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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 15(269)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Менеджмент

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Библиографическое описание:
Priymenko V.V., Kovaleva A.A. THE TYPES, PURPOSES AND RETENTION OF ORDERS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 15(269). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/269/325285 (дата обращения: 06.03.2025).


Priymenko Valentina Vladimirovna

student, Department of Russian History and Archival Studies, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Kovaleva Anastasia Alexandrovna

student, Department of Russian History and Archival Studies, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Shemaeva Elena Viktorovna

научный руководитель,

Scientific supervisor, candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


Currently, the effectiveness of organizations and institutions with different goals and objectives of functioning, as well as related to any type of property, is influenced by many factors.

As one of the most important factors, it is advisable to consider the quality of setting up work with documents and ensuring their safety.

Of particular importance for the effective functioning of the organization is the system of organizational and administrative documentation in general and orders in particular. In this regard, the issues of classification of orders and determination of their storage periods are of particular relevance. These aspects are reflected in the article.


Keywords: order, shelf life, administrative document.


Today, in modern society, the quality of work of any organization, regardless of its purpose, goals, and ownership forms, is influenced by a variety of criteria. Among the main ones are the quality of document workflow and ensuring their proper storage. For this reason, a fully organized and continuously improving process of document management support becomes especially important. This includes activities aimed at ensuring the functions of document management [1].

Organizational and managerial documentation is a collective term for documents created by an organization in the course of its organizational, managerial, and informational activities. One of the most important ways of carrying out the managerial function of an organization is the preparation, issuance, execution, as well as subsequent use and storage of managerial documents [4; с.45].

According to current laws, regulatory acts, and authorities held by each organization in the field of document management, such managerial documents as orders, instructions, directives, decisions, resolutions, and directives are usually issued.

For managerial practice, the most common and universal type of managerial document is an order, which is understood as a legal act issued by the heads of organizations or structural units operating on the principles of unity of command. An order is the most common managerial document used in the process of creating, liquidating, reorganizing organizations, structural units, as well as for approving other various documents regulating the activities of the organization (regulations, rules, instructions, etc.). Orders also regulate activities in the field of personnel management, such as hiring, dismissal, etc. [3].

Typically, the issuance of an order is used to address major tactical and strategic tasks of the organization. These documents are created to record decisions of normative nature (approval of local regulatory acts, determination of changes in the organization's structure and staffing, etc.) and administrative, organizational, including operational issues related to the organization's core activities. To determine the relevance of a specific order to any of these categories, attention should be paid to the semantic content of the text, i.e., what and how is regulated through this document.

In the context of personnel management, orders are used to document such matters as hiring, dismissal, transfers, and employee leave. It is worth noting that after the registration and issuance (publication) procedure, the order becomes mandatory for all employees of the organization.

In some situations, an order may affect a wide range of organizations and officials regardless of their position in the organizational hierarchy and subordination. At the present stage, it is customary to distinguish orders related to the organization's core activities, orders related to personnel, and orders regulating administrative and economic aspects of the organization's activities.

Specific lists of types of orders related to the core and administrative-economic activities are not established by regulatory legal acts. However, the main regulatory document for determining the storage periods, selection for storage, and destruction of orders and other types of documents is considered to be the List of Typical Managerial Archival Documents Formed in the Process of Activities of State Bodies, Local Self-Government Bodies, and Organizations, with Indication of Storage Periods [2].

Articles 19 and 434 of the List establish the following retention periods for organization orders:

- for core (profile) activities – permanently;

- for administrative and economic issues – 5 years;

- for personnel matters – 50/75 years in electronic form and 5 years, depending on the issues addressed in them.

Orders are formed in separate files by categories and depending on storage periods. Orders related to the core activities are legal acts issued by the organization's management to ensure the organization's core activities, solve operational and strategic tasks.

Orders related to the core activities are issued:

- to implement regulatory legal acts of government bodies, local self-government bodies, as well as superior organizations;

- for the purpose of carrying out management activities arising from the functions and tasks of the organization [3].

Orders related to the core activities approve local organizational and regulatory documents. Additionally, this group of orders regulates issues of scientific and technical policy, information and documentation support, as well as social issues and the implementation algorithm of the organization's key functions.

Orders related to the core activities reflect and consolidate processes such as creation, change of subordination, reorganization, renaming, and the results of the institution's work, among others.

Within the orders related to the core activities, collegial, control, executive, scientific, methodological, expert, and advisory bodies are established.

This group of documents is of great importance for shaping and regulating the procedure for preparing and conducting competitions for filling vacant positions; organizing military accounting, civil defense events, labor protection, etc. Orders related to personnel represent documents that record in established forms all aspects of the employee's labor relations with the employer.

Speaking of orders related to personnel, it is necessary to note that they have a temporary storage period and are stored for the periods established by regulatory legal acts, namely 50/75 years in electronic form and 5 years depending on the content and issues disclosed.

Orders related to personnel, stored for 50/75 years in electronic form, include:

- orders, information from which is used to confirm work experience, salary, pension calculation, etc.;

- orders establishing the specific nature of work or conditions during the employment period, which are counted towards the length of service entitling to early retirement.

Orders with a 5-year retention period related to personnel include orders:

- on disciplinary actions, annual paid leave, study leave, duties, short-term domestic and foreign business trips;

- on extending paid leave due to sick leave;

- on granting leave due to marriage registration, death of relatives (duration is established by the collective agreement);

- on working on rest day(s), holidays, granting compensatory time off for overtime work, payment, or additional leave [3].

Orders regulating the administrative and economic aspect of the organization's activities represent directive documents aimed at solving administrative and economic tasks facing the organization.

Orders related to administrative and economic activities include orders on transportation services, internal communication, office supplies, etc.

In conclusion, it can be said that accurately defining the factors for classifying an order into one or another type allows it to be properly prepared for high-quality archival storage. This not only reduces errors in the organization's document management but also streamlines the process itself. Knowing the exact classification of orders and their retention periods is important for various other reasons, not only related to streamlining document management and archival storage. For example, access to orders related to core activities will provide complete information about the organization's role and place in society and the state, while orders related to personnel will ensure the social protection of citizens.



  1. ГОСТ Р 7.0.8-2013 «Система стандартов по информации, библиотечному и издательскому делу. Делопроизводство и архивное дело. Термины и определения» – Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «КонсультантПлюс».
  2. Приказ Росархива от 11.04.2018 № 44 «Об утверждении Примерной инструкции по делопроизводству в государственных организациях». – Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «КонсультантПлюс»
  3. Приказ Росархива от 20.12.2019 № 236 «Об утверждении Перечня типовых управленческих архивных документов, образующихся в процессе деятельности государственных органов, органов местного самоуправления и организаций, с указанием сроков их хранения». – Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «КонсультантПлюс».
  4. Ларин М.В. Управление документами. Термины и определения: словарь // М. В. Ларин [и др.] – М.: Новая книга, 2013. – 288 с.


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