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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 17(187)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Ushkova V. SOCIAL WORK WITH DIFFERENT GROUPS OF DRUG ADDICTS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 17(187). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/187/251357 (дата обращения: 17.02.2025).


Ushkova Vladislava

Student, Department of Social Work, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article presents the main methods and technologies of medical and social work with various groups of drug addicts


Keywords: drug addiction, narcotic drugs, psychoactive substances, group of drug addicts.



At the moment, Russia faces an important medical and social problem like drug addiction, which can lead to early and high mortality, disability and many social problems.

Main part

According to the data of specialized institutions of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 6 million cases were registered in 2021.

The average age of drug addicts is in the range of 15-19 years. Among them:

20% are schoolchildren from 9 to 14 years old. Among them, there are more and more children of an earlier age;

60% of young people aged 16 to 24;

20% - people 25-30 years and older.

Compared to 2012, over 8 years, the volume of drugs seized from circulation in Russia increased by more than 3 tons. In 2020, it amounted to 35,600 kg. By comparison, this represents approximately 20% of the world's total seizures of psychoactive substances.

The development of these diseases is significantly influenced by biological, psychological, social, cultural and other factors.

The environment of the patient, primarily his family, develops a complex of close pathological relationships with the patient, which can lead to a permanent change in the behavior and psycho-emotional state of spouses, children, parents, etc. This socio-psychological phenomenon is called codependency, and its solution requires a number of special measures.

Based on the foregoing, we can say that drug addiction is one of the serious problems of a medical and social nature, and thus is the area of ​​activity of a social worker.

Features of the medical and social status of different groups of drug addicts make it necessary to take them into account when developing social work programs.

The group with an increased risk of developing narcological diseases is distinguished by the presence of clinical and subclinical pathology, which forms a tendency to use psychoactive substances, and the development of narcological diseases, a hereditary factor, including alcoholism and drug addiction.

The degree of narcological problems depends on a combination of endo- and exogenous factors that contribute to the involvement of the patient in the process of drug addiction. Legal issues may depend on whether or not the use of certain substances is allowed in the community, the behavior of family members inappropriate, the status of a refugee or a disabled person, or the commission of offenses in connection with conflicts. [3] In other words, this group is subject to many factors of the emergence and development of drug addiction, including hereditary.

These features caused a differentiated approach in social work with this category of drug addicts. It is necessary to provide for the prevention of an unfavorable course and

decompensation of psychosomatic status, identification of belonging to a specific risk category, systematic contact with wards, carrying out special work to refuse the use of narcotic drugs. Systemic psychocorrection is needed, which includes group and individual training of social and communication skills and self-regulation techniques, involvement in a prosperous social microenvironment. [2] We can say that social work with this group of drug addicts is predominantly psychological in nature.

For a group of long-term, often and seriously ill drug addicts, specific medical problems are associated with the severity of the underlying disease, its complications and consequences.

Often characterized by pathological adaptation to the disease, the absence of pronounced therapeutic settings;

- possible increasing secondary social maladaptation and codependency relationships in the immediate social environment, as well as legal problems associated with narcological pathology and involvement in treatment.

In this regard, the features of social work with this group of drug addicts are assistance in organizing special long-term therapy in optimal conditions, as well as in resolving issues related to working capacity and disability. In addition, social work should include family counseling and family psychotherapy, detection of possible problems and their prevention, assistance in involving therapeutic communities in the work. [2]

A group of drug addicts with severe social problems is singled out. Here one should take into account the severity of narcological disorders, in which concomitant personal and mental deformations, antisocial attitudes are often detected; analyze social maladaptation in one or more phases of social functioning, criminal history, past compulsory treatment (if any).

The characteristic features of social work with this group of drug addicts are the identification of a dysfunctional environment of the contingent and its improvement, personality-oriented psychotherapy, mental self-regulation, assistance in organizing drug treatment and rehabilitation in conditions that would optimize the social status (therapeutic communities, self-help groups), comprehensive assessment of social status and prevention of possible problems. There is a need to provide assistance in solving financial difficulties through the realization of one's own potential, including vocational training and employment. Legal assistance, along with legal counseling, is aimed at preventing socially dangerous acts, interaction with law enforcement agencies, etc. [3] It can be seen that a feature of this area of social work is psychotherapy, vocational training and legal counseling.


Thus, drug addicts, as representatives of the medical and social category of the population, have a number of problems and characteristics. Scientists distinguish several groups of drug addicts. It should be said that each group also has its own characteristics, and depending on the group of drug addicts, the nature of social work with this group of the population is determined.



  1. Report on the state of health of the population and the organization of health care based on the results of the activities of the authorities executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2021
  2. Pavlenok P.D. Technologies of social work in various spheres of life: Proc. allowance. M.: INFRA-M, 2009. — 379 p.
  3. Kholostova E. I. Technologies of social work: Textbook under the general. ed. prof. E.I. Single. – M.: INFRA-M, 2001. - 400 p.

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