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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 12(224)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Nesvetailo A. CHANGE OF MECHANICAL AND SEMANTIC MEMORY OF FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS DURING ADAPTATION TO EDUCATION IN COLLEGE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 12(224). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/224/283970 (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).


Nesvetailo Anastasia

master's student; Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Education of the Pedagogical Institute of the Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article considers the changes in the indicators of mechanical and semantic memory of first-year students of the Medical College of the Medical Institute of the National Research University «BelSU» in the process of adaptation to the learning conditions. It is established that the process of adaptation of students is accompanied by an increase in the volume of mechanical memory and the preservation of indicators of semantic memory.


Keywords: mechanical memory, semantic memory, adaptation, first-year students.


Former schoolchildren who enter secondary vocational educational institutions are still on the way to self-determination. The ability to find ways of self-realization not only within the profession depends on how the person will adapt to the new conditions of the social environment. For this reason it is important to overcome difficulties with acquiring professional skills. On the basis of these skills, further personal and professional growth will be built and life plans will be formed [1, p. 10].

The difficulties of the adaptation process are those that a student experiences when adapting to the educational process. With successful adaptation, a student must enter a new social environment, an educational and cognitive process, a new system of relationships between classmates, undergraduates and teachers.

Adaptation is a necessary condition for successful further activity, self‒confidence, a prerequisite for active activity. Adaptive ability is understood as the ability of a person to adapt to various requirements (social and physical) of the environment without feeling internal discomfort and without conflict with the environment and himself [2, p. 82]. The problem of adaptation of first-year students to the environment of a secondary vocational educational institution is solved by creating optimal conditions taking into account the main characteristics of adaptation processes. Eeach such process includes different zones of difficulties that students have to face, and which can become reasons of maladaptation. Learning difficulties are divided into didactic, socio-psychological, professional, and psychophysiological.

Psychophysiological difficulties are based on the insufficient formation of some professionally important psychological qualities of young people.

The purpose of our study was to compare the indicators of mechanical and semantic memory of first-year students on the basis of the 9th grade who entered the Faculty of Pharmacy of Belgorod Medical College.

We formed a group of 15 subjects.

The memory volume in case of random memorization was determined using pre-prepared series of numbers according to a generally accepted method. Indicators of the semantic memory volume were also studied according to the generally accepted method using a set of pre-prepared concepts [6].

The psychophysiological indicators of memory at the beginning, middle and end of the year were studied in the work.

A comparative analysis of the survey results showed that the students' mechanical memory volume index was 8.40% higher in the middle of the year, and 30.53% higher at the end of the year compared to the beginning of the year. In terms of the mechanical memory volume, there were no significant differences at the end of the study compared with the beginning in the first-year subjects.

Thus, the process of adaptation of first-year students on the basis of the 9th grade who entered the Faculty of Pharmacy of Belgorod Medical College is accompanied by an increase in the volume of mechanical memory and the preservation of semantic memory indicators.



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