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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 6(176)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Ivashina A. LANGUAGE IN THE SYSTEM OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 6(176). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/176/242385 (дата обращения: 28.02.2025).


Ivashina Alena

Student, Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature, Belgorod State National Research University (NRU "BelGU"),

Russia, Belgorod



Ивашина Алёна Сергеевна

студент, кафедра русского языка и русской литературы, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ «БелГУ»),

РФ, г. Белгород



The article is devoted to the problem of the significance of the role and significance of language processes in the framework of international communication, as well as to the issues of settlement and prevention of international conflicts.


Статья посвящена проблеме значения роли и значения языковых процессов в рамках международной коммуникации, а также вопросам урегулирования и профилактики международных конфликтов.


Keywords: language, intercultural communication system, intercultural communications.

Ключевые слова: язык, система межкультурной коммуникации, межкультурные коммуникации.


Since ancient times, language has become one of the main means of communication not only within one clan, tribe or state, but also between different social groups.

The problem of the significance of the role and significance of language processes in the framework of international communication is relevant today. The relevance lies in the popularization of this issue in the modern period. Also, the issues of settlement and prevention of international conflicts, which are gaining unimaginable momentum every day, make this problem even more relevant.

In the XX-XXI centuries. The sphere of intercultural and international communication has become the most popular in connection with the transnationalization of cultural and linguistic spaces. The emergence of intercultural communication, which combines fundamental knowledge and applied principles, as a subject of scientific research was due to both sociocultural and purely scientific reasons. The former include the globalization of the economic, political and cultural aspects of international cooperation, the need to establish quick and effective communication with allied countries and the powerful immigration process observed in the world and especially in the United States after the end of World War II, which were accompanied by the founding of the UN and UNESCO, the proclamation human rights and decolonization, and then the creation of the European Union, the opening of borders, the disappearance of the Iron Curtain.

In my opinion, in the modern conditions of globalization and transnationalization of the economic sphere of society, the importance of the language has increased tenfold. Language serves as a means of interaction not only between social groups, but also between cultures.

A vivid example of this is the interaction of English and Russian languages in our country. English is an international language and in itself is an example showing the role of language in the field of international communication, but since we live in Russia, I would like to give an example that will be close and familiar to all of us. So, a large number of words from the English language are quite thoroughly rooted in the Russian space. But what did it lead to? This led to the interaction of cultures. Every day our citizens develop more and more interest in learning not only the English language, but also the English culture.

I also believe that language is a way to resolve conflicts, because it includes many components with which you can get out of various situations.

For example, in the work of M. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time", the main character most often got out of conflict situations with the help of his eloquence. This work is an example of the importance of the role of language in intercultural and international conflicts, since most often they arose with Pechorin with representatives of a different culture than Russian.

Language is a way of communication, with the help of which our ancestors established contacts with other peoples and civilizations. Thanks to language, globalization and interstate interaction have now reached their apogee. There is an exchange of cultures, customs and traditions. The economy, politics and social sphere are also developing.



  1. Белик, А. Культурология. Антропологические теории культур / А. Белик. – СПБ. 1999.
  2. Ионин, Л. Г. Социология культуры / Л. Г. Ионин. – М., 1996.
  3. Культурология. Словарь. – СПБ. 1997.

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