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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 14(226)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Архитектура, Строительство

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Библиографическое описание:
GLASS INNOVATIONS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. Tolmachev E. [и др.]. 2023. № 14(226). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/226/285144 (дата обращения: 29.01.2025).


Tolmachev Evgeny

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Bychkova Yana

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Sabirova Regina

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Yudina Irina Ivanovna

lecturer, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow



Бычкова Яна Вячеславовна

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Сабирова Регина Борисовна

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Толмачёв Евгений Игоревич

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Юдина Ирина Ивановна

преподаватель, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва



This article describes innovations in the modern world of glazing, identifies the latest methods of glass production, and provides examples of practical applications for each type of glazing.


В данной статье описываются инновации в современном мире остекления, определяются новейшие методы изготовления стекол, приводятся примеры практического применения для каждого из видов остекления.


Keywords: window, glass, multifunctional glass, triplex technology, anti-noise glass, smart glass.

Ключевые слова: окно, стекло, мультифункциональное стекло, технология триплексации, противошумное стекло, смарт-стекло.


It has long been known that the world does not stand still, technologies are improving every day. Progress has not spared the world of glasses. People continue to use the most ordinary double-glazed windows. without even suspecting that there are options for windows that are much more practical, economical and comfortable. This article is devoted to innovations in the glass world, it examines some of the most popular glazing methods in recent years, summarizes the pros and cons, as well as the prospects for using each of them.

Noise is the cause of chronic fatigue, constant insomnia, irritability. What is considered "silence" in fact turns out to be a background noise of 25 decibels. Heavy traffic creates noise up to 80 decibels, and an ordinary window with a single-chamber double-glazed window provides complete silence in the interior only at 26 decibels, because there are not enough obstacles in the way of sound waves, and they easily overcome a pair of 4-millimeter glasses and an air cushion 16-20 millimeters thick. Therefore, if the noise is above 30 decibels, then discomfort appears, which will be eliminated by "quiet" windows - windows that reduce street noise by 35 or more decibels.

A sound-insulating double-glazed window is made by connecting several glasses of different thicknesses and coatings separated by air layers. These layers can be filled with an inert gas, such as argon or krypton, which improves the thermal insulation properties of a double-glazed window.

To achieve sound insulation, sound insulation layers are also introduced between the glasses. These layers can be made of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) or ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), which absorb sound waves and then disperse them. In addition, rubber gaskets can be placed between the glasses, which also contribute to sound insulation.

Sound-insulating double-glazed windows can be made in different configurations, depending on the required sound insulation. They usually consist of two or more glasses, each with a thickness of 3 millimeters to 10 millimeters, connected together and with intervals of 6 millimeters to 20 millimeters between them. The final product can be with different levels of sound insulation, which are determined by the thickness and number of layers of glass, the type of coatings and sound insulation layers.

The design features of them and the technology of installation of sound insulation glasses make it possible to minimize the penetration of sound into the room. Because the most important element of the window design is a double–glazed window, then consider the differences between a noise-insulating double-glazed window from a standard one:

  • The width of the profile is 70-90 millimeters, and the usual ones are only 58 millimeters
  • The number of cameras in the "quiet" windows is from 3 to 6

Next, it is worth mentioning what causes noise insulation. Multilayer glass - film or laminated triplexes. This type of glass consists of several glass layers connected to each other and covered with polymer films. The production is carried out by gluing glass sheets with ready-made films. The polymer ethylene vinyl acetate is used to make the film. Triplex is produced under the influence of high temperature and pressure. Laminated triplexes enhance the overall sound insulation of glass by 2-3 decibels. The use of an additional layer of glass increases sound insulation by 1 decibel per layer. Another option for making a noise–insulating double-glazed window is the use of multilayer glass, the layers of which are connected with a special adhesive composition. The difference between a filler triplex and a film one is that the glass layers are glued together with injection resin. Transparent resins polymerize under the rays of ultraviolet radiation, which reliably connect the glasses. In double–glazed windows with a filler triplex, sound insulation is significantly improved - on average by 4-6 decibels. The sound insulation of ordinary glass is 28 decibels, and for a triplex it will be equal to 33 decibels. Argon gas is pumped into noise-reducing antiresonance double-glazed windows so that it creates an additional sound-insulating effect.

The advantages of sound insulation windows are manifested in the following: the level of noise insulation is not lower than 42 decibels, the vibration of the glasses is reduced to a minimum. Increased service life and high strength of the double-glazed window.

"Quiet" windows have disadvantages, such as heavy weight, low light capacity and a thick frame, which makes it difficult to perform thermal protection. In addition, sound insulation windows are expensive products, their prices depend on the manufacturer's brand, the number of cameras, and the window material. The most expensive options are Western wood production. The most popular manufacturers of such windows are  Rehau, Montblanc Grand 80, Профиль КБЕ 88, Salamander, Veka.

Despite this constructive advantages of windows and competent installation, the noise level in the room is reduced to a normal level of 20-25 decibels, even if the building is located in a noisy area. This allows offices to optimally focus on serious work, and city residents to fully relax.

The prospects of using multifunctional glasses in the future look very promising. Multifunctional glasses are glasses that can perform several functions at the same time, such as noise insulation, thermal insulation, protection from ultraviolet rays, as well as energy saving.

One of the most promising areas of use of multifunctional glasses is buildings with zero energy consumption. Such buildings can become future standards in the field of construction, where multifunctional glass can play an important role in ensuring the necessary energy efficiency.

In addition, multifunctional glass can be used in the windows of cars and other vehicles to improve the comfort and safety of passengers. For example, multifunctional glasses can provide more effective protection from solar radiation, reduce noise and vibration, and provide protection from ultraviolet rays.

In summer, during the heat, multifunctional glass reflects infrared radiation, about 58 percent of thermal energy does not penetrate into the building. This reduces the need to use air conditioning. And in winter, the double-glazed window works on an energy-saving principle, keeping the heat in the building.

Multifunctional glazing is very similar to energy-saving. Their main difference lies in the number and composition of nanolayers that are applied to the surface. In energy-saving glass, only one layer of silver oxide is used, and in multifunctional glass, several layers of various metals are used. In addition, an energy-saving double-glazed window is not mirrored and is more fragile compared to a multifunctional one.

Multifunctional glasses are used in residential, office and industrial premises. They are especially relevant in cafes, restaurants, as well as shops with glazed facades, where it is difficult to use curtains, blinds and other devices to protect from the sun.

Often people avoid multifunctional windows, because of their high cost. But the high price of a double-glazed window pays off within three years after installation. This is due to energy saving. In some rooms, the use of an air conditioner does not carry any need at all, and in others, its costs are reduced by two or three times. In winter, you can save 40-50 percent due to the fact that heat loss through windows is reduced.

Thus, multifunctional glasses have a huge potential for use in various industries and can become a key component in building more efficient, comfortable and safe places to live and work.

Let us list the advantages and disadvantages of multifunctional windows:

  • For the buyer, this type of glazing is economically the most profitable of all possible
  • This double- glazed window has excellent thermal insulation, sun protection and noise insulation
  • The rooms retain natural light
  • A wide range of colors, there is a possibility of lamination and tinting
  • Absence of "cold" radiation, condensation and fogging of glasses
  • Due to the mirror effect, the privacy of the room is preserved
  • This double-glazed window has excellent thermal insulation, sun protection and noise insulation
  • High resistance to mechanical damage
  • A wide range of colors, there is a possibility of lamination and tinting
  • Absence of "cold" radiation, condensation and fogging of glasses
  • Due to the mirror effect, the privacy of the room is preserved

Let 's list the disadvantages of multifunctional glasses:

  • The possibility of damage to the silver coating layer by excessive heating, but such cases are extremely rare
  • High price, multifunctional glasses are much more expensive than ordinary ones. But in the end, spending on electricity and heating pays for such a high price.
  • Inability to use multifunctional glass with foil-based curtains. But since the textile industry offers a large number of materials in the modern world, this is not a big problem

In the modern world, multifunctional things are increasingly used. Such ideas are extrapolated to the living space. For example, smart glass, which is able to change its optical properties and appearance under the influence of electricity.

In the 70s of the last century, engineer Steve Abadi caught fire with the idea of creating glass with variable transparency, but the technologies of those years could not realize this idea. The first smart glass LC Glass was introduced only in 1984. Some time later, in 2003, S. Abadi founded the company Innovative Gas Corporation, in which he was chairman and Chief Executive Officer. In Russia, smart glass appeared in 2010 and has been rapidly gaining market share ever since. Such glass is used not only in offices, medical institutions, but also in the windows of houses.

The principle of operation of smart glass is as follows: a low voltage electric current is supplied to the liquid crystal film located between two sheets of transparent glass. In the disconnected state, the liquid crystals are arranged in a chaotic state and scatter light. In such a situation, the glass will be opaque and opaque. When the mode is turned on, the crystals are ordered and the glass becomes transparent. It is important to note that the amount of light transmitted does not change in both cases.

The production of such glasses takes place in the form of quenching sheets: they are heated to 700 degrees, and then sharply cooled in water. Smart glass consists of a complex structure of three main layers: a sheet of transparent glass, Smart Film- a film with a liquid layer and a second sheet of transparent glass.

Laminating films used in production are divided into three types:

  • EVA – ethylene vinyl acetate film, which differs from others in low cost and good stickiness
  • PVB – polyvinyl butyral film having high quality at the output, and at the start-high cost of production
  • TPU – thermoplastic polyurethane film

In Russia, the most common EVA film, because it has the lowest cost, and in Europe - TPU, because of its properties and characteristics.

The liquid layer located in the middle is covered on both sides with a polymer material, on which a conductive coating is applied. This filling is 6 times stronger than ordinary glass panels, so you can throw chairs into windows or doors and nothing will happen to the glass. The properties of the resulting windows depend on the particles (Polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC); suspended (SPD); electrochromic (ECD)) located in this layer.

Let us list the advantages and disadvantages of smart glasses.

The most important characteristic of such glasses is their good sound insulation – 26-39 decibels in the clamping system. They are positively distinguished by their low thermal conductivity, that is, savings on air conditioning. In addition, they have: good light transmission, which reduces the cost of artificial lighting; simple operation; operation on low-voltage power and a protective function.

However, such glasses have a number of disadvantages, such as dependence on electrical wiring, high cost, low lightening rate of glass and a high level of energy consumption, which is compensated by the energy-saving and protective function of the material.

The applications of smart glass are quite diverse. Let 's list some of them:

  1. In the office, smart glass is used as a screen, and thanks to high noise insulation, negotiations will remain private.
  2. In private homes, smart glass is used for glazing roofs, swimming pools, terraces.
  3. In the field of trade, smart glass is used for showcases and fencing fitting rooms.
  4. In medical institutions, smart glass is used in treatment and massage rooms to create a private environment so as not to embarrass the patient.

Therefore, the production of smart glass is a profitable and relevant business that is actively developing in Russia. There are quite a few companies engaged in the manufacture of such glasses, for example: "Window Factory", "Rehau", "Thermo Glas". The quality of smart glass depends on the manufacturer, type of material, thickness and design features. The technology of production of "smart" glass is constantly being improved, which makes the material more accessible.

The prospects for using smart glasses in the future are very wide and include the following areas:

  1. Energy Efficiency: Smart glasses can be used to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. For example, they can automatically adjust the transmission of sunlight and heat, which will reduce the cost of air conditioning and heating.
  2. Comfort: Smart glasses can provide great comfort for residents and visitors of buildings. For example, they can automatically darken in response to the bright light of the sun, which improves comfort and safety inside the building.
  3. Safety: Smart glasses can be used to improve the safety of buildings and vehicles. For example, they can change their transparency depending on external conditions or signals, which will ensure privacy inside the building or protect passengers in vehicles from bright light and ultraviolet rays.
  4. Design: Smart glasses can become a key element of modern building and interior design. For example, they can be used to create interactive walls and screens that change their appearance in response to movement and other signals.

Smart glasses have a huge potential for use in various industries and can significantly improve people's lives, providing greater comfort, safety and energy efficiency.

Thus, most people switch to smart glasses because of their good noise insulation. And according to experts, glass with changing transparency is of interest not only to consumers, but also to sponsors. The development of smart glass does not stop.В заключении следует отметить, что мир стекол совершенствуется с каждым днем, благодаря чему жизнь человека становится намного лучше.

To date, absolutely everyone can choose for themselves a glazing option that will bring benefits, economic benefits and, most importantly, pleasure.



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