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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 12(224)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Marushchenko N. HE USE OF ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF COGNITIVE ACTIVITY // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 12(224). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/224/283827 (дата обращения: 31.03.2025).


Marushchenko Natalia

Master’s student, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


Рассмотрим применение ЭОР во внеурочной деятельности по информатике, определим педагогические условия, соблюдение которых влияет на развитие познавательной активности.

Описан процесс организации внеурочной деятельности при помощи электронных образовательных ресурсов, разобраны факторы, определяющие влияние данных средств обучения на познавательную деятельность.

Резюмируется, что соблюдение обозначенных педагогических условий является обязательным фактором эффективного развития познавательной активности школьников на основе применения ЭОР во внеклассной деятельности.


Consider the use of EERs in extracurricular computer science activities, identifying the pedagogical conditions that influence the development of cognitive activity.

The process of organising extracurricular activities with the help of electronic educational resources is described and the factors determining the impact of these learning tools on cognitive activity are discussed.

It is summarised that observance of the mentioned pedagogical conditions is an obligatory factor for effective development of cognitive activity of schoolchildren on the basis of using e-Learning resources in extracurricular activities.


Ключевые слова: электронные образовательные ресурсы, внеурочная деятельность, информатика, педагогические условия, познавательная активность.

Keywords: electronic educational resources, extracurricular activities, computer science, pedagogical conditions, cognitive activity.


Informatics is an interesting and one of the most technically advanced subjects. It is important to get pupils interested in the subject at an early stage, to stimulate their desire to learn and to strive for new discoveries. The collaboration between student and teacher is most positive and effective during extra-curricular activities.

The aim of the work is to determine the impact of extracurricular activities through EERs on the development of cognitive engagement.

We will stick to the definition of the authors L.I. Shvechko and E.V. Bakhmutskaya who understand extracurricular activity as a form of creative purposeful interaction of a pupil, a teacher and other subjects of the educational process to create conditions for students to master socio-cultural values of society, which can be mastered through involvement in socially useful activities and informal organization of leisure time. In this article we will consider electronic educational resources as subjects.

Pedagogical conditions (methodological, content, logistical and personal) must also be met when organising extracurricular activities with the use of eLearning resources.

The personal conditions are a subject-subjective relationship between teacher and pupil, and the age and individual characteristics of the pupils are taken into account.

The formation of a pupil's interest in learning a subject depends on the way the teacher presents information and on the techniques and technologies used in the teaching process. The most effective joint activity between a pupil and a teacher on the basis of a subject-subject relationship takes place during extra-curricular activities.

A system of differentiated e-learning tasks has been developed to identify individual characteristics at different levels of cognitive activity, which correspond to the age specifics and level of cognitive activity of the pupils.

Material and technical conditions - the use of information technology in the process of working with EERs.

The most important condition for the effective development of cognitive activity is the use of modern information technologies in the process of work with EERs, which allow increasing the speed of control, developing and researching information models of real objects, using all kinds and forms of information provision in the learning process, organising remote networking, as well as the integrated work of various technical devices.

There is a need for prophylactic eye and posture exercises during prolonged use of ICT tools to reduce the negative impact on the health of school children.

The use of e-learning resources enhances the provision and handling of data, the collection, storage and processing of information within the traditional learning system, resulting in a process of increased cognitive activity in students. In addition, access to new sources of information via the Internet and web resources allows students to expand their activities, which increases their interest in learning the subject matter.

The use of telecommunication technologies provides opportunities for unlimited information interactions, interactive dialogues, increases the effectiveness of both collective and independent learning activities, allows the use of games in learning, which increases motivation and meaningful perception of information by students. Computer telecommunication tools contribute to the organization of the learning and cognitive process in an interactive mode, taking into account the needs of the student and aimed at the development of thinking, memory and reflection.

The use of e-learning resources creates a competitive environment and dialogue mode for learning, which increases the level of knowledge acquisition. Students are aware that the educational process will improve their academic performance, so extracurricular activities organised with the use of eLearning resources enhance cognitive activity.

Extracurricular activities for pupils using electronic educational resources as well as observing pedagogical conditions in the teaching process will increase cognitive interest, introduce and master new activity tools, motivate the pupil to new knowledge, help maintain positive emotions and a positive atmosphere during lessons and intensify the cognitive activity of the pupils.



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  2. Shapovalenko I. В. Age psychology. Moscow: Gardariki, 2005.
  3. Batakova E.L., Soboleva E.V. Using Interactive Learning Tools in Computer Science Classes: Study Guide Kirov: Raduga-PRESS LLC, 2013

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