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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 5(175)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Kushka D. THE CONCEPT AND ESSENCE OF THE SOCIAL NEEDS OF THE POPULATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 5(175). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/175/241269 (дата обращения: 18.03.2025).


Kushka Diana

Student, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod State University, Russian,

Russia, Belgorod

Bogachev Roman

научный руководитель,

scientific adviser, Professor, senior lecturer, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod


Being the basis of any social action, needs occupy a special place in sociology. Today, in the context of the dynamism of human life and the rapid change of socio-cultural information, needs become a kind of adaptive tool of the individual. By themselves, needs are not some given constant for a person, they are formed as a result of complex processes of socialization. Social needs - this is the need for something necessary to maintain the vital activity of the organism of the human person, social group, society as a whole; internal motivator.


Keywords: social need, consumer, consumption, humanity.


Until the middle of the 20th century, consumption as such was not studied by philosophy, remaining only a purely economic concept. In classical economic theory, the consumer was perceived as a rational person who chooses the right product at the best price, based on the size of his income and savings.

From the point of view of economics, sociology and social philosophy, consumption refers only to the use of limited goods in which human efforts are invested.

In a broad sense, needs are defined as a source of activity and a form of communication between a living organism and the outside world. The social needs of a person are the desires and aspirations inherent in the individual as a representative of the human race. Mankind is a social system, outside of which the development of the individual is impossible. A person is always part of a community of people. Realizing social aspirations and desires, he develops and manifests himself as a person. Belonging to a human society determines the emergence of human social needs.

The formation of social tasks occurs under the decisive influence of people's needs, so social problems can be considered as an unsatisfied social need at different levels of the social social structure. From the standpoint of the development of the municipality, the need can be defined as an objectively determined need for certain processes, as well as for objects and objects with the help of which these processes can be implemented. The definition of needs at different times in their works was given by many foreign authors.

Sociologists defined a need as “a person’s desire, determined by the level of development of production and social relations, for certain objects and conditions that are objectively necessary for their life and development”.

The social needs of a person are assigned a secondary role, they follow the physiological ones, but are more significant for the human personality. Examples of such significance can be observed when a person is in need, giving preference to the satisfaction of a secondary need: a student, instead of sleeping, is preparing for an exam. A person strives for activity in society, socially useful work, establishing positive interpersonal relationships, wants to be recognized and successful in the social environment. It is necessary to satisfy these desires for successful coexistence with other people in society.

Such social needs as friendship, love, and family are of unconditional importance. Using the example of the relationship between a person's social need for love, the physiological need for carnal relations and the instinct of procreation, one can understand how interdependent and connected these human inclinations are.

Personality is not formed outside of society, without communication and interaction with people, without meeting social needs. Examples of children raised by animals are a vivid confirmation of the importance of love, communication, and society. Such children, having got into the human community, could not become its full-fledged members. When a person experiences only primary desires, he becomes like an animal and actually becomes one.

Thus, having considered the existing approaches to the definition of social needs, we can state that this category is understood quite broadly.

So, social needs are one of the main types of human needs associated with certain aspects of his social behavior. This type of needs is of a mass nature and is characteristic of a person due to his social nature.


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