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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 34(246)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Mogilko M. THE USE OF THE GAME IN TEACHING THE SUBJECT «THE SURROUNDING WORLD» IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 34(246). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/246/303720 (дата обращения: 06.02.2025).


Mogilko Maria

Master's student, Faculty of Preschool, Primary and Special Education, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


Importance In modern society, the education system is an essential component of development. Primary education is the first stage of children's general education. At the initial stage of education, students acquire the first knowledge about the world around them, communication skills, knowledge in solving applied problems, develop and form their personality. Such a subject as «The surrounding world» is very important for the education of a humane, creative, socially active person who carefully and respectfully treats his environment, the natural and cultural heritage of mankind. The study of this subject is aimed at forming a holistic picture of the world and realizing the place of a person in it on the basis of the unity of rational scientific knowledge and emotional and value understanding of the child's personal experience of communicating with people and nature, as well as the spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of Russia in the conditions of cultural and confessional diversity of Russian society. The game is essential in achieving this goal – the oldest method of teaching, which was used as one of the important methods of teaching and educating children. This article will consider the concept of «game», as well as its use and application in the lessons of the surrounding world in elementary school; a game developed by us will be presented, which the teacher will be able to apply in his practice, working with children.

Objectives Identification and study of classifications and structural components of the game in the lesson of the subject «The surrounding world».

Methods In the process of identifying and studying classifications and structural components of the game, theoretical, observational.

Results The concept of «game» was considered, the classification of didactic games and the structural components of the game, as well as the ways of its application during the teaching of the subject «The surrounding world» were considered. Play is the main activity of a child. It is in the game that he learns about the world around him, reproduces and assimilates social experience. It is in the play activity that the formation of the child's personality takes place. For the harmonious development of the child's personality, it is necessary to competently create conditions, select play activities, which is both a way of transferring the experience of older generations to younger ones, and a method, and a form of education, and a means of the pedagogical process, adapt the game for learning purposes. A game «What? Where? When?» was also developed and described for elementary school students for the lesson of the surrounding world in the section «Modern Russia».


Keywords: Pedagogy, the world around us, The Game, Development for teachers.


The term «game» is a broad and multifaceted concept and is interpreted as a way of knowing the world around us (through the game, a junior student studies the color, shape, properties of materials, studies plants and animals); the need of a growing child's body; a favorite form of activity of younger schoolchildren; the most serious thing, in the game the world is revealed to children, creative abilities are revealed a person, without a game there is no full-fledged mental development; a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the surrounding world flows into the spiritual world of the child; a kind of activity, moreover, free and necessarily conscious activity, which means the desire to live, feel, act; the life laboratory of childhood.

The game should be based on the following principles: the activity of the students playing, purposefulness, teamwork, emotionality, individual orientation, effectiveness.

Didactic games can be classified according to the type of activity of students: conversation games or dialogue games, puzzle games, errand games, guess games, travel games; by time: occupying the entire lesson, part of the lesson, longitudinal (from several days to the whole school year); by the number of participants collective, paired, group, individual; role-playing, competition, dramatization, business; by the nature of cognitive activity: creative, reproductive, productive; by the stage of the pedagogical process: informational, training, generalizing, diagnostic, control; natural sciences, mathematical, linguistic, literary, etc. in the subject area [1].

The didactic game has a structure of a number of components. In each component, reality and conventions are intertwined. The didactic game consists of the following components:

  • pedagogical and game goals: educational, educational, developmental, diagnostic;
  • content that is based on the content of the educational process;
  • the scenario or plot of the game, which is a detailed description of the sequence of actions, expected results;
  • rules of gaming activity – the essence of the game;
  • means of play – objects (ideal, material) used by the teacher and students in the course of gaming activities;
  • a game action, the peculiarity of which is that the student, striving for a result, independently sets intermediate goals, makes decisions;
  • an assessment that indicates to the student the extent of his progress in the study of a topic, section, discipline;
  • the result of the game is the achievement of a game action in the process of completing a learning task [2].

Based on the information received during the study of the topic, the game «What? Where? When?» to the lesson of the surrounding world in the section «Modern Russia». Didactic tasks of the game activity: to expand and consolidate students' knowledge about modern Russia, to realize the connection of modern Russia with its history, to develop cognitive interest, the ability to work in a team.

Preparation for gaming activities: a clock, a spinning top, a laptop, an audio speaker, a melody for the game, a circle divided into sectors, envelopes with tasks.

Rules of the game:

1. The game «What? Where? When?» contains eleven rounds.

2. In the round, a question from the sector that fell on the playing field is proposed.

3. Experts are given a minute to think about it, then the captain nominates a player who will voice the answer to the question from the envelope.

4. Experts may have a minute left if the answer is given immediately. It can be taken additionally in any round.

5. For the correct answer, the team receives one point and a prize from the sector. If the experts answer incorrectly, then the audience takes part in the game.

6. You can take a musical pause in the game. The team captain can do this once. The host of the game «What? Where? When?» can take a musical pause twice per game.

The course of the game: Sector 1 «You live in Russia». Dear experts! The history of our Fatherland has a thousand years. The territory of our vast country has been mastered by the works of the ancestors of all the peoples of Russia. Generations of people have strengthened and defended our Homeland, developed economy and culture… The name «Russia» comes from the depths of centuries. Another name of our country is the Russian Federation.

Question: What does the word «federation» mean? Answer: translated from Latin, the word «federation» means «association, union».

Sector 2 «The basic law of the country». Dear experts! Listen to the lines: «We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, united by a common destiny on our land, asserting human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, preserving the historically established state unity, proceeding from the universally recognized principles of equality and self-determination of peoples, honoring the memory of ancestors who gave us love and respect for the Fatherland, faith in goodness and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting the inviolability of its democratic foundation, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia, proceeding from the responsibility for our Homeland to present and future generations, recognizing ourselves as part of the world community, we adopt the Constitution of the Russian Federation».

Question: Where do these lines come from? Answer: The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Sector 3 «Human rights». Dear experts! The Second World War, the bloodiest, shocked humanity. The world has witnessed the terrible crimes of the fascists. People turned out to be helpless, defenseless against the forces of evil, cruelty, arbitrariness. After the war, documents protecting human rights were adopted. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the main document that was adopted at the general meeting of the United Nations. It says that each of us has rights that no one can take away. No one has granted these rights, they belong to us, since we were born into the world.

Question: When was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted? Answer: December 10, 1948.

Sector 4 «Rights of the child». Dear experts! The International Children's Day is celebrated in Russia on June 1. «Children have the right to special care and assistance» is the main idea of the international document - the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN on November 20, 1989.

Question: Who is considered a child in the Convention on the Rights of the Child? Answer: The Convention states that every young inhabitant of the planet under the age of 18 is considered a child.

Sector 5 «The Head of our State». Dear experts! Since the age of 18, citizens of our country have the right to participate in the management of state affairs. Russian citizens elect the head of state and representatives of state authorities. Any citizen of our country has the right to be elected to public office.

Question: Who takes the oath to the people, swears to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, observe and defend the Constitution of the Russian Federation, protect the independence and security of the state, faithfully serve the people? Answer: The President of the Russian Federation.

Sector 6 «The Federal Assembly and the Government of the Russian Federation». Dear experts! The Government of the Russian Federation solves important issues in the life of our country. It develops measures for the development of culture, economy and other areas of life. The State Duma passes laws, and the Federation Council rejects or approves them. If the law is approved by the Federation Council, it is sent to the President for consideration. The law comes into force after the President signs it.

Question: What is the Parliament of our country? Answer: The Federal Assembly.

Sector 7 «State Emblem of Russia». Dear experts! In the XVII century, three crowns, a scepter, and a power appeared on the State Emblem of Russia. Then the three crowns meant the unity of the three kingdoms: Kazan, Siberian and Astrakhan. The orb and the scepter are signs of royal power. Now the images on the coat of arms of Russia are given a different meaning. Russia is located in two parts of the world (Europe and Asia), so the heads of the eagle are turned in different directions. Crowns connected by ribbons, a power, a scepter in the paws of an eagle - strong power and unity of the state.

Question: What does a horseman striking a dragon with a spear mean? Answer: The willingness of the people to stand up for their native land.

Sector 8 «The State Flag of Russia». Dear experts! For the first time in Russia, the white-blue-red flag appeared at the end of the XVII century on the first warship «Eagle». The order of the flowers was introduced by Peter I. By his decree in 1705, the tricolor flag was raised on the masts of merchant ships. At the end of the XIX century, it became the National flag of Russia. In 1991, Russia regained its historical flag. On August 22, the Day of the National Flag is celebrated in the Russian Federation.

Question: What is the old Russian name of the flag, banner? Answer: The banner.

Sector 9 «Black box». Dear experts! What lies in the black box is a symbol of state unity. At solemn ceremonies, when it is performed, everyone stands up, men take off their hats, and the military salute. It also sounds on New Year's Eve, when the clock strikes twelve times on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin. We are proud and happy when our athletes win gold medals at international competitions, and the Russian flag soars up to its solemn sounds.

Question: What is in the black box? Answer: The text of the anthem of Russia.

Sector 10 «Such different holidays». Dear experts! There are special days in our calendar - these are holidays and memorable days of Russia. On this day, the whole country remembers the heroes who gave their lives for our Motherland. We address words of gratitude to everyone who protects peace on our planet today. In schools on this day, boys are congratulated as future defenders of the Fatherland.

Question: What holiday are we talking about? Answer: February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Sector 11 «Significant day». Dear experts! A military parade is taking place on Red Square in Moscow on this significant day. And in the evening, the sky over the cities of our country is illuminated by the lights of a festive salute. Meetings with veterans and festive events are held in schools for this day.

Question: What significant day are we talking about? Answer: May 9 is Victory Day.

At the end of the rounds, the score of the game. Dear experts, we congratulate you on your victory (or the end of the game). This concludes our meeting. Thank you all!

Conclusion. The concept of «game» was considered, the classification of didactic games and the structural components of the game, as well as the ways of its application during the teaching of the subject «The surrounding world» were considered. Play is the main activity of a child. It is in the game that he learns about the world around him, reproduces and assimilates social experience. It is in the play activity that the formation of the child's personality takes place. For the harmonious development of the child's personality, it is necessary to competently create conditions, select play activities, which is both a way of transferring the experience of older generations to younger ones, and a method, and a form of education, and a means of the pedagogical process, adapt the game for learning purposes. The game «What? Where? When?» was developed and described for the lesson in the section «Modern Russia».



  1. Selevko G.K. Encyclopedia of educational technologies Volume 1. – M.: Public education, 2005.
  2. Emelyanova T.V. Game technologies in education: electronic learning. - method. manual / T.V. Yemelyanova, G.A. Medyanik. – Togliatti: TSU Publishing House, 2015. – 1 optical disc.

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