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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 35(247)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Abdullin A., Abdullina A. CAUSES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF INTERPERSONAL CONFLICTS IN THE STUDENT ENVIRONMENT // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 35(247). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/247/304117 (дата обращения: 27.02.2025).


Abdullin Arslan

Masters student, Department of Communication and Psychology, Southwest State University,

Russia, Kursk

Abdullina Alsu

Bachelors student, Nuclear Technology Engineering School, Tomsk Polytechnic University,

Russia, Tomsk



Абдуллин Арслан Ильнурович

магистрант, кафедра коммуникологии и психологии, Юго-Западный государcтвенный университет,

РФ, г. Курск

Абдуллина Алсу Ильнуровна

студент, инженерная школа ядерных технологий, Томский политехнический университет,

РФ, г. Томск



This article is devoted to clarifying the appearance of interpersonal conflicts in the student environment. The emergence of conflicts come from the students themselves and the peculiarities of the course of these conflicts in the group largely depend on them.


Данная статья посвящена выяснению появления межличностных конфликтов в студенческой среде. Возникновение конфликтов исходят от самих студентов и от них во многом зависят особенности протекания данных конфликтов в группе.


Keywords: conflict, university, students, student group, causes of conflicts, social and psychological climate.

Ключевые слова: конфликт, университет, студенты, студенческая группа, причины конфликтов, социально-психологический климат.


Interpersonal conflicts are a common occurrence in various settings, including the student environment. These conflicts arise due to a variety of factors, which can differ among students. Understanding the causes and characteristics of these conflicts is crucial for maintaining a harmonious and conducive learning atmosphere in educational institutions. This article aims to explore the reasons behind interpersonal conflicts within the student environment, as well as discuss their unique features [1, p. 93].

Causes of Interpersonal Conflicts in the Student Environment

1. Differences in Values and Beliefs.

One of the primary causes of interpersonal conflicts in the student environment is the diversity of values and beliefs among students. Students come from different backgrounds, cultures, and upbringings, which often leads to conflicting opinions and perspectives. Clashes over fundamental values, such as religion, political beliefs, or ethical principles, can result in heated arguments and strained relationships.

2. Competition and Jealousy.

The competitive nature of the student environment can breed conflicts among peers. Students often find themselves vying for academic achievements, positions in extracurricular activities, or recognition from instructors. This constant competition can lead to jealousy and resentment, causing interpersonal conflicts. Envy and the desire to outperform others can negatively impact relationships, creating tension and hostility.

3. Communication Breakdown.

Effective communication is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. However, miscommunication or lack of communication can be another cause of conflicts in the student environment. Differences in communication styles, misunderstandings, and misinterpreted intentions can lead to disagreements and strained relationships. In some cases, students may resort to passive-aggressive behavior or avoidance, further exacerbating the conflict.

4. Power Struggles.

Power dynamics are prevalent in any social setting, including the student environment. Conflicts can arise when individuals strive for dominance or control over others. For instance, conflicts may occur between student leaders who compete for influence or control within student organizations. Similarly, conflicts may arise when a student challenges the authority of an instructor or questions their decisions. Power struggles can disrupt the harmony among students and create an environment of hostility [2, p. 110].

5. Limited Resources and Opportunities

Limited resources and opportunities can also fuel conflicts among students. Whether it is limited access to resources like study materials, laboratories, or even scholarships, students may develop a sense of competition for these scarce resources. This can lead to conflicts arising from accusations, favoritism, or unfair distribution. Moreover, limited opportunities, such as leadership positions or participation in extracurricular activities, can create a sense of injustice and competition among students, further escalating conflicts.

6. Conflict Resolution Strategies.

To mitigate conflicts among students, several strategies can be employed. First and foremost, promoting open communication channels and creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment can greatly reduce conflicts. Encouraging dialogue, empathy, and understanding of different perspectives can help students resolve conflicts peacefully.

Additionally, conflict resolution programs and workshops can equip students with the necessary skills to manage conflicts. These programs can educate students on effective communication, empathy, negotiation, and problem-solving techniques. Implementing peer mediation programs, where trained students can mediate conflicts between their peers, can also aid in conflict resolution [3, p. 8].

7. Miscommunication and Misunderstandings.

Communication plays a critical role in any conflict. Miscommunication, whether through verbal or non-verbal means, can give rise to conflicts among students. In some cases, misinterpretation of words, body language, or even online communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. Assumptions, lack of active listening, and failure to express oneself clearly can exacerbate such conflicts.

Characteristics of Interpersonal Conflicts in the Student Environment

First and foremost, one of the primary causes of conflicts in the student environment is the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives. Students come from various cultural, social, and economic backgrounds, bringing with them different values, beliefs, and experiences. This diversity can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and clashes, as individuals with different worldviews may find it challenging to understand or accept one another. For instance, students from conservative backgrounds might conflict with those who endorse liberal ideologies, leading to heated disagreements and potentially escalating conflicts.

Secondly, the high-stress nature of academic life can exacerbate interpersonal conflicts among students. The pressure to excel academically, meet deadlines, and maintain a social life can create a breeding ground for conflicts. Stress can make individuals more susceptible to irritability, impatience, and emotional volatility, increasing the likelihood of conflicts arising. Additionally, competition for grades or limited resources can fuel conflicts, as students may perceive their peers as obstacles to their own success.

Furthermore, the transitional phase of entering adulthood puts students in a unique position where they are developing their identities, values, and beliefs. During this period of self-discovery, conflicts may arise as individuals navigate their personal growth and attempt to establish their own identities. Interpersonal conflicts can be a natural result of this process, as students may find themselves questioning previously-held beliefs and forming new friendships and alliances [4, p. 5].

Another critical factor contributing to conflicts in the student environment is the growth of social media and technology. Students today are more connected than ever, with social media platforms providing a constant avenue for communication. However, online interactions can lack the non-verbal cues and context necessary for misunderstandings to be easily resolved. Misinterpretations of messages, cyberbullying, and the perpetuation of gossip can all contribute to interpersonal conflicts within the student community.

To address these challenges, it is essential for universities and colleges to prioritize conflict resolution and interpersonal skills training. Offering workshops, seminars, and counseling services can equip students with the necessary tools to navigate conflicts constructively. Additionally, promoting inclusive and diverse environments that foster understanding and acceptance can help reduce conflicts arising from differences in culture, beliefs, and values.

In conclusion, conflicts within the student community possess unique characteristics that can be attributed to the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives, high-stress academic environments, developmental stages, and the increased reliance on technology. Recognizing and addressing these distinctive features can assist educational institutions in managing conflicts effectively and creating a more harmonious learning experience for students. By promoting empathy, communication, and conflict resolution skills, universities can empower students to navigate conflicts in a constructive and respectful manner, leading to personal growth and improved relationships within the student community.



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