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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 14(268)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Khodikina K. PREVENTION OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 14(268). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/268/325387 (дата обращения: 20.03.2025).


Khodikina Kristina

student, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod National University,

Russia, Belgorod


The problem of preventing deviant behavior of young people is scaling up every year, therefore it requires constant attention and research. This article defines the concept of "prevention of deviant behavior", identifies the specific features of these measures in the context of the youth environment. The article also describes specific methods that help reduce and prevent problematic behavior in young people and improve their social adaptation.


Keywords: deviant behavior, deviance, prevention, prevention of deviant behavior, youth, youth environment.


Prevention of deviant behavior is currently one of the most relevant topics in the context of the youth environment. The word "deviation" means a deviation from the norm to one degree or another. There are a huge number of reasons contributing to the increase in the manifestation of deviations among young people. Among them: family problems, difficulties in relationships with peers and friends, a bad example of parents, the desire to be better, the influence of the environment or the company, the search for new thrills, the desire to "relax", the problem of employment, a negative example from the Internet. All these factors and many others poison the lives of young people every year. Negative deviant behavior has a huge impact on the socio-economic, spiritual and moral foundations of society and the state. Preventing and reducing such behavior among young people plays an important role, because they are our future and it is on them that the further development of the country as a whole depends. This phenomenon negatively affects all spheres of public life, mental and physical condition, therefore, in modern conditions, prevention of deviant behavior of young people is necessary.

To begin with, let's define what "deviant behavior" is. E. V. Zmanovskaya gives the following definition: "Deviant (deviant) behavior is a stable behavior of a person deviating from the most important social norms, causing real damage to society or the personality itself, as well as accompanied by its social maladaptation" [3, p.15]. Prevention of deviant behavior of young people is a set of measures aimed at preventing negative and deviating from accepted social norms of behavior among young people and at forming healthy values, skills, beliefs and patterns of behavior in them.

There are several basic approaches to the definition of deviant behavior, on which preventive measures depend. One of the approaches is based on social norms and values of society. According to this approach, deviant behavior is a deviation from the rules and expectations established by society. The controlling mechanism in this case is sanctions, laws, and rules. Another approach is related to the psychological characteristics of the individual. According to him, deviant behavior can be caused by psychological problems such as low self-esteem, anxiety, aggression, etc. In this case, social educators, psychologists, tutors, and psychiatrists provide assistance. There is also a biological approach that links deviant behavior with biological factors such as genetics, brain chemistry, etc. Here, preventive measures should correspond to the individual characteristics of a person exhibiting certain deviations. Finally, the cultural approach to the definition of deviant behavior takes into account the influence of cultural characteristics on the formation of norms and values of society, as well as on the assessment of certain types of behavior as deviant. With this approach, the regulator is the norms of morality.

The main principles of preventive work:

1. "complexity (organization of impact at various levels of social space, family and personality);

2. targeting (taking into account age, gender and socio-psychological


3. mass character (priority of group forms of work);

4. the positivity of information;

5. minimizing negative consequences;

6. personal interest and responsibility of the participants;

7. maximum personal responsibility;

8. striving for the future.

It is important to note that the prevention of deviant behavior of young people has its own specific features that distinguish it from measures to prevent such behavior in adults. In the case of the younger generation, the following must be taken into account:

Firstly, young people are more susceptible to the influence of their peers, which can lead to imitation of negative patterns of behavior.

Secondly, young people often experience periods of instability and search for their place in society, which can lead to experimentation with various forms of behavior.

Thirdly, one of the features of deviant behavior of young people is its frequent transience. Many forms of deviant behavior may be temporary manifestations associated with adolescence and self-discovery. However, if such behavior becomes permanent, it can lead to serious consequences for the young person and society as a whole.

Fourth, the deviant behavior of young people often has roots in social and economic factors. For example, lack of educational and employment opportunities, a dysfunctional family environment or a negative environment can be the causes of deviant behavior.

Let's highlight the main methods for the prevention of deviant behavior:

1. Family therapy and support: helping families resolve conflicts, improving communication between parents and children, teaching parenting skills to parents.

2. Educational programs: providing information about the harmful effects of deviant behavior, teaching social skills, developing self-control and emotion management.

3. Psychological support: counseling and assistance in solving personal problems, trainings on developing skills of adaptation and conflict resolution.

4. Social programs: creation of opportunities for participation in social and cultural events, development of social responsibility and participation in volunteer activities.

5. Addiction prevention: conducting anti-drug and alcohol programs, training in stress management skills and alternative ways of relaxation.

6. Creating an enabling environment: supporting a safe and supportive environment at school, at work and in society, improving access to education, employment and healthcare.

Thus, the prevention of deviant behavior among young people requires a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach. To understand the mechanisms of regulation of deviant behavior, it is necessary to take into account social, psychological, biological and cultural aspects. It is also important to take into account the context in which deviant behavior manifests itself and the features of deviant behavior among young people. Such a measure as the prevention of deviant behavior of young people has a long-term effect and contributes to the formation of a healthy and responsible personality. The prevention of negative phenomena in youth reduces the risk of their occurrence in adulthood. In addition, successful prevention of deviant behavior helps young people develop social skills, strengthen positive values, increase their level of education and realize their role in society.



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