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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 16(228)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Charintsova V. THE ATTITUDE OF YOUNG PEOPLE TO A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 16(228). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/228/286990 (дата обращения: 20.03.2025).


Charintsova Valeria

Student, IONIMK, 3rd year, Belgorod State University

Russia, Belgorod


This article examines such a social community as "student youth", assesses its attitude to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The article is also filled with the results of a pilot study conducted between students of the National Research University "BelSU" for a complete study of the problem.


Keywords: healthy lifestyle, student youth, bad habits, attitude to a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, sleep and rest, sports, health.


Introduction. A healthy lifestyle has recently become popular among young people. The increased interest of a number of researchers in this problem is due to the fact that the health of young people, more than the health of adults, is influenced by the totality of social, environmental, economic and other environmental factors.

During the training period, the formation of healthy lifestyle skills of young people has its own characteristics and is determined by psychophysical characteristics.

In this study, we will find out the attitude of today's youth to a healthy lifestyle. And let's try to identify the factors that influence the lifestyle of modern youth.

Methodology and methods. Currently, the number of researchers who study the attitude of modern youth to a healthy lifestyle has increased and consider the influence of socio-psychological factors on the attitude of young people to a healthy lifestyle.

After studying the literature, a pilot sociological study "The attitude of young people to a healthy lifestyle" was compiled and conducted. The study was conducted on the basis of the socio-theological Faculty of the National Research University "BelSU", where students participated as representatives of modern youth.

The purpose of this study is to study the attitude of students to a healthy lifestyle, as well as to identify factors that influence the lifestyle of modern youth.

The object of the study is the student youth of the National Research University "BelSU", studying at the socio-theological faculty.

The main method of conducting the research was the method of questioning students of the socio-theological faculty.

Research Results and Discussion. After the study, the results were as follows:

1) Having received answers to the question "How do you feel about a healthy lifestyle?" it can be concluded that students sometimes follow a healthy lifestyle (55% of respondents chose it). This suggests that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not particularly popular among this social group. Some young people consider a healthy lifestyle a necessity (33% of respondents chose it), but this percentage is too low. The percentage of those who are indifferent to a healthy lifestyle is also present (12% of respondents chose it). It is necessary to increase the level of interest of young people in this area. (see Diagram 1)


Diagram 1. Distribution of respondents' responses to the question: "How do you feel about a healthy lifestyle?"


2) When considering the question "Do you adhere to a healthy lifestyle?" the results showed that the answers were in equal proportions: "rather yes than no" and "rather no than yes" (36% of respondents chose). This indicates a low involvement of young people in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Definitely too small percentage of students adheres (20% of respondents chose). It is worth paying special attention to holding events that will attract and interest young people. (see Diagram 2)


Diagram 2. Distribution of respondents' responses to the question: "Do you adhere to a healthy lifestyle?"


3) The question of getting rid of bad habits was also raised. The results showed that a significant part of young people rather want to get rid of bad habits (42% of respondents chose). The question caused a lot of difficulties (25% of respondents chose it). This suggests that it is very difficult to quit a bad habit, but there is still hope for the right solution. (see Diagram 3)


Diagram 3. Distribution of respondents' responses to the question: "Would you like to get rid of bad habits? (if there are no bad habits, skip the question)"


4) The answers received make it clear that young people play sports several times a month (42% of respondents chose), most often it is physical education classes at the university without additional loads outside of school. The percentage of those engaged several times a week is small (28% of respondents chose it). This result should be multiplied with the help of an event where they will talk about sports/ dance and other clubs in the city. (see Diagram 4)


Diagram 4. Distribution of respondents' responses to the question: "How often do you exercise?"


5) Speaking about the correct sleep and rest regime, we can say that mostly students do not observe it (40% and 13% of respondents chose it). This is due to the fact that recently cases of introduction of distance education have become more frequent, hence there is a violation of discipline. (see Diagram 5)


Diagram 5. Distribution of respondents' responses to the question: "Do you observe the correct sleep and rest regime?"


Conclusions. After conducting a quantitative study on this problem, several conclusions can be drawn:

1. Students believe that sometimes it is necessary to observe a healthy lifestyle. The main task is to increase the level of motivation of young people to improve their lifestyle;

2. According to the results of the survey, it became clear that a healthy lifestyle is rather unpopular among young people;

3. Students do not adhere to proper nutrition, do not observe a sleep and rest regime and are far from an active life;

4. Quite often young people are visited by thoughts about the correctness of their lifestyle, moreover, they want to improve their health;

5. A large number of students have bad habits that prevent them from leading a healthy lifestyle. But young people also want to get rid of them for the good of their health;

6. Young people do not have enough time and money to lead a healthy lifestyle, hence the consequence: most of the activity is present only a few times a month;

7. Young people believe that a healthy lifestyle needs to be popularized through: Internet resources, propaganda, bloggers, their own examples, as well as through implementation at the state level.



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