendations of scientific organizations in coordination with the authorized body.

4. Organization of environmental education of the population, conducting educational excursions and classes, industrial practices of schoolchildren and students;

5. Organization and implementation of eco-tourism, recreation, limited economic activity in the regions designated for this purpose.

6. Targeted and rational use of the territory of the National Park for the development of Science, Culture, Education and education [2].

“The main places of tourist interest are Mount Muztau, Kyndyk Tas, Austrian road, Bukhtarma reservoir, Kokkol waterfall, Rahman's spring, Kokkol mine, Berel excavations, the sarcophagus”, the northern branch of the Great Silk Road, the House-Museum of Oralkhan Bokei, the school-museum named after Abdikerim Erezhepuly, monuments of Karatai batyr, Oralkhan Bokei and Boshai Kitabbay.

Within the framework of the program article of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev ”looking to the future: modernization of public consciousness”, a sacred map of the East Kazakhstan region was developed under the project ”sacred places of Kazakhstan” and ”sacred geography of Kazakhstan”, where 2 sacred places - Berel mounds and Mount Muztau-were identified on the territory of Katon Karagay district [3].

A significant number of historical and cultural archaeological finds of spiritual significance are located on the territory of the park. Magnificent natural landscapes attract many tourists every year. The basis of the tourist industry of the district is medical and health-improving, ecological, rural, cultural and educational and active tourism.

According to statistical information, 8,384 tourists visited in 2019, an increase of 1,140 tourists or 115.7% compared to 2018 (2018-7,244). Every year, thousands of tourists visit the sarcophagus of the "open-air museum". In 2019, 11,695 people visited, and in 2018, more than 10,000 people visited [4].

In recent years, cultural tourism has become widespread among tourists. Every year, thousands of tourists visit the objects of historical and Cultural Heritage: The ”Open-Air Museum” of the Berel fortress, consisting of about 70 mounds. To date, the sarcophagus ”open-air museum”, which was presented on September 9, 2016, has been built in Mound No. 2 of the Berel mound. In 2017, a group of archaeologists led by Professor Z.Samashev examined mound No.5, where a representative of the Saka family was buried, dating back to the IV-III centuries BC [5].

A tourist map of Kazakhstan has been developed for the top 50 objects, which includes 2 objects (the state National Natural Park of Katon Karagay district and The Rahman spring). Despite the great role played by the Katon Karagay State Enterprise in the development of domestic tourism, there are a number of difficulties. Therefore, for the development of the tourism industry of the district, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Creation of infrastructure (telephone and radio communications( Internet), roads (of national, regional and local significance));
  2. Protection and display of historical and cultural monuments;
  3. Preferential taxation and lending;
  4. Creation of advertising and image of a tourist product, preparation and use of new technologies and innovations;
  5. Production of souvenir products;
  6. Development of children's and youth tourism;
  7. Development of winter tourism;
  8. Bringing existing objects and tourist routes in line with the requirements of a modern tourist.

Currently, Katon Karagay state National Natural Park a master plan for the development of tourism is being developed on the territory of the district, which provides for the creation of Engineering Infrastructure, Energy and water supply systems, beaches, sports and entertainment complexes, etc.



  1. https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Катонқарағай_ұлттық_паркі
  2. Катон-Қарағай мемлекеттік ұлттық табиғи паркінің ресми сайты http://br.katonkaragai.kz
  3. Романова Е.В., Дугнист П.Я., Труевцева Е.А. Природные и культурные ресурсы Горного Алтая как основа для организации экскурсионно-познавательного туризма // Здоровье человека, теория и методика физической культуры и спорта. - 2019. - № 2(13). - С 166.
  4. Зиядин С.Т., Молдажанов М.Б. Вестник Алтайского государственного аграрного университета. 2015. № 3 (125). 185 б.
  5. Абай атындағы Шығыс Қазақстан облыстық кітапхана сайты https://semeylib.kz/?page_id=205&lang=ru

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