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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 8(178)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Medeouova P. THE ESSENCE AND COMPONENTS OF INFORMATION-COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE OF FUTURE FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATORS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 8(178). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/178/243178 (дата обращения: 06.03.2025).


Medeouova Pernekul

Master student, M019 - Training of foreign language teachers, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Rizakhojayeva Gulnara

научный руководитель,

Ph.D., Assist. Professor, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University,

Kazakhstan, Turkestan


This article examines the communicative and informational competence, its essence and components, which includes a number of such competencies such as linguistic, intercultural, communicative, socio-cultural, technological, digital competence then distinguishes the concepts of "competence" and "competency" of graduates.

Additionally, the scientific article reveals with the reasons for solving the problems of forming the information and communication competence (ICC) of future specialists in the field of education.


Keywords: communication, information, ICC, competence, competency, Digital competence of foreign language teachers.



The demands of modern society place on higher education the mission of enhancing the performance of higher education grads, for whom professionalism is now focused not only by the amount of knowledge, nevertheless with the capability to manage information flows, leaving only the most important in memory, and even the opportunity to find extra information. All this points to the need to master the key competencies of modern education, as a result, ICC.


This section of our work considers different interpretations of the concept of "ICC" and related concepts such as “competence”, “competency”, “information literacy”, “digital competence”, “digital skills”, etc.

Additionally, we are focusing on components of the formation of the ICC of future specialists in the field of language learning.

The ideas of "competence" and "competency" have frequently distinguished in the literature. The capacity to accomplish any activity, including speech, has referred to as "competence." "Competency" is a significant component of such a feature in the form of knowledge, skills, and abilities purchased in the process of training [6].

Competence is defined by I. A. Zimniaia as an internal, theoretical, potential, latent psychological neoplasm: information, ideas, and action plans, systems of principles and interactions that manifest in a human's competencies [9].

A.V. Khutorskoy, a well-known researcher in the field of pedagogy, understands competence as a set of interrelated personality qualities set in relation to a certain range of subjects and processes [2].

N. I. Gez adheres to the opinion about communicative competence as following: "communicative competence is the ability of a person to understand and generate foreign-language utterances in a variety of socially determined situations, taking into account the linguistic and social rules that native speakers adhere to" [8].

Nowadays, not only the ability to self-develop, self-educate, but also the teacher's preparation for pedagogical action one of the most important qualities of future instructors in the context of educational informatization.

M. P. Lapchick defines IC competency as more than just a collection of knowledge and abilities. The abilities developed over the course of science teaching and modern information and communication technologies, but also personal activity characteristic of a specialist in the field of professional education, in highly trained motivated to use all the totality and diversity of computer tools and technology in their professional work [4].

From the viewpoint of Kruglyakov, ICC regarded as an essential structural component of a specialist's highly professional competence.  This refers to his capacity to satisfy professional information demands as well as his ability to disseminate processed information during the communication process [3].

Speaking about information and communication competence, foreign researchers operate with the following concepts: digital competence (DC), digital skills, digital literacy, ICT-competence and information competence are all terms that have yet defined precisely.

A. Ferrari, a member of the European Commission, for example, defines digital competence as “the set of knowledge, skills, attitudes, abilities, strategies, and awareness that are required when using ICT and digital media” [10].

D. M. Dzhussubaliyeva identifies DC (digital competence) as the formation of a personality that can master digital technologies and can use them in their daily and professional activities [1].


Currently, one of the priorities in the regulatory framework of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the use of ICT in the teaching of academic disciplines.

Based on the studied and analyzed materials, it is possible to distinguish several components in the structure of the ICC.


Picture 1. Components of ICC



Finally, ICC is a pedagogical category that is regarded an inherent aspect of a specialist's professional competence. It describes the qualitative markers of personality, including the integration of theoretical and practical preparedness in the personality's entire structure.



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