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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 15(185)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Архитектура, Строительство

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Библиографическое описание:
Tikhomirova E., Pelenkina O. COMPOSITE PANELS IN CONSTRUCTION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 15(185). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/185/248558 (дата обращения: 27.02.2025).


Tikhomirova Elizabeth

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Pelenkina Olga

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow



Тихомирова Елизавета Викторовна

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Пелёнкина Ольга Олеговна

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва



This a.rticle dea.ls with the use of composite pa.nels in the construction sector, it determines the structure of composite pa.nels, it considers the types of composite pa.nel coa.tings, their scope of a.pplica.tion, a.dva.nta.ges a.nd disa.dva.nta.ges of composite pa.nels used in the a.rra.ngement of ventilated facades.


В данной статье рассматривается вопрос применения композитных панелей в строительной сфере, определяется структура композитных панелей, рассматриваются типы покрытия композитных панелей, сферы их применения, преимущества и недостатки композитных панелей, используемых при обустройстве вентилируемых фасадов.


Keywords: Construction; composite panels; advantages; finishing; types of coating; types of panels; ventilated faсade.

Ключевые слова: Строительство; композитные панели; преимущества; отделка; типы покрытия; виды панелей; вентилируемый фасад.


Composite materials have become an integral part of construction. Currently, composite materials  used in many construction works. One of the latest developments in the field of housing construction has been the widespread use of composite panels and interior parts of buildings.

Special attention is paid to the improvement of the ventilated facade. Durability depends on the material, the protection of the building and, of course, on its appearance. The most popular material is composite panels, it has many properties. Until recently, these were public and industrial buildings, but now such panels have been used to decorate individual buildings.

The term "composite" refers to the combination of several different materials into a single whole. What gives: the new material receives significantly improved characteristics in quality and quantity. Each composite has a plastic base (matrix) and is used as a reinforcing layer.

The structure of composite panels consists of metal plates (most often aluminum) and an additional layer protecting the finishing material. The panels of each manufacturer may differ both in completeness and in the number of parts, but the general characteristics are not always the same: Rigidity and strength, wear resistance and durability.

Externally, it is a thin metal plate with square or rectangular holes. The front part of the panel is covered with special varnishes of various colors with a glossy and matte effect. More expensive options can be compared with texts made of natural and artificial materials. A variety of colors and textures allows you to change the facade of any building, regardless of its size, configuration and architectural style.

Standard composite panels have the following structure:

protective film; paint; different layer; different layer; different layer; cumulus layer; different layer;

There is a panel with a width from 1 m to 1.5 m; the standard length is 2.40, 3.20 and 4 m. However, many manufacturers do not indicate the possibility of choosing a material for specific parameters.  The thickness of the panels is 2-6 mm, and their weight does not exceed 8 kg per square meter, so the structural load on them is minimal. At the same time, their small thickness and design features allow them to retain heat and not be used as a thermal insulation material.

Withstand temperatures from -58 ° C to +80 ° C when exposed to microorganisms and corrosion. In addition, the needles penetrate inside and are effectively absorbed. For example, after laying a concrete coating, it increases by 2 times. As for fire safety, there are also good indicators here: low pressure and smoke output. In addition, manufacturers of building materials are increasingly using flammable additives, which further reduces the risk of house fire.

Manufacturers of composite panels use various fillers for such panels:

1. Mineral filler contains many components, such as foamed polyethylene and a lot of flame retardants. It has a low strength class-G1, impermeable, buoyant. Aluminum hydroxide is also used in German-made products. Mineral-coated panels are designed for finishing facades.

2. The polymer cell is made of polypropylene and foamed polyethylene. Loving

highly specialized application of performance material in the cladding of buildings and structures. Polymer panels are mainly used inside buildings.

3. Very thin plates, honeycombs or gratings are used as a filler. This provides the lightest and most durable coating. Aluminum structures withstand high winds, so their height and strength are very well combined with each other. It should be noted that aluminum panels make very little noise and do not accumulate heat at all, and also significantly increase the cost of cladding with mineral and polymer fillers. Therefore, a free-standing building cannot be used.

There are types of composite panels:

1. Polyfir is the cheapest type of paint and varnish. This coating forms a powerful elastic film with a good gloss. This coating is resistant to moisture. It is recommended to use such closed panels for interior decoration, as they lose their external attractiveness.

2. Polyvinyl chloride paints and varnishes are highly resistant to contamination, mechanical damage and ultraviolet rays. Their average service life is 20-25 years without loss of appearance. This coating corresponds to the appearance of the panels.

3. An oxide film is a layer formed as a result of electrochemical deposition. It reliably protects against corrosion, ultraviolet rays, atmospheric influences and mechanical damage, has a mirror effect. The average service life of such a coating is 15-20 years.

4. The laminating film forms a synthetic coating that performs protective and decorative functions. Laminated films are made of various textures: marble, granite, solid metal, various types of wood. Laminated panels are more expensive than others, but they look more impressive. The service life of this coating is 15-20 years.

Consider the disadvantages of a ventilated facade made of composite panels.:

1. Aluminum composites differ in appearance, and are also difficult to operate by unscrupulous buyers and contractors of construction projects. They save money, use different types of frameless panels, this can lead to tragedy. Fuel panels are used in the construction of houses up to 10 meters high, they are often found.

2. Due to increased heat absorption coefficients, due to which a fine-grained coating or a full layer of panels on facade elements may form on low-quality composite panels with low adhesion.

3. The operating costs of the NGO. If the composite panel is damaged, it is very difficult to repair it, and when replacing the tape, you will have to replace the neighboring ones.

4. The price is high. A square meter of facades of houses of the G4 series (made of fuels and lubricants) costs from 3800 rubles, and square granite facades can cost from 3200 rubles.

Composite facades are used for ventilation, as well as in other finishing options (wall cladding and wooden clapboard).:

1. Do not compare the walls;

2. They provide protection of structures from cold and heat, direct sunlight, rain and wind;

3. Houses are heated, landscaped;

4. They do not require additional reinforcement due to the low weight of the hinged system.

The following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Strictly observing the sequence and technology of work, you will be able to make a reliable and beautiful coating, give the house a modern look, significantly improve the energy of the house.

2. Ventilation facades completely exclude wet and dirty processes when installing structures at any time of the year. If the technology of work is followed, it is possible to create a beautiful coating that will match the modern look, improve the thermal insulation and thermal insulation of the room.

3. Installation of ventilated facades, from the point of view of design and architecture, can be very elegant. The panels can be oval, round, patterned.

4. Composite panels are a modern building material. They still appeared recently, but are already popular among builders and consumers.



  1. Aluminum Composite Panels, World Architecture, 2009. – 250 p.
  2. European Patent EP 2 420 380 A1, 2010. – 113 p.
  3. Neobond Aluminum Composite Panels Description, 2008. – 50 p.
  4. Oleg Grischuk "Composite panels for the facade" [electronic resource] Access mode. – URL: https://fasad-exp.ru/ventiliruemye-fasady/kompozitnye-paneli-dlya-fasada.html (date of access 07.03.2022)
  5. RemeX «Aluminum Composite Panels» [electronic resource] – Access mode – URL: https://www.remex.ru/listovye-plastiki/alyuminievye-kompozitnye-paneli (date of access 05.03.2022)

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