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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 31(201)

Рубрика журнала: История

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Библиографическое описание:
Karpenko E. ORGANIZATION OF THE FORMATION OF HISTORICAL THINKING OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN AN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 31(201). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/201/265072 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).


Karpenko Eduard

Master student, Department of General and Social Pedagogy, Tyumen State University,

Russia, Tyumen

Akvazba Svetlana

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Department of General and Social Pedagogy, Tyumen State University,

Russia, Tyumen



Карпенко Эдуард Ильдарович

магистрант, кафедра общей и социальной педагогики, Тюменский Государственный Университет,

РФ, г. Тюмень

Аквазба Светлана Омаровна

научный руководитель, канд. пед. наук, доц., кафедра общей и социальной педагогики, Тюменский Государственный Университет,

РФ, г. Тюмень



The article deals with theoretical approaches to the formation of historical thinking among schoolchildren in a general educational organization.


В статье рассматриваются теоретические подходы к формированию исторического мышления у школьников в общеобразовательной организации.


Keywords: historical thinking, critical thinking, formation of thinking, organizational and pedagogical conditions, critical literacy skill, educational organization, critical literacy.

Ключевые слова: историческое мышление, критическое мышление, формирование мышления, организационно-педагогические условия, навык критической грамотности, общеобразовательная организация, критическая грамотность.


In our time, there is a clear change in the main areas of society: social, economic, political and spiritual, while it is aggravated, and the social significance of education and the teacher as a whole is increasing. The modification of the activities of the secondary school is progressing at a tremendous pace. The importance of education today in Russia is determined by the fulfillment of certain tasks that should lead it to democracy, to a constitutional state, to a market economic system and to the successful development of the whole society. In accordance with this, an actively developing society needs intellectual, highly moral and practical citizens who are capable of making serious decisions themselves, foreseeing and predicting their future outcomes, able to work together, capable of social mobility, possessing the functions of duty, as well as constructivism. Summarizing the above information, it is worth saying that previously unknown tasks are set for teachers when teaching children, as well as fresh requests to secondary school graduates.

The need for the formation of cognitive capabilities in adolescents has become paramount. In the process of formation, there is a difficulty, improvement, strengthening, maturation of those qualities that are inherent in each person, as well as instilling in the individual socially important individual virtues. Due to the possibility of formation, people, throughout their entire existence on Earth, are in a continuous process of transformation, movement and development. Of course, after all, this development does not go unhindered all the time, and it is also predictable; stages of acceleration, slowdown, recessions, and, in addition, critical crises are possible in it. The work of the teacher must be related to the fact that the growth of students is under control, easily managed, and also corrected. In domestic psychology, there are uniform laws for the formation and development of children: “A child is formed, develops, learns, while learning proceeds in work according to the appropriation of social experience in a dialogue with adults, as well as with other children” [1, p. 19]. Every student is not a jar that must necessarily be filled with all the various actions, terminology and facts, but an individual who must be taught to think with these judgments, doctrines, and law.

It should be said about historical education at school that the GEF SOO proclaims certain guidelines: for example, the formation of historical thinking among schoolchildren (the ability to analyze certain historical phenomena, as well as events, to correlate various versions of the assessment of historical characters and events, to formulate, and also reasonably demonstrate their position on dubious / controversial issues in history). The well-known Methodist Lerner made an attempt to construct peculiar features of historical thinking. For example, he considered the ability to present a social event or phenomenon, correctly selecting the information inherent to it; establishing the circumstances of the emergence of any social phenomenon; understanding the abundance of certain historical patterns; interest in correlating the past, as well as the present tenses; possession of the skill of extracting historical lessons from the facts of the past tense [2, p. 19]. Most of these properties can be attributed to related disciplines, such as geography, paleogeology and paleontology. Summing up, it is worth saying that the versatility of the structure of historical thinking forces teachers to regularly shape the growth of this process in accordance with established instructions, rules, as well as psychological and pedagogical laws.

The problem with regards to the issue of thinking, its significance in being, work and knowledge interested people in the distant past. In the ancient world, a division of mental activity, as well as sense organs, appeared in philosophy. In the 5th century BC Heraclitus from Ephesus drew the line between the representation of feelings, as well as thinking, and Parmenides from Elea opposed these currents, suggesting that only mental activity is capable of providing genuine, as well as truthful knowledge. In the IV century BC Plato from Athens focused on the fact that the significance of the intellect lies in this, in order to reconcile the impulses of two irrational elements of the soul – the highest, as well as the lowest motivation. Since that time, the question of mental activity began to remain in the sphere of interests of scientific workers, while most of all direct mental activity was taken into account as the highest, truly human skill.



  1. Badmaev Boris. Psychology in the work of a teacher. In two books. Book 1. A practical guide to the theory of development, training and education. M.: Vlados, 2004. — 233 p.
  2. Lerner Isaac. Development of students' thinking in the process of teaching history. M.: Prosveshcheniye, 1982. — 191 p.

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