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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 9(221)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Материаловедение

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Библиографическое описание:
Popova A., Marfin D., Klimova A. THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRANSPORT INDUSTRY // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 9(221). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/221/282263 (дата обращения: 04.03.2025).


Popova Anastasia

student of the Institute of Information Systems, State University of Management,

Russia, Moscow

Marfin Denis

student of the Institute of Information Systems, State University of Management,

Russia, Moscow

Klimova Anastasia

student of the Institute of Information Systems, State University of Management,

Russia, Moscow

Sukhareva Natalia

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, State University of Management,

Russia, Moscow



Попова Анастасия Михайловна

студент института информационных систем, Государственный Университет Управления,

РФ, г. Москва

Марфин Денис Дмитриевич

студент института информационных систем, Государственный Университет Управления,

РФ, г. Москва

Климова Анастасия Артуровна

студент института информационных систем, Государственный Университет Управления,

РФ, г. Москва

Сухарева Наталья Александровна

научный руководитель, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков, Государственный университет управления,

РФ, г. Москва



The article explores the effects of digitalization on the progress of the transport sector. The authors not only examine how new technologies are employed to enhance the competitiveness of transportation businesses, but also address the potential risks and hazards that come with digitalization. The article identifies the key directions of the digitalization process in the transport industry and concludes that there is a need to accelerate the digitalization processes in this field.


Keywords: digitalization, digital transformation, digitalization of transport, digital technologies.


The modern economy is known to be characterized by active processes of using various achievements of scientific and technological progress, directly related to the so-called "digital" revolution, which in turn allowed to form a fundamentally new model of economic development. The era of the existing information society presupposes the widespread use of innovative technologies, largely determining the way of development of the world economy in general and national economies in particular. The concept of "digital transformation" or, in other words, digitalization appeared during the development of science and technology. If one of the first concepts of digital transformation exclusively presupposed a transition from analog data to digital one, nowadays digitalization is understood as the extensive use of technologies in various spheres of society's in order to provide new opportunities and organize a new format of technological structure. [2, p.129]

Looking back on the development of digital technologies, they should keep in mind that over the past half century, they have gone through a long and complex path. It was the stages of "Internet of Machines", "Internet of People", and "Internet of Things". At each of them, there was a positive dynamics of ongoing transformations, which, as a result, led to effective indicators of the economy functioning. [9, p.89]

The transport industry was the first to implement digitalization. The need to address such issues as automation control and increasing the effectiveness stimulated transport companies, at first to computerize automation control of the entire transport industry and then digitalize them. [2, p.129]. Actually the penetration of digital technologies into the transport industry began soon after the appearance of the first electronic computers, which greatly simplified the work for transport companies. It was the rapid advance of digital technologies that contributed to the increasing economic efficiency in this area.

The most common examples of digitalization of the transport industry are various applications with public transportation traffic maps, electronic tickets, control traffic flow and the most exciting ones are unmanned subway trains, electric trains and taxis. However, the influence of digitalization processes on the industry is much wider, as new technologies provide the opportunity to create more efficient parking, to control traffic jams and to follow traffic rules by all participants, as well as to facilitate the management of oversized transportation.

Despite all the achievements of digitalization, we have to admit that the introduction of new technologies in the transport industry isn't evenly. Such influence is usually considered not only through the prism of obvious transformations, but also through the ongoing changes in the transport infrastructure [4, p.37]. The first component affects cosmetic changes in this area, while the second one changes the mechanisms themselves. In the first case, these are technologies that have been successfully tested in other areas, such as "big data", processes of intellectualization, and others. In other words, intelligent transport systems are the main way of technological development and improvement of the industry. In the second case, it usually implies changes in the techno-economic basis for the production. [7, p.135]. Currently, there are four main directions of the process of digitalization of the transport sector, which include:

1)digitalization of transport infrastructure (it assumes that each stage of the logistics chain and all means of transport will have personal identification and be under the control of software. This innovation will allow real-time management of the entire transport flow. The digitalization of transport infrastructure will speed up logistics processes, reduce costs and expenses, as well as provide reliable data storage);

2) robotization (used in the most time-consuming components: warehousing and vehicle maintenance);

3) automation of management processes (it is necessary, because nowadays speed of modern traffic flows is so high that it is quite difficult for a person to take competent management decisions in view of all possible risks);

4) introduction of autopilot systems (autopilot is supposed to be used for civil aircraft, sea freight services, and currently some experimental projects are operating in public transport). [1, p.309]

Table 1.

Practical use of digital technologies in the infrastructure of the transport industry



Electronic document management

Introduction of electronic tickets, remote execution travel documents, customer service without personal contact


Mobile payments, using mobile applications to receive transport services

Cloud technologies

Data collection and analysis using "big data" technology

Intelligent transportation systems

Automation and robotization of traffic flow control, forecasting the situation, support for autopilot systems


Optimization of cargo transportation and data collection to monitor the effectiveness of activities

Parking lots


The use of real-time data informing about the availability of parking lots

Public transportation


Control systems that collect and analyze data, adjusting traffic according to needs, and improving the efficiency of traffic flow

Source: compiled by the authors on the basis of [5, p.293]


In turn, it is worth mentioning that the active use of automated transportation systems can cause certain problems and dissonance in society. There are threats and risks arising from automation in transport:

1) the simultaneous dismissal of a large number of drivers who will not be able to find a job by their profession;

2) Risk of software failure and loss of control of the driven vehicle.

At the same time, there are certainly significant advantages in the introduction of such technologies, namely:

1) improving the efficiency of the transport sector (reducing fuel costs, increasing road capacity, reducing accidents);

2) Reducing labor costs for drivers and other employees whose jobs will be automated;

3) eliminating the risk of human error.

The practical benefits of using new digital technologies in the transportation industry also allow for more urgent and meaningful tasks for workers to perform more complex tasks while reducing the damage to health of working in bad conditions. In addition, the active use of digital technology can reduce the level of criminalization and risks of crime in transport. For example, facial recognition and remote identification technologies already in use create complete security zones around key transportation facilities.

The processes of implementing automatic systems in the transport sector can cover almost all components of the logistics chain. In particular, the information flows and subsequent control can be carried out with the help of automatic systems within the framework of the organization of the so–called "virtual logistician" - a program that has all the necessary qualities in order to organize the work of transport hubs [3, p.5].

In addition, digital information platforms play an important role in the process of digitalization of the economy [7, p.76]. The purpose of such structures is the integration of all participants in the value chain, taking into account communication channels, distribution, as well as the presence of a community of potential customers. The current scope of digital platforms is such that they can cover entire sectors of the economy. It is through platforms that the end consumer can make the direct contact with the supplier [6]. Digital platforms of this type can integrate all logistics and other processes into a single system, connect consumers and manufacturers, and take over the management of all additional functions.

It can be argued that digitalization is currently a crucial and imperative process in the transportation industry compared to all other forms of STP [8, p.46]. On one hand, the effective implementation of digital technologies in the transportation sector determines the level of competitiveness of the company. Companies that neglect the modern changes in the economy and industry are at risk of losing their position in the market. On the other hand, the process of digitalization also brings increased risks, both in terms of economic development and social progress. However, the digitalization of the economy is an irreversible process that deserves support, since a balance can be achieved that yields positive outcomes for both transportation enterprises and the entire economy.



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