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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 12(182)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Tkachenko M. GAMIFICATION IN THE FORMATION OF LINGUOCULTUROLOGICAL COMPETENCE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 12(182). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/182/245446 (дата обращения: 06.02.2025).


Tkachenko Mariуa

2nd year master student of the specialty "Training of foreign language teachers", Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages,

Almaty, Kazakhstan


This article describes and analyzes such terms as "competency", "competence", "gamification". The formation and importance of linguoculturology as science is described. Examples of activities depending on the type of gamification are presented.


Keywords: linguoculturology, linguoculturological competence, gamification.


Language and culture have always gone side by side: language develops along with culture and expresses it. Based on this, a whole science of linguoculturology was formed, later, in the period of the 90s, it became an independent field of linguistics. Linguoculturology is one of the sections of linguistics that appeared at the intersection of linguistics and cultural studies, studying the culture of a certain ethnic group and its features manifested in the language [1].

At the present stage, linguocultural education is considered significant, as it creates favorable conditions for the moral and spiritual development of the individual while emphasizing the formation of the individual's self-identification as the main component of his worldview and integration into world culture. With linguocultural orientation in the learning process, the teacher focuses not only on the language part but also pays attention to the history of the people, its spiritual and material culture, cultural and historical environment, mentality, which lay the foundation for the formation of a linguistic personality. The teacher, with the help of a variety of linguoculturological material, created exercises, can present vocabulary, idioms, texts and form a linguistic picture of the world of the language being studied. This process has a direct connection with the native culture of the individual, the upbringing of a reverent and respectful attitude to one's own and foreign language and culture.

Therefore, this area becomes significant, given the connection between language and culture, since culture is the cornerstone of spiritual communication and interaction between people and language is the main means of this communication.

According to Vorobyov V.V. [2], linguoculturology is a scientific discipline that comes into contact with the sciences of philology and culture. It is determined as “a complex scientific discipline of a synthesizing type that studies the relationship and interaction of culture and language in its functioning and reflects this process as an integral structure of units in the unity of linguistic and extralinguistic content with the help of systematic methods and with a focus on modern priorities and cultural institutions”.

Maslova V.A. understands linguoculturology as "a discipline that appeared at the intersection of linguistics and cultural explorations and studies the manifestations of the culture of the people, which are reflected and strengthened in the language" [3].

Various scientists prefer to single out several periods of the formation of linguoculturology:

- the first - the prerequisites for the development of science (the works of scientists A.A. Potebnya, E. Sapir, V. Humboldt, etc.);

- the second - the formation as an independent research field (V.V. Vorobyov, V.N. Teliya, V.A. Maslova, V.M. Shaklein);

- the third - the emergence of interdisciplinary science [4].

The object of linguoculturology is the connection and interaction of language and culture in the process of their functioning. This object is located at the turn of the fundamental sciences - linguistics, cultural studies, psycholinguistics, and ethnography.

The features of the national mentality are mainly expressed through the language. Based on this, linguoculturology appeared, and such a concept as “linguoculturological competence”.

The psychological and pedagogical provisions of the competency-based approach and the categories of "competency", "competence" were studied in the works of such scientists as N. Chomsky, V.A. Bolotov, A.B. Khutorsky, I.A. Zimniaia, I.D. Frumin and many others.

Researchers G.B. Golub, E.Ya. Kogan, V.A. Prudnikov define competency as a complex integrated result of education, which:

• in comparison with skills (automatic actions), the process takes place consciously;

• in contrast, functional literacy (learning algorithms that help to adapt to the social environment) allows the individual to cope with certain tasks;

• as opposed to knowledge (mastered information), it is realized through direct activity;

• in contrast to skills (actions performed consciously on the basis of acquired knowledge and experience, which later become skills when improving), they become stronger and become a skill not with the help of automation, but when integrated with various competences [5].

N. Chomsky was one of the first to define competence, the scientist understands by “competence” the ability of a person to recognize and reproduce sentences specific in the lexical understanding [6].

Another scientist Khutorskoy A.V. in his writings he defined "competence" as a pre-established social requirement for educational preparation, which plays an important role in the student's future activity [7].

We agree with the definition of S. S. Kunanbayeva [8, p. 260], who claims that competence acts as an integrated characteristic of the qualities of education and training of students.

By studying the language and ethnos of various people, a person acquires linguistic competence, which involves understanding the language system that is characteristic of an individual in ontogenesis, as a biological species, regardless of the habitat and life experience [6, p. 22]. An individual who learns the culture of another country comprehends the features of another linguistic society but also begins to become more aware of his own culture. When a person begins to notice a reflection of his culture in a foreign culture, then linguoculturological competence is acquired.

According to Mignenko M.A. linguoculturological competence is “a system of knowledge and skills necessary for the implementation of speech activity in a foreign language, mainly in the sociocultural sphere of communication” [9].

Sayakhova L.G. understands this competence as "comprehension of language as a phenomenon of culture, cultural and historical environment, embodying history, culture, customs and language picture of the world" [7].

We agree with S.S. Kunanbayeva, therefore, we consider linguoculturological competence to be the leading one in the composition of intercultural and communicative competence, which is the goal of modern foreign language education [8, p. 85].

Directly under linguoculturological competence, we understand the totality of knowledge acquired by the individual of the system of cultural values ​​expressed in the language, which allows regulating the communicative behavior of native speakers of this language and navigating in the world of linguoculture.

For students, the formation of linguoculturological competence is associated with the study of individual linguistic facts and continues in complex tasks - the analysis of linguoculturological phenomena: stereotypes, images, etc. By this, linguoculturological competence includes a system of signs that help explain the cultural realities of the country of the language being studied [10].

The game demonstrates the impact on the formation of the personality and psyche of the child. The role of the game is highlighted not only in the interaction in the team but also in the potential for the development of a positive attitude to work, independence and behavior correction.

The concept of gamification was first used by programmers Terrill B. and Pelling N. in the early 2000s. The term defines the process by which "the main idea is to use game mechanics and apply to other web resources to increase engagement." Initially, the term was used in online games but gradually spread to various fields [11].

In the pedagogical field, the concept of gamification was published in the works of American scientists M. Porensky (2008) and K. Kapp (2012). In turn, the latter defines gamification as “game mechanics, aesthetics, and game thinking to engage people, motivate action, facilitate learning, and solve problems.”

Russian researcher Titova S.V. believes that the use of gamification makes it possible to achieve "a transition from passive methods to active ones, implement problematic teaching methods, search activities and research projects, organize self-assessment and group assessment, develop critical thinking, reveal creative abilities, stimulate students' self-education" [12, p. 152].

In Table 1, we present the types of gamification and their possible application in a foreign language lesson in the formation of the studied competence.

Table 1.

Types of gamification and their possible application

Content gamification

(a complete change in content, the lesson becomes a game)

Structural gamification (inclusion of game elements in the learning process)

Digital gamification

 (use of special applications or platforms with game elements)

The teacher can develop a course using game elements, create tasks of varying difficulty and certain paths to move to different levels.

This type of gamification allows to include only certain elements, for example, leader boards, badges, quest, points etc.

At the moment, there are many different tools for implementing this type of gamification.


- progress tracking


- game templates


Gamification is practical in its adaptation to different age groups. With younger students, it is worth focusing on the use of game tasks focused on entertaining and mobile nature. Adventure challenges with a variety of tasks leading to the result are suitable for middle school age. For the profile level, it is necessary to use game elements with professionally-oriented exercises, a level system, but do not forget to include exciting challenges.

The formation of linguoculturological competence is possible with the help of such technology as gamification, as the process will capture its participants and create a favorable atmosphere for the further development of linguocultural knowledge of students.



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