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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 14(268)

Рубрика журнала: Философия

Секция: Религиоведение

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Библиографическое описание:
Petrov A.A. THE CAUSES OF THE TIME OF TROUBLES IN RUSSIA // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 14(268). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/268/325237 (дата обращения: 19.03.2025).


Petrov Andrey Afanasievich

student, Institute of Social Science and Mass Communications, Belgorod State National Research University,

Belgorod, Russia

Musaelian Elena

научный руководитель,

scientific advisor, PhD in Pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, Belgorod State National Research University,

 Belgorod, Russia


The given article analyzes the literature on the study of the causes of the Time of Troubles in Russia, and also notes the ambiguity of researchers' views on this issue due to its complexity and historical significance.


Keywords: time of troubles, prerequisites, struggle, power, dynasty, crisis.


We share the opinion of I. K. Petrovich and Yu. A. Blashkov that "there are many turning points in the history of Russia that have radically influenced the course of events in the country in the future. It can be considered that the epoch called the Time of Troubles belongs to such people" [4, p. 30].

The time of troubles lasted from the end of the XVI to the beginning of the XVII century. During this historical period, an acute socio-political struggle took place on the territory of Russia, in which all strata of Russian society were involved. The struggle for the throne, accompanying the Time of Troubles, led to the appearance of "liars". Also, the Time of Troubles is the time of foreign intervention.

In our study, we rely on the definition of the Time of Troubles or the Time of Troubles made by L.E. Morozova: "events related to the protracted dynastic crisis that arose in the Russian state after the death in 1598 of the last tsar from the dynasty of the Moscow Rurikovich – Fedor Ivanovich. This is an endless change of rulers on the throne, and acute social and political battles, and bloody internecine strife, and foreign intervention, and, finally, the rise of all patriotic forces of society to fight against all external and internal enemies for the liberation of the country and the restoration of the national state" [3, p. 4].

As D. P. Buturlin rightly notes, the time of troubles in Russia "is marked by extraordinary events, which, moreover, amaze us that the history of the previous half century is so unprepared for them. The Russian people, who have been submissively submitting to John Vasilyevich the Terrible for twenty-four years, suddenly themselves break all ties of legitimate subordination. And with incredible frenzy he goes into the horrors of self-will and lack of leadership. The spirit of violence and discord, betraying all classes to the frenzy of the most vile passions" [1, p. 1].

To understand the causes of the Time of Troubles in the context of the topic of our article, it seems important to refer to the periodization of events of the Time of Troubles (Table 1.).

Table 1.

Periodization of the events of the Time of Troubles




The first period (1603 – May 1606)

Disunity among the representatives of the ruling class, deep social and class contradictions, regional confrontation. Which led to an acute political crisis.


The second period (mid-1606 – summer 1610)

The third period (summer 1610 – May 1613)

The social composition of the rebels is different.

Formation of detachments of "free" Cossacks in the central part of the Russian state; social struggle and armed confrontation, strengthening of the regionalization of the country, increasing the importance of local city councils, especially in the northern regions under the influence of the march of troops under the command of M. V. Skopin-Shuisky to Moscow


The third period (summer 1610 – May 1613)

The gradual achievement of a social and political compromise between estates and regions: the formation of a national liberation movement against the Polish-Lithuanian and Swedish interventions. In 1611 – the First militia, 1611-1612 - the Second militia. 1613 – convocation of the electoral Zemsky Sobor and restoration of national monarchical power in the country in the person of the Romanov dynasty.


The fourth period (1613-1618)

Concessions of the government to the Cossacks, the dissolution of Cossack formations, the gradual restoration of the power of central authorities over the regions. The conclusion of peace agreements with Sweden and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is considered to be the end of the Time of Troubles.


As shown in the table, each period had its own characteristics and was due to a number of reasons, each of which, of course, had its own consequences and was analyzed by different researchers in different contexts.

The period of the Time of Troubles considered in the article, on the one hand, is associated with the experience of a series of hardships by the masses of the people, on the other hand, the perception of these hardships by advanced Russian thinkers as trials sent by God. Today, there is no doubt that ensuring the unity and continuity of the Russian and other Orthodox peoples is more connected with the Orthodox faith than with the state.

Many modern researchers of the Time of Troubles "expressed different assessments of the events of the beginning of the XVII century, presented new approaches to the study of this period in the history of the Moscow state. A large number of new sources have been introduced into scientific circulation" [6, p. 255].

T. A. Kapanina associates various, sometimes contradictory assessments of the events of the Time of Troubles and its causes with the "biased attitude of writers ... who in their works expressed their personal sympathies and views rather than recorded important historical facts. These events cannot be called sufficient for the emergence of such unrest and coups" [2, p. 209]. This is due to the relevance of the stated topic.

Researchers with prerequisites for the onset of the Time of Troubles. the following are related:

1) natural disasters,

2) the civil war,

3) The Russian-Polish War,

4) the state-political and socio-economic crisis,

5) a change of government.

It is also impossible to ignore the suppression of the rule of the Rurik dynasty, which was replaced by boyar clans — Godunov and Romanov. Thus, the researcher of the Time of Troubles, C. F. Platonov, draws attention to the fact that the reign of Ivan the Terrible contributed to the division of Moscow society into warring groups [7].

The consequence of the expansion of the territory of the Russian state due to the annexation of new lands was the discrepancy between the political, economic and social structure of its various parts. Therefore, "in the process of forming a single centralized state, the old foundations of society collided with the new ones. The turmoil was the result of the fall of popular morality and the struggle against progressive state orders. No one understood or felt the need to unite the state, the masses did not feel their own responsibility to the fate of the state" [5, p. 3].

The long and lost Livonian War had a loss-making effect on the state treasury, and the people's faith in the tsar was undermined. Oprichnina, crop failures, a decrease in the welfare of landlords, and the inability to keep servants contributed to an increase in crime and popular unrest.

Of course, it also destabilized the situation of the State.

"The constant struggle for power between the boyar class and the tsar, the desire of the former to preserve traditions and increase their influence, and the desire of the tsar, on the contrary, to limit their power ... in this turbulent time could well be one of the reasons for the unstable situation in the state" [2, p. 310].

Thus, the main causes of the Troubles were the dynastic crisis, the struggle for power between the tsars and boyars, and socio-economic problems in the country.



  1. Buturlin D. P. The history of the Time of Troubles in Russia at the beginning of the XVII century 2012. 573 p. https://runivers.ru/bookreader/book477466/#page/3/mode/1up
  2. Kapanina T. A. The causes and results of the Time of Troubles in Russia // Young Scientist. – 2016. – № 29 (133). – Pp. 309-311.
  3. Morozova L.E. History of Russia. The time of Troubles. Truth and fiction, testimonies of contemporaries / Ser. Historical Library. – Moscow: Astrel, 2011. – 543 p.
  4. Petrovich I. K., Blashkov Yu. A. The Russian Orthodox Church in the Time of Troubles// Bulletin of the Pskov State University. – pp. 30-34.
  5. Platonov S. F. Essays on the history of the Troubles in the Moscow state of the XVI–XVII centuries. The experience of studying the social system and class relations in the Time of Troubles St. Petersburg.: M.A. Alexandrova Type, 1910. – 642 p.
  6. Selin A. A. The time of Troubles in historiography of recent years // Proceedings of the Historical Faculty of St. Petersburg University. – 2012. – No. 10. – pp. 255-262.
  7. Solovyov S. M. The history of Russia since ancient times https://azbyka.ru/otechnik/Sergej_Solovev/istorija-rossii-s-drevnejshih-vremen/8_2

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