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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 8(262)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Burtseva D.N. FAMILY AND SCHOOL: SOCIAL PARTNERS IN THE FORMATION OF BASIC NATIONAL VALUES // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 8(262). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/262/320431 (дата обращения: 05.03.2025).


Burtseva Diana Nikolaevna

student, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


Family and school are two groups that play an important role in preparing a child for adulthood. Based on the definitions and formulations in the laws, it can be understood that the family and the school are closely linked to each other in their goals and objectives.


Keywords: family, country, children, school, education.


Family and school are two groups that play an important role in preparing a child for adulthood. The list of basic national values, which are "basic moral values, priority moral attitudes that exist in the cultural, family, socio-historical, religious traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, transmitted from generation to generation and ensuring the successful development of the country in modern conditions" [2, p. 8], includes the concept of family.

There are different concepts of the word "family". Dahl's explanatory dictionary defines the term family as "a set of close relatives living together"[1, p. 173]. The pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary defines the concept of family as "a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance [3, p. 257].

The Family Code of the Russian Federation (Article 63, paragraph 1) says: "Parents have the right and obligation to raise their children. Parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children. Parents have a preferential right to the education and upbringing of their children over all other persons." The Constitution of the Russian Federation prescribes the duties of parents and children in relation to each other (Article 38, paragraph 2.3) The conceptual definition of "school" is also multifaceted - it is any position of a person where he willy-nilly acquires resourcefulness, experience and knowledge [1, p. 638]; a social institution whose task is to comprehensively prepare a person's approach to adulthood, a conscious choice of the type of professional occupation, successful self-realization in a specific field of activity; an educational institution that complements spontaneous, natural, in particular family, socialization [3, p. 319].

Based on the definitions and formulations in the laws, it can be understood that the family and the school are closely linked to each other in their goals and objectives. They play a crucial role in shaping the character and development of the younger generation. There are common features between family and school that are crucial for the upbringing and formation of young people. First of all, the family and the school provide conditions for the education and development of children. The school acts as an institution providing systematic education, while the family serves as the primary source of basic knowledge and practical skills. Both of these institutions will create the basis for the child's further growth and success in life. School and family perform an important socializing function. They introducechildren to the rules of behavior, principles of communication and interaction with other people. In the family and at school, children learn to respect authority, follow the norms and rules of society. The next common aspect is the moral and ethical development that takes place in the family and school. In two institutions, children learn basic values: compassion, responsibility and respect for others. They become familiar with the moral norms that help them become worthy and ethically responsible members of society. Scientists have named family and school as the main sources of support and care. In the family, children receive emotional and material support, and the school provides educational support and opportunities to realize their aspirations. At school, children learn not only mathematics and Russian, but also develop their social skills and values. Here children learn cooperation, respect for others, and justice. Teachers are an example for children, helping them develop basic national values through various educational and extracurricular activities.

Thus, family and school are closely interrelated and play an important role in the development of a child's personality. Their interaction and cooperation help each child's successful growth and self-realization.

But there are also problems that interfere with the constructive interaction of the school and the family. In my opinion, this is due to the processes that took place in society in the 1990s. The orientation towards Western models of parenting, the devaluation of the Soviet past, the change in the status of the teacher, who was now supposed to provide services to children and parents. In addition, the society has devalued the traditional way of family, marriage, and moral norms in human relations. All this has led to the fact that at present we have a society of consumers, parents and children who "owe everything", who believe that they have, first of all, rights, but forget about responsibilities.

Fortunately, society has begun to recover. There was an understanding that only close cooperation between the school and parents can help to cope with the challenges of the time.

In this regard, three areas of activity can be formed in the formation of basic national values: regular activities, extracurricular activities and building constructive relationships between parents and schools.

The study of subjects such as literature, history, social studies contribute to the harmonious formation of a student's personality, prepare him for life in a changing world, educate a patriot of his Fatherland and a true citizen.

Extracurricular activities carried out within the walls of the school also form basic values. Every Monday, "Conversations about important things" are held in schools in the classroom format. The topics of the classes are devoted to strengthening traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, and fostering patriotism.

As part of building constructive relationships, the school can offer parents three ways to interact:

1) legal education (holding meetings with guardianship authorities, representatives of law enforcement agencies, familiarization of parents with documents that affect their children)

2) psychological and pedagogical education (individual counseling and teacher – psychologist of the class teacher, various hotlines)3

3) inclusion of parents in school life (parent meetings, messengers, sports events and holidays)

4) encouragement of parents from the school (promotion of success, literacy).

From all that has been said, it is clear that the revival of the traditional family and its functions is of paramount importance as never before. The school was, is and remains one of the social institutions that ensure the real interaction of the child, parents and society, capable of making a huge contribution to the formation of basic national values, the school makes a huge contribution to the formation of personality. But family is always primary. As V.A. Sukhomlinsky said, "the main meaning and purpose of family life is the upbringing of children. The main school of parenting is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother." A personal example of parents, first of all.

Modern education is actively moving towards an all-encompassing digitalization of this area. Being knowledgeable in this topic and understanding the concept of "Digitalization" is one of the main skills of a teacher of our time.

It is extremely important for every teacher and mentor to keep up with their students, who are practically "diapers" mastering modern electronic devices, and already to the older kindergarten groups who easily navigate the Internet, acquiring knowledge and developing by studying video clips and various useful games.

This topic became particularly relevant during the pandemic of coronavirus infection for students, teachers and schoolchildren, as well as during the shelling of border areas during the CSO, reaching a new level – Online distance learning. Undoubtedly, this way of learning has saved a huge number of lives, and, for sure, has firmly and permanently entered the modern education system. It is important to note that the currently existing distance learning systems are aimed and focused on teaching deeply motivated students. It is clearly visible that everyone turned out to be ready to switch to distance learning to varying degrees. The main problem turned out to be to interest students who were not motivated in learning.

It is necessary to note the factors that determine the need and convenience of using information technologies in education, as well as to share the experience of using IT technologies in their teaching activities:

- Information technologies save time: monotonous, monotonous work can be automated and systematized, for example, to create multimedia presentations for all lectures and topics studied. Showing video tutorials brings variety to the learning process.

- Information technologies increase motivation and interest students more actively, allowing them to make standard tasks much more interesting and colorful. To facilitate the teacher's activities, there are various interactive application services that allow you to design and use a wide variety of interactive tasks online, such as crosswords, quizzes, puzzles, letter games for composing words, gallows and much more.

- The obvious advantage of using information technology in the classroom is to enhance the visibility of the taught material. The demonstration of interactive models significantly speeds up the process of disclosure of educational material and improves the quality of its assimilation. Visual images of the concepts and phenomena being studied, formed with the help of models and animations, are easier to digest and remembered for a long time.

In addition to mastering the basic curriculum, information technology can significantly diversify and beautify extracurricular interaction with students. For example, the organization of online conferences to discuss current topics, where children not only reason for themselves, but also listen to the opinions of interesting personalities using online resources, interactive trips to various countries of the world, conversations with guests from far corners of Russia about their cities and attractions, participation in online Olympiads.

For myself, as a digital educator, I can mention such important competencies as:

1. Free ability to create and edit text, tabular, graphic documents. Design and work with group, diagnostic, and statistical documentation.

2. Proficiency in all MS Office programs for creating and working with multimedia presentations, databases, graphs and diagrams.

3. Having the skills to develop a PLOD with the participation of computer technology.

4. Skills in applying various ways and methods of information technology in working with students and their parents.

5. Understanding the safe operation of the Internet.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the improvement of already acquired knowledge and skills, as well as the development of new competencies, should be one of the main tasks of education and self-education, one of the most important areas of which is the development of information technologies and the ability to apply them in practice. To do this, it is necessary to take advanced training courses, attend seminars, and attend workshops.



  1. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language: in 4 volumes – Vol. 4. – M.: Publishing house "Russian language", 2002.
  2. Danilyuk A.Ya., Kondakov A.M., Tishkov V.A. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia. M.: Enlightenment, 2010.
  3. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary / gl. ed. B.M. Bim-Bad; recol.: M.M. Bezrukikh, V.A. Bolotov, L.S. Glebova et al. – 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2009.
  4. The Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (No. 273- FZ dated (12/29/20212). – M.: UTS Perspektiva, 2013.
  5. Dzhurinsky A.N. The development of education in the modern world: studies.the manual. – M.: Humanit. publishing house VLADOS Center, 1999.
  6. The Constitution of the Russian Federationhttp://www.constitution.ru
  7. Federal State Educational Standard (Russia)https://fgos.ru/

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