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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 21(233)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Kaliyeva A.M. THE ROLE AND INFLUENCE OF THE MASS MEDIA IN FORMATION OF AUDITIVE COMPETENCE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 21(233). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/233/294466 (дата обращения: 05.02.2025).


Kaliyeva Aida Maratkyzy

Master student, 7M01711 - Training of teachers of a foreign language, KazUIR&WL named after Ablai Khan,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Meiramova Saltanat Akimovna

научный руководитель,

Scientific supervisor, Сandidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University,

Kazakhstan, Almaty



Калиева Аида Мараткызы

Магистрант, 7М01711 - Подготовка педагогов иностранного языка, Казахский Университет Международных Отношений и Мировых Языков имени Абылай Хана,

Казахстан, г. Алматы

Мейрамова Салтанат Акимовна

Научный руководитель, канд. пед. наук, доц., Казахский Университет Международных Отношений и Мировых Языков имени Абылай Хана,

Казахстан, г. Алматы



This article explores the role and influence of mass media in the formation of auditive competence, which is often considered one of the most challenging skills in language learning. The study focuses on the significant impact of mass media as an effective, powerful educational tool for its formation. It examines various media platforms, including television, podcasts, news broadcasts, radio news, videos on the internet and their potential in facilitating the formation of auditive competence among students. The article underlines the importance of integrating mass media resources into language curricula to optimize the formation of auditive competence and foster language proficiency.


В данной статье исследуется роль и влияние средств массовой информации в формировании аудитивной компетенции, которая часто считается одним из самых сложных навыков в изучении языка. Статья фокусируется на значительном влиянии средств массовой информации как эффективного, мощного образовательного инструмента для ее формирования. В нем рассматриваются различные медиа платформы, включая телевидение, подкасты, новостные передачи, радионовости, видео в интернете и их потенциал в содействии формированию аудитивной компетенции у студентов. В статье подчеркивается важность интеграции ресурсов СМИ в учебные программы по иностранному языку для оптимизации формирования аудитивной компетенции и повышения уровня владения языком.


Keywords: auditive competence, mass media, media tools, listening comprehension, listening skills.

Ключевые слова: аудитивная компетенция, средства массовой информации, медиасредства, понимание на слух, навыки аудирования.


In considering the issue of teaching listening, auditive competence, according to many methodologists, remains one of the most difficult missions in teaching foreign languages. Therefore, the formation of the ability to understand foreign language speech by ears requires a special approach and effective teaching methods. Unfortunately, listening comprehension is frequently overlooked in education, often seen as a passive skill. But it is an active cognitive process that demands listeners’ active engagement. [1, p. 6]

One of the key aspects of successful formation of auditive competence is the use of a variety of materials and learning tools. Nowadays, in the age of advanced technology, the Mass Media plays a significant role in the development of this competence. Television programs, magazines, internet websites, radio programs and newspapers are examples of mass media, which are tools or technologies utilized to communicate messages to a wide external audience. [2, p. 1]

The use of mass media in teaching listening provides a unique opportunity for students to be exposed to authentic language that is used by native speakers in real-life communication situations. This helps students develop their ability to understand different accents, intonations and natural speech which is a key aspect of achieving a high level of auditive competence. For example, broadcasts of audiovisual mass media in foreign language have a strong impact on the addressee. The presence of native speakers’ video messages creates an emotional connection between students and the language, bringing realism and authenticity to the learning process. This can contribute to emotional motivation, increased interest in language learning and students’ active participation. It also provides access to a variety of topics and content reflecting real-life events and sociocultural aspects. This allows students to broaden their horizons and gain a deeper understanding of culture, society and world events through the language they are learning. Furthermore, this interaction with authentic materials promotes cultural competence and enriches students’ linguistic backgrounds. Moreover, auditive competence formation through media also develops active and critical listening skills. Students learn to select and analyze information, distinguish between opinions and facts, recognize the nuances of stories, interviews, and discussions. This helps them develop cross-cultural communication and comprehension skills and stimulates critical thinking and analytical skills.

Thus, the role of some mass media tools can be examined below [3, p.126-127]:

  • Podcasts and Audio Recordings. Podcasts have gained popularity in recent years and offer an excellent tool for developing auditive competence. There are numerous podcasts available on various topics, including science, history, culture and language learning. Listening to podcasts can help students improve their listening comprehension, vocabulary and overall language proficiency.
  • Radio News. Radio news broadcasts, especially those focused on scientific topics, offer a rich source of auditory materials for students. Listening to radio news exposes students to different accents, intonations, and speech patterns, enhancing their ability to understand spoken language. By regularly tuning in to radio news programs dedicated to scientific research, students can expand their scientific vocabulary, develop cultural awareness, and improve their overall auditive competence.
  • News broadcasts. News broadcasts offer numerous benefits, including exposure to authentic language in real-world contexts, coverage of varied topics, genres, global awareness and the enhancement of listening comprehension. By incorporating news broadcasts into language learning activities with appropriate support, students can effectively engage with the content and strengthen their auditive competence.
  • Online Videos. The internet offers a variety video resource that can enhance listening skills. Platforms like YouTube and TED Talks provide access to a wide range of educational and informative videos. Students can listen to talks, interviews, lectures and presentations, allowing them to improve their listening skills and expand their knowledge base.

The technology of working with mass media audio and video materials is similar to the technology of working with the usual audio text from a textbook. Both require a clear sequence of actions on the part of the teacher and the students. First, teacher selects a suitable authentic audio text, by taking into account the age and language level of the students. Then teacher analyzes the audio text for linguistic difficulties and develops or selects tasks.

However, the use of mass media tools in the educational process also poses certain problems that require a careful approach. It is necessary to take into account the ideological orientation of the materials, as well as the ability of the mass media to influence the recipient’s opinion and manipulate their perception of reality. It is important to develop students’ critical thinking and help them realize that the linguistic picture of the world presented in the mass media materials may have consequences and influence their perception. Therefore, materials must be carefully selected and analyzed to facilitate the development of students’ critical thinking skills in the context of mass media.

On the basis of the above, we can conclude that teaching listening comprehension and forming auditive competence in foreign language learning are crucial and often challenging tasks. The use of the media mentioned above contributes greatly to the formation of auditive competence. Of course, students may first struggle with authentic audio recordings, but with practice they will learn to differentiate between important information and unnecessary details and can simply express the primary concept of a message. Moreover, by incorporating mass media tools and materials into language teaching offers numerous benefits that contribute to the overall development of students’ this competence formation. Since by utilizing these resources, teachers can achieve the following things:

  • increase student motivation;
  • lay the foundation for independent learning;
  • familiarize students with authentic language;
  • lead the students to have productive growth and development in enhancing their listening skills.



  1. Putri N. et al. Lecturers’ strategies: the use of media and material in teaching listening: дис. – UIN AR-RANIRY, 2019.
  2. Moerdy K. C. The important Role of mass Media in Education // Education and Training Company. – 2012.
  3. Umirzokova O. The role of mass media in teaching foreign languages // International Scientific and Current Research Conferences. – 2021. – С. 125-128.

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