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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 14(268)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Менеджмент

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Библиографическое описание:
Aksentyeva A.P., Rodionova V.R. DOCUMENT REGISTRATION FORMS, RULES FOR THEIR COMPLETION AND DOCUMENT REGISTRATION DEADLINES // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 14(268). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/268/325304 (дата обращения: 19.03.2025).


Aksentyeva Anastasia Pavlovna

student, Department of Russian History and Archival Studies, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Rodionova Valeria Ruslanovna

student, Department of Russian History and Archival Studies, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Shemaeva Elena Viktorovna

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


In modern office management, there are several document registration systems. In order for the organization to function successfully, it is necessary to analyze some of the advantages and disadvantages of existing registration systems. At the same time, select the most effective one for yourself and make your own adjustments.

This article raises the rules and procedure for filling out registration forms and cards, as well as the deadlines for registration of documents.


Keywords: registration of documents; registration forms of documents; registration cards; registration; office work; registration deadlines.


The following registration forms are distinguished:

- Journals (registration journals for incoming, outgoing, and internal documents);

- Registration-control cards;

- Electronic cards.

Let's take a closer look at the journal registration forms for documents. The following data about the document are entered into the internal document registration journal:

- Document arrival date;

- Incoming registration number;

- Author (correspondent);

- Date and registration number of the document assigned by the sending organization;

- Document title (brief content);

- Resolution (executor, assignment, and document execution deadline);

- Execution progress;

- File number where the document will be placed after execution. The following data is entered into the outgoing document registration journal:

- Document registration number;

- Document date;

- Addressee (recipient);

- Title (brief content);

- Document type designation;

- Position, full name of the person who signed the document;

- Executor;

- File number where the copy will be placed after sending [3].

The following data is entered into the internal document registration journal:

- Document registration number;

- Document date;

- Text title (brief content);

- Author (executor, full name, position, department);

- Person responsible for execution control;

- Execution mark [1, p. 183-189].

The next type for analysis is registration-control cards. The registration-control card has the following form for completion:

Table 1.

Form of the registration-control card template


Depending on the type of document flow (incoming, outgoing, or internal), the registration card may be supplemented with requisites or, conversely, lack some. The procedure for completing this form depends on the type of card file in which it will be used. Three types of independent card files are distinguished:

- Control;

- Reference;

- Thematic.

The control (time) card file usually consists of current business and already executed cases. The first section records documents that are being processed. The main function of the control file is to monitor execution. Forms in this section are conveniently sorted by execution date.

After the document is executed and marked, it is moved from the current business files to the executed ones. This section performs an informational function, and its basis can be the chronological principle of storage, thematic, correspondent, etc.

The reference card file is used for document registration. Here, there is a separate card file for each group of documents, inside which the cards are sorted by groups with possible use of a color differentiation form. The number of such cards depends directly on the documents used in the organization.

The thematic (codification) card file helps to reveal the content of organizational and managerial documents. Each card indicates a separate topic or issue raised in the document. The cards are sorted by sections and issues of the company's activities.

There are certain rules for completing the requisites of the registration-control card, which should be followed [2]:

Table 2.

Rules for willing out the registration and control car


Комментарий по заполнению:

Author (correspondent)

When registering incoming documents, the name of the organization, structural unit, or official — the author of the document is recorded. When registering appeals from citizens, their name, patronymic, surname, and address are entered. When registering outgoing documents, the name of the organization, structural unit, or official — the correspondent is recorded. The use of an abbreviated organization name is allowed.

Document type

Filled in accordance with the document type name.

Document date

The document date assigned by the organization — the document author is transferred to the RKD.

Document registration number

The registration number of the document assigned by the organization — the document author is transferred to the RKD.

Date of receipt

Transferred to the RKD from the registration stamp.

Receipt index

Transferred to the RKD from the registration stamp.

Heading to the text

The heading to the document text is transferred. If absent, an annotation containing keywords is composed.


The contents of the assignment, performer(s), author, and resolution date are recorded in the RKD.

Execution deadline

The date contained in the resolution is marked. When registering an outgoing document, the expected response date may be recorded.

Document execution mark

The registration number and date of the created document, a reference to the registration index and date of the received document, or a brief record of the substantive issue resolution are recorded in the RKD.

Case №

The case index is transferred to the RKD in accordance with the nomenclature of the structural unit where the executed document is placed.


The most popular and convenient registration form in the modern world is the electronic card. It is largely similar to the registration-control card but may be supplemented with requisites:

- Document type designation;

- Geographic location of the document author;

- Resolution author;

- Structural unit name;

- Number of pages in the document;

- Number of attachment sheets;

- Related documents [4].

Filling out the electronic registration-control card is similar to filling out a paper card but has its own features. The electronic card form may contain fields where information should be entered manually and fields that are filled in automatically.

This method of filling out the electronic card accelerates and simplifies the procedure, helping to avoid typos and misreadings, which hinder automated information search about the document.

Using the menu, you can fill in the following data:

- Document type designation;

- Resolution author;

- Structural unit (list of structural units);

- Executors (name or index of the structural unit, with the full name of the executor);

- Case number (related to the organization's case nomenclature);

- Related documents (response document, initiative document).

- Using the replenishable list, you can fill in the field:

- «Correspondent» [3].

If there is regular correspondence with organizations with reply letters, then in the appeared list, it will be highlighted as the main one. If there is correspondence with a new correspondent, then the data should be entered in the replenishable list, which can be used in reference work for forming lists for mass mailing.

By registration deadlines, documents can be divided into:

- Incoming documents, registered on the day of receipt;

- Outgoing and internal documents—on the day of signing or approval.

Additional information regarding document receipt after the end of the workday or on weekends may be contained in the organization's office work instructions.

Thus, by analyzing registration forms, rules for their completion, and registration deadlines, it can be concluded that proper documentation and information about the document will help avoid errors and typos when filling out registration forms.



  1. Андреева, В.И. Делопроизводство: организация и ведение / В.И.  Андреева. – Москва: КноРус, 2016. – 234 c. – ISBN: 978-5-406-06466-5.
  2. Глотова С.И. Регистрация документов // Делопроизводство и документооборот на предприятии. – 2023. – № 4. – С. 34.
  3. Иритикова, В. Порядок ведения бумажных и электронных журналов регистрации документов // Делопроизводство и документооборот на предприятии. — 2013. — № 12. — С. 41-44.
  4. Логинова Н.Е. Автоматизированная регистрация документов в системах электронного документооборота / Н.Е. Логинова // Документ в современном обществе : факторы и тенденции развития информационной среды : материалы XII Всероссийской студенческой научно-практической конференции, Екатеринбург, 5 апреля 2019 года – Екатеринбург: Изд-во Урал. ун-та, 2019. – С. 81-85.

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