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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 10(222)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Транспортные коммуникации

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Библиографическое описание:
Dzyabko V. LOGISTICS TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE DELIVERY OF GOODS IN INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 10(222). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/222/282627 (дата обращения: 18.02.2025).


Dzyabko Vladimir

student, Department of Transport Processes and Technological Complexes, Kuban State Technological University,

Russia, Krasnodar

Maksimenko Catherine

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, Candidate of Sciences in Philology, associate professor, Kuban State Technological University,

Russia, Krasnodar



Дзябко Владимир Александрович

студент, кафедра транспортных процессов и технологических комплексов, Кубанский государственный технологический университет,

РФ, г. Краснодар

Максименко Екатерина Валентиновна

научный руководитель, канд. филол. наук, доц. кафедры иностранных языков №2, Кубанский государственный технологический университет,

РФ, г. Краснодар



The author analyzed and summarized the studied data on the study of innovative technologies in the field of logistics at the global level and provided data on the implementation of new logistics projects in the territory of the Russian Federation.


Автор проанализировал и обобщил изученные данные по исследованию инновационных технологий в сфере логистики на мировом уровне и привел данные по реализации новых логистических проектов на территории Российской Федерации.


Keywords: logistics; logistics technologies; innovations; international transportation; new technologies.

Ключевые слова: логистика; логистические технологии; инновации; международные перевозки; новые технологии.


Logistics as a technology for managing material flows is very much in demand at modern enterprises. The knowledge developed by science makes it possible to make informed decisions in the field of material flow management. The growing interest on the part of entrepreneurs in logistics systems is due to the possibilities of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of material-conducting commodity-forming systems through its use.

With the increasing saturation of markets, enterprises are forced to resort to all new different methods of maintaining competitiveness. One of the main tasks is to maintain affordable prices for the products sold to consumers with high quality and a diverse assortment. This factor makes it necessary for enterprises to switch to the use of logistics technologies that allow minimizing, and in some cases eliminating various costs and reducing the cost of products sold.

Logistics technologies are a wide range of operations related to the receipt, storage and movement of goods.

Logistics technologies are aimed at organizing the delivery of goods from one point to another with minimal financial and time costs. The company develops the most profitable routes for each customer. Specialists working in the field of logistics help with the choice of transport, taking into account the type of cargo, its size and weight. They also study the terrain and the condition of the roads to which the goods need to be delivered. The company's employees monitor the cargo transportation, thanks to this, the client can make changes in the course of transportation [4, p. 55].

The role of logistics in the world is difficult to overestimate. Considering the modern world, there is such a trend as the development of logistics systems, it directly relates to supply chain management. International trade is directly related to logistics systems, since it is impossible to imagine how goods from one continent fell into the organization of transportation [6, p. 285]. Now most of the carriers and operators organizing the entire transportation process are private companies that have nothing to do with the state. But with all the factors, the state plays a huge role in this process, since it is impossible to solve a number of issues related to the organization of transportation without the intervention of state structures. The logistics development market is one of the most active today. The average share of GDP in developed countries is about 13-14%. It can be seen that transport companies and transport logistics bring large profits to the state. For example, the share of Ireland's GDP is 14.1%, in Singapore 13.

Тechnologies include the following factors:

  • investigation of probable cargo delivery routes and selection
  • rational use of logistics costs (costs of performing logistics operations);
  • selection of transport;
  • calculation of the cost of delivery, including all conditions used;
  • identification of all possible risks during cargo transportation and, if possible, their prevention or minimization;
  • preparation of documents that contain all the work done (report);
  • various options for completing the product;
  • provision of space for short-term or long-term storage of cargo;
  • possibility of cargo insurance;
  • customs clearance of goods.

Areas of logistics application:

  1. Smart road.

Smart road is a single concept that includes various technologies for managing road transport. The platform contains many elements that can help drivers and pedestrians by combining tracking devices. The collected data allows you to create maximum safety during the movement of transport and to perform intelligent traffic flow management [1, p. 104].

The smart road is called the basic condition for the ubiquity of autonomous transport, the development of which is proceeding at a rapid pace today. New and existing highways are equipped with sensor networks and digital mapping systems. Communication technologies between vehicles and with smart infrastructure facilities should provide a higher level of data exchange security and personal data security. An example of this is the increasingly popular electrification of transport, which cannot be implemented without an appropriate charging infrastructure.

Ideally, all components of a smart road (these are car and pedestrian motion sensors, traffic intensity and vehicle speed sensors, photo and video cameras, traffic light and street lighting control modules, weather sensors, electronic road signs, information tables at stops, parking meters and GPS/GLONASS navigation) should work on the basis of a single platform - intelligent transport system.

Speaking of accidents, we will cite in our study the estimates of the European Commission, according to which, the introduction of smart roads will reduce the share of fatal accidents by 1.3-6.9%, and the share of injuries as a result of accidents – by 1.1-7%. The overall effect for the EU and the UK from reducing the number of accidents on the roads may reach €98 billion in 2023-2035.

In Melbourne, Australia, the smartest road in the world has been launched on Nicholson Street with a length of only 2.5 km. We are talking about the Intelligent Corridor project, designed for three years, which is easily scaled from a separate intersection to an entire city. All traffic is managed by the Kapsch Mobility software package with a universal deep learning platform, an urban mobility management system and a collaborative data processing platform for advanced analytics. All this data is processed and analyzed by AI, after which the results can be used both for dynamic control and optimization of traffic flows, as well as creating a "green wave" for emergency vehicles and regulating traffic near schools with the ability to redirect vehicles depending on the level of air pollution. The system allows you to predict the impact of an accident at an intersection on the movement of public transport and offer passengers alternative routes. Increases the safety and security of ordinary pedestrians – for example, in turns with poor visibility, the driver will receive a notification.

Russia's positions in terms of the development of unmanned vehicles and ITS are more modest than the results of a number of countries. Thus, Russia ranked 26th in terms of readiness for autonomous vehicles [2, p. 144-148]. However, they are trying to correct the relatively low level of implementation of advanced solutions in the country – the state has launched a number of initiatives in recent years to accelerate the development of the legislative framework for the use of drones.

The most illustrative example is the CKAD-3 highway near Moscow, where they plan to open a section of a smart road this summer, along which cars connected to radio coverage will travel. The first will be KAMAZ and Mercator, for which special sensors will be installed in the car, warning the driver about the situation on the road. So, if someone turns on the brake lights, other motorists will receive notifications about sudden braking on their tablets. The system will also tell drivers about road works or the movement of special services. A special feature of the CKAD-3 will also be a non-stop fare payment system. Free Flow", which is advanced not only for Russia, but also for the world. "Various devices and cameras are used to monitor and analyze the situation, weather conditions, and the condition of the roadway. Based on these data, the cost of payment for a section of the toll road is determined and invoices are generated for payment.

  1. Drones.

Drones are capable of taking inventory at a logistic warehouse, transporting cargo by air or performing security tasks. Some companies have already started testing for use in the transportation of products to the end user. Thus, it is possible to expand the range of companies that carry out deliveries.

For example, according to Gartner, by 2026, about 1 million drones will be used in the world to deliver goods to consumers. Back in 2014, DHL, using unmanned devices (pilotless devices), brought urgent parcels weighing up to 1.2 kg to the German island of Juist, where ferries did not go. The island is separated from the mainland by 12 km [8].

Four years later, one of the world's largest retailers, Walmart, began actively registering patents for drones. Soon, the company, together with Zipline, launched a service for the delivery of health products from hypermarkets in Arkansas.

The pandemic has made unmanned and contactless logistics even more in demand, and there are more such projects. For example, in the summer of 2021, Drone Delivery Canada (DHC) signed an agreement with Edmonton International Airport to deliver cargo to a logistics center. In the park, DC has a Sparrow drone with a maximum load of 4.5 kg and a more powerful Robin XL that can lift 11.3 kg.

The largest players of the Russian e-commerce market began to join the use of drones. However, drones can also be used in industry. During the tests at the Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye field, the device made several successful flights to the oil field. It flew 130 km and delivered 150 kg of cargo to the field in total. According to the company "Geoscan", probably, the volume of traffic will have grown to 1.2 thousand tons annually by 2024 in remote regions of Russia, such as Khanty-Mansiysk district, Yamal and Chukotka [3, p. 37-42].

However, the mass implementation of such systems is still far away. Now, according to Gartner, only 20 thousand drones perform the work of couriers. An analysis of world practice shows that drones are used mainly for the transportation of light goods so far, experts of the Up Great NTI technology competitions confirm. According to them, such projects are now perceived more as an experiment and a PR tool.

  1. Warehouse robotics.

The design is a robot mounted on a special platform that can move forward and backward. This design is able to replace people performing loading and unloading operations and stacking cargo on racks. The system is still in development and at the testing stage. This type of robotics relies on "visual" contact, a computer studying the world around it through cameras, allows robots to self-learn and come to automate their processes.

However, it can be noted that automation and robotization of warehouses is actively developing in all countries. The trend set by the online sales giant Amazon is being implemented in the areas of loading and unloading operations and the formation of orders of the largest online retailers.

According to the research "Warehousing Vision 2024" conducted by Zebra Technologies, automation and solutions to increase labor productivity will become key areas in logistics.

The progenitor of the modern mobile robotic systems market can be considered the company Kiva Systems, which has developed a unique warehouse logistics system. All cargo is stored in a warehouse in standardized modules. Transportation of the necessary goods in real time, taking into account the received order, is handled by the nearest free robot, which, in turn, moves around the warehouse according to the barcode marking applied to the floor. Such organization of warehouse logistics allows to reduce the number of warehouse employees by several times, completely eliminates the need for conveyors and loaders.

On average, by 2024, logistics managers expect to achieve the level of use of robotics for the management of incoming stocks up to 24%, for the packaging of outgoing goods, this figure will grow up to 22% and for the acceptance of goods, the percentage will increase up to 20%. Almost half (46%) of the study participants named the acceleration of delivery as the main reason for the expansion of warehouses [7, p. 379-382].

Amazon's analysts believe that by the end of 2023, more than 100 thousand will be implemented globally. Over the next five years, Interact Analysis believes, more than 700 thousand autonomous mobile robots will be installed.

  1. Automation of customs.

Automation of customs processes is the introduction of technologies that allow improving the information system and communication system of government agencies of different countries between each other. Such systems will allow you to fully service from the moment of receipt of documents, until the moment the car is released from the customs control zone. Automation of customs processes will reduce the downtime of cars at customs, as well as increase throughput by processing documents before arriving at the border.

The actual implementation of automatic decision-making largely depends on the tasks facing the customs services. In most countries, these technologies are being introduced, first of all, in relation to the export of goods, since any state is interested in developing its production base and supporting its manufacturer. In the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, automatic registration and automatic issuance are currently used, except for the Russian Federation, in the Republic of Belarus and, since last year, in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

One of the interesting examples of successfully integrated into the global transport network is undoubtedly China. The State Council of the People's Republic of China has created a System of interdepartmental data exchange, through which the Chinese Customs Service provides information and exchanges it with government agencies [5, p. 158]. The results of the state control are transmitted to the System, so its repeated conduct is not required. In the event that an enterprise has been suspected of illegal activities, as well as non-fulfillment of established requirements and obligations, the information is immediately sent to the Chinese Customs service, suspending the status or excluding legal entities from the relevant register.

In the modern world, logistics plays a leading role in many areas of human activity, and especially in the economy. The application of logistics principles makes it possible to significantly optimize the movement of material, financial and information flows in production, in distribution chains. But the evolution of logistics systems continues, and they are still far from perfect.

The last few years have given logistics a number of revolutionary solutions in the field of transportation of people and goods. There are more and more ambitious projects and now our task is to integrate all ideas into life as quickly as possible.



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