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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 11(265)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Evdokimova A. FORMATION OF NATURAL SCIENCE LITERACY OF YOUNGER SCHOOLCHILDREN DURING THE STUDY OF THE COURSE «BELGOROD STUDIES» // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 11(265). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/265/322208 (дата обращения: 28.02.2025).


Evdokimova Adelina

student, Belgorod State National Research University (NRU «BelSU»),

Russia, Belgorod


The article deals with the problem of the formation of natural science literacy of younger schoolchildren in the study of the nature of their native land. The concept of "natural science literacy" is revealed. Effective forms and methods of natural science literacy formation are revealed. Some types of tasks that can be used both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities are analyzed.


Keywords: natural science literacy; Belgorod region; practice-oriented tasks; junior high school student; nature of the native land.


In primary school, teachers, when forming functional literacy, also affect its other components, one of which is natural science literacy. The problem of the formation of natural science literacy is relevant at the moment. The main work in primary school in the formation of natural science literacy takes place in the lessons of the outside world or in extracurricular activities dedicated to this area.

Natural science literacy is a person's ability to take an active civic position on issues related to natural sciences, a person's willingness to be interested in and study natural science issues [4]. A person who understands the issues of natural science literacy is ready for a reasoned discussion of topical issues, which shows that he has mastered the following competencies: to explain natural phenomena from a scientific point of view; to evaluate natural science research; to analyze the presented data [2].

A.Y. Pentin, G.S. Kovaleva, E.I. Davydova, E.S. Smirnova believe that modern Russian schools are aimed at transferring theoretical knowledge without applying it in practice, the lessons do not use research, experiments, experiments, models peculiar to natural sciences [3].

Having studied the program of the course "Belgorod Studies" [1], we can say that its purpose is to form a holistic picture of the world of a child of primary school age, his spiritual, moral and civil-patriotic education with the creation of conditions for the development of interdisciplinary studies. During the development of the program, students have an idea of the peculiarities of the nature of their native land, possess the skills of research, which is necessary for the formation of natural science literacy, have an idea of the contribution of Belgorod region to the development of Russia, know the history and traditions of their family, school, their native land, and students will also learn key dates related to the history of the Belgorod region.

When studying the minerals of their native land in the 2nd grade, younger schoolchildren form an idea of the resources located in the Belgorod region, students learn to identify types of minerals by their key properties, learn their importance in agriculture and industry.

At the stage of updating knowledge, students are offered a number of words, among which they need to choose the superfluous ones and explain their decision. The right words make up the names of minerals, a word indicating the profession of a person who deals with these natural resources may be superfluous. Vocabulary dictation will also be interesting, when the teacher describes a fossil, and the student should write down only its name. The correct execution of tasks indicates the ability to analyze information and draw conclusions based on previously studied material.

It will also be relevant to introduce children to the places of mining in the Belgorod region (deposits: Lebedinskoye, Stoilenskoye, Prioskolskoye, Korobkovskoye, Yakovlevskoye). When telling about a fossil deposit, schoolchildren find them on the map of the region and highlight them with conventional signs.

When getting acquainted with the specially protected territories of the Belgorod region, students of the 3rd grade will get an idea about nature protection, about the nature of their native land, learn how to find the necessary information and apply it correctly when solving problematic problems. When studying this material, an important component of natural science literacy is formed – the ability to reflexive actions, the manifestation of a civic position by children in assessing the facts of a negative human attitude to nature. In the lesson of the surrounding world, you can offer children a fairy tale or a story containing a description of inappropriate behavior in nature. Students need to see the mistakes in the actions of the main character, think about their behavior in such situations and offer their own rules of environmentally sound behavior, arguing them. When studying this topic, children consider the essence of the concepts of "reserve" and "sanctuary". The study of terminology increases the competence of students in the course of solving natural science issues. To broaden the horizons of students, the teacher tells about the protected areas of his native land ("Yamskaya Steppe", "Bald Mountains", "Forest on Vorskla", "Walls-Hedge", "Ostrasyovy Yary"), indicates their importance for the preservation of the animal and plant world of nature.

During the study of the topic "Agriculture of the Belgorod region", 4th grade students can get acquainted with the structure of agriculture in the region and study the history of its development. In the course of work on the topic, tasks can be used aimed at improving the skills to work with different sources of information, forming the skills to analyze, compare information, and formulate conclusions based on the results obtained.

The term "chernozem" will be new for students, the definition of which is proposed to be given first to the students themselves, after which the teacher suggests checking the dictionary. To fix it, it is proposed to consider soil samples, compare chernozem with them, and identify its distinctive characteristics. Students can be invited to prepare reports on chernozem, on agricultural companies of the Belgorod region developing agriculture. An interesting task will be one that requires working with the coats of arms of the districts of the Belgorod region. Students need to carefully consider them and highlight those that depict symbols related to the branches of agriculture, the teacher can comment on each image with pre-selected material, telling about the agricultural characteristics of the areas.

Thus, with the systematic use of various forms of tasks of a local history orientation, it is possible to effectively form natural science literacy, since such tasks go beyond the usual educational ones and are directly related to the life situation of a younger student. Students can consciously use the knowledge they have gained, they develop independence, and students participate with interest in local history search and research activities.



  1. Belgorod studies grades 1-4: A methodological guide for primary school teachers / T.M. Struchaeva, I.V. Shiyanova, I.G. Chernova, E.A. Solovey, V.V. Struchaev, etc.; edited by T.M. Struchaeva. 2nd ed. – Belgorod: Epicenter LLC, 2015 – 172 p.
  2. Vinogradova N. F., Kochurova E. E., Kuznetsova M. I. Functional literacy of a junior schoolboy: a book for a teacher / edited by N. F. Vinogradova. – M.: Russian textbook: Ventana-Graf, 2018. – 288 p.
  3. Pentin, A. Yu. From the task of forming students' natural science literacy to the necessary competencies of teachers of natural science disciplines / A. Y. Pentin //. – 2012. – № 1. – P. 158.
  4. Pentin, A. Y. The state of natural science education in the Russian school based on the results of international TIMSS and PISA studies / A. Y. Pentin, G. S. Kovaleva, E. I. Davydova, E. S. Smirnova // Education issues. - 2018. – No. 1. – pp. 79-109.

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