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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 22(192)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Gorbach E. FEATURES OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PARTS OF STEM-EDUCATION IN THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 22(192). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/192/258712 (дата обращения: 20.03.2025).


Gorbach Evgeniya

1st year master's student, 44.04.01 Pedagogical education, Natural science education, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


There is an acute educational need for quality education of today's students in technical disciplines - mathematics, physics, engineering, programming. It is the introduction of STEM-education methodological solutions into the educational process that will allow teachers to form in students the most important characteristics that define a competent specialist.


Keywords: STEM education, mathematics, technology, FSES, problem-based learning.


The human desire to learn about the world is caused not only by a natural interest but also by the need to provide the necessary conditions for life. The quality of human life is in direct dependence on the level of use of scientific knowledge and achievements.

Teaching mathematics in basic school involves the formation of the subject mathematical competence of the mathematics program. The formation of this competence is subordinate to the realization of the general objectives of the school mathematics education.

In addition, mathematics education should contribute to the formation of key competencies. Key competencies, such as learning to learn, initiative and entrepreneurship, environmental awareness and healthy lifestyles, and social and civic competencies can be shaped by all subjects at once. The emphasis of such cross-curricular lines of key competencies as “Environmental Safety and Sustainable Development”, “Civic Responsibility”, “Health and Safety”, “Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy” is aimed at shaping students’ ability to apply knowledge and skills in real life situations.

The secondary school teacher, as a guide of basic knowledge, should find additional reserves for the formation of motivation in the study of his/her own subject. It is STEM-education that provides teachers with the methodological tools to create a learning and cognitive environment for students. It is the implementation of STEM-education methodological solutions into the educational process that will allow the teacher to form in students the most important characteristics that define a competent specialist.

We can’t give a child absolutely all the knowledge during their time at school, especially since this knowledge is multiplying and increasing all the time today. Today, we need to teach children how to seek additional knowledge and how to use it to solve their own or professional problems.

There is a lot of information in textbooks and curricula and something new is added every time. We see that children have begun to “drop out” of learning, for example, in math, having missed something and no longer being able to make up the gap, not being able to move on. That’s how you lose interest in learning. Mathematics lessons with the use of STEM-education elements give an opportunity not only to develop and maintain interest in the subject but also to develop a desire to study and gain new knowledge, to promote personal development, the ability to highlight the main thing in the problem, the formation of a high level of elementary operations (analysis, comparison, analogy, classification). Every child has a natural inclination to learn new things and explore the world around him without the help of others. And we teachers must instill in students a desire to explore and equip them with the methods of research work. Research tasks differ significantly from traditional tasks in their wording.

One of the STEM-technologies of teaching mathematics is the use of applied tasks, which each teacher can find in sufficient number on the Internet or come up independently, using data from real life.

Practice-oriented tasks are understood as tasks whose conditions are descriptions of situations in students’ daily lives. Examples of such tasks can be tasks of drawing up text tasks after production excursions; practical work connected with direct measurement, observation, collection of the required information; tasks on purchase of goods, optimization of expenses, etc.

One of such forms of work at mathematics lessons, contributing to the development of graphic skills and computational skills, is laboratory-graphic work. They provide an opportunity to more fully understand the mathematical relationships between quantities, to get acquainted with measuring and computing instruments and their application to learn how to make measurements and calculations with a certain accuracy. Successful work contributes to the development of a sense of beauty, causes pleasure in this type of learning activity.

The practice of plein air lessons. This is a lesson that is not supposed to take place in a classroom, but in the open air, involving the richness of the environment in all its manifestations in order to learn to see, listen and understand the world around us. Such lessons can successfully connect theory to practice and real life.

An important factor that helps to properly create a problematic situation in the lesson of mathematics was the proper formulation of the question by the teacher, as well as the formation of the student’s ability to analyze and organize the content of the problem.

So, the application of the problem method of learning in STEM lessons of mathematics teaches students: to think creatively; to put forward and test hypotheses; rationally plan the search for a solution of the problem; to compare and analyze the results got; to learn the basic methods of solving problems.



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