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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 31(201)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Shambiev P. YOUTH INVOLVEMENT IN GOVERNANCE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 31(201). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/201/265195 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).


Shambiev Parviz

student of the department of social work, Belgorod State State Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The relevance of the article is due to the fact that youth self-government is a necessary and at the same time a powerful resource in the successful socialization of youth and the regulation of socio-political life.

The political orientation of youth falls on the years of transformations in the sphere of state building. Despite this, the mechanism of youth participation in public policy is not sufficiently developed. That is why youth parliamentarism is gaining such popularity.


Keywords: youth, youth self-government, parliament, management, sociology of management, sociology of youth.


Youth parliamentarism is a special form of youth participation in the socio–political life of the country. It is necessary to understand that the political consciousness of young people is contradictory. Youth parliaments are one of the forms of youth self–government and an element of the implementation of youth policy.

In Russia, youth parliamentarism began to be sorted out in 2002. In 2002, a Public Youth Chamber was established under the State Duma, and in 2004, a Youth Parliamentary Assembly was established under the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. In 2012, the Chamber of Young Legislators was created.

Since youth parliamentarism in Russia is a fairly young movement, Russia can also rely on international experience in its work, since in countries with developed democracies such structures have been created since the 40s of the twentieth century.

The experience of the subjects of the Russian Federation shows that each of the proposed forms has the right to a successful existence. At the same time, the creation of Youth Parliaments under legislative (representative) authorities is most likely to be the most effective, meeting the objectives and principles of the development of the youth parliamentary movement. It is this form that provides an opportunity not only to change the level and quality of youth participation in the process of developing, adopting and implementing decisions in the field of State Youth Policy, but also to lobby the interests of youth through state authorities (local self-government). In addition, Youth Parliaments established under legislative or executive authorities, respectively, have the same levels as state bodies and the level of local self-government.

Currently, a clear concept of the development of youth parliamentarism in the Russian Federation is needed. A unified approach in this direction should be formed within the framework of the state. The development of youth parliamentarism in the Russian Federation should be based on an effective regulatory framework. For the creation of legal conditions is an attempt to direct this process into an effective channel, and youth parliamentarism is gradually reflected in the laws and by–laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The activities of most youth parliamentary structures are provided for by regional laws and regulated by special Provisions on them.

If we consider the organizational and legal status of youth parliamentarism in Russia, then we should focus on the issues of legal consolidation of its organizational structure, as well as forms, methods and procedures of functioning. At the same time, it is not necessary that anybody performing the functions of youth parliamentarism should be called a "youth parliament".

It is often said: the new is the well–forgotten old. This phrase is also applicable to youth parliamentarism. Komsomol congresses, student forums, youth congresses are organizational forms that allowed young citizens to influence State youth policy during the Soviet period. And this is a positive moment in our history. The Youth Parliament is an organizational form that is based on the historical experience of the state's work with youth, the best traditions of the formation and development of social mechanisms for representing the legitimate interests and rights of young citizens in society, taking into account their opinions in matters of its development.

Youth parliamentarism can play a major role in shaping the legislation of the Russian Federation on state youth policy. After all, one of the main tasks of youth parliamentarism is to achieve the adoption and implementation of laws and other regulatory legal acts that allow for the representation of the legitimate interests of young people in state authorities and local self-government bodies. The first thing that is necessary for the activities of youth parliaments is the creation of a clear mechanism for their interaction with those state authorities that have the right to legislative initiative.

The emergence of youth parliaments or other similar structures requires, of course, organizational support from the administrations (governments) of the subjects of the Russian Federation. It is advisable to introduce certain positions within the regional youth affairs bodies, whose duties should include promoting the development of youth parliamentarism. In the process of developing youth parliamentarism, it is necessary to take into account the international aspect and foreign experience. Currently, not only in Russia, but also abroad, there are regulatory legal acts providing for socio-legal mechanisms for youth representation, similar to the Youth Parliament. In particular, we can highlight the experience of the creation and functioning of youth councils in France, youth parliaments in the lands of Germany. There is experience in creating youth parliaments in the republics of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Moldova and other CIS countries.

Having analyzed international practice, the following parliamentary structures can be distinguished: youth parliamentary structures, under the legislature, under executive authorities, as well as youth parliaments act as an independent public organization.



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