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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 15(185)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Ustinova A. YOUTH SUBCULTURES AS A MODE OF COMMUNICATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 15(185). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/185/248979 (дата обращения: 27.02.2025).


Ustinova Arina

Student, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article examines the problem of young people's need for self-expression. Young people join associations, thereby using one avenue for self-expression and a channel for communication. In today's world, in the age of advanced technology and great opportunities, people have a need for self-expression, to distinguish themselves from the mass of people. The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact of youth subcultures on society. Methods and objects of the research: data collection method - questionnaire survey conducted with the help of Google form among university students.


Keywords: youth, communication, subculture, personality, society, influence, self-expression.



Young people are looking for a way to distinguish themselves and join youth subcultures which provide such an opportunity. First and foremost, the goal is not to stand out externally, but spiritually. They try not to be the same, to be ordinary. Youth subcultures are considered an important part of research in sociology of youth since the way they emerged. The general study of this current began in different countries of the world in the second half of the twentieth century. However, the study of youth subcultures, was not widespread in domestic science. At that time, it was considered a kind of deviation from the norm, a cultural pathology, something that differed from the established model of behavior of life. Some formations have their purpose and meaning in society. So do subcultures, which are an integral part of society. Let us look at the reasons why young people become part of subcultures.

Youth communication through subcultures is an institution of socialisation. The young generation seeks its bearings, its direction on the path. Subculture serves as a distinguishing sign between 'our own' and 'outsiders'. People either accept a part of the subculture or resist it. This is a very important point, because there are only two ways to coexist, either to accept the youth trends, being tolerant, or to oppose them.

Main part

Everyone wants to feel individual, different from "everyone else", in this case subculture fulfils the function of differentiating between people.

The results of the survey showed that people's attitudes towards subcultures are more neutral than negative. Thus, the largest number answered "neutral" (46%) and "positive" (35%). The answer "negative" was the least, with (19%) of respondents answering (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Distribution of responses to the question "How do you feel about representatives of subcultures?”


When asked to accept a representative of subcultures into their circle of friends, respondents answered "yes" (40%), "doesn't matter" (39%) and that they disagree (21%).

A person needs support, they need a buddy, someone to help them adjust to society.

Thus, it is important to consider each person's opinions and choices. And also understand that youth subculture is important in people's lives and helps to assess everyone's capabilities and needs.


It is important to note that subcultures have an equal impact on the development of society and youth. The association of people in youth subcultures can be seen as a means of interpersonal and intercultural communication as well as the realisation of the need for self-realisation and self-expression.

The topic of tolerance on the part of society will always be relevant. Although the majority of people have positive and neutral attitudes towards subcultures, there are some who view youth movements negatively, considering only their negative impact on society, and not accepting protests in favour of a customary way of life.

Now, subcultures can arise out of a shared love of a certain culture.



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