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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 16(270)

Рубрика журнала: Политология

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Библиографическое описание:
Tikhomirova S.R. ORGANIZATIONAL AND PROTOCOL SUPPORT FOR THE VISIT OF A FOREIGN DELEGATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 16(270). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/270/327014 (дата обращения: 24.02.2025).


Tikhomirova Sofya Romanovna

student, Department of Russian History and Archival Studies, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Shemaeva Elena Viktorovna

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article is devoted to the study of electronic document management as a modern way to optimise office workflow. It considers the main advantages of using electronic document management, such as increasing the efficiency of work, reducing the time for processing documents and reducing the cost of working with management documents. The article also analyses possible problems arising in the implementation of electronic document management.


Keywords: visit, delegation, rules, invitation, partner.


Every year hundreds of foreign delegations visit our country at the invitation of the highest state bodies, ministries and departments, enterprises and institutions, various public organizations and unions. Organization of the reception of a foreign delegation is a serious test for the professional competence of the protocol staff, since the program of the visit includes the basic components of protocol practice [1].

Organizational and protocol support of the visit of a foreign delegation is an important aspect of international relations. It is a series of activities aimed at comfortable and safe stay of foreign guests in the host country, as well as the realization of successful negotiations and meetings.

Before the arrival of foreign delegations, it is necessary to carry out not only preparatory work, which will include several key stages, but it is also necessary to draw up a program of the visit, to determine the goals and objectives of the delegation. In turn, the participants of the delegation should be aware of the program of the visit in advance to be able to prepare for it.

It is also necessary to create a favorable environment for a successful delegation visit. For this purpose, it is necessary to organize a meeting of local protocol officers at the entrance of the country to welcome the delegation. Transportation escorts should also be provided for the delegation so that they can easily move around the city. The vehicles should not only be clean and comfortable, but also with professional drivers who will navigate the city [3].

When organizing the visit, it is necessary to provide for the accommodation of guests in the hotel. For this purpose it is necessary to book rooms in advance and when preparing a contract with the hotel to specify all the requirements and features of the delegation. For example, if the delegation consists of people with disabilities, it is necessary to provide special rooms or wheelchairs.

Also during the visit inevitable business meetings and negotiations. Their organization is also very important, as during negotiations it is necessary to provide a meeting of foreign guests with senior officials. Meetings can be organized in specially prepared rooms, and it is necessary to provide coffee breaks, lunches and dinners where the delegation and local representatives can discuss important issues.

In addition to the main meetings, city tours can also be organized or visits to cultural and historical sites, national museums and theaters can be arranged. All this will allow foreign guests to fall in love with the host country and see its best traditions, as well as familiarize them better with the culture of the country [2].

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the organizational and protocol support of the visit of a foreign delegation require careful and attentive preparation. This visit should be timely, competently planned and transparent for all participants. Properly organized visit of the delegation can contribute to the development of international relations, strengthening diplomatic ties and achieving common goals in the future. A well-planned visit will also help to show the host country in the best light and reveal its best sides.



  1. Egorov, V.P. Diplomatic protocol and etiquette / V.P. Egorov. - Moscow: ACADEMIA, 2013. - 64 с. - ISBN 5-7695-1773-5.
  2. Severyukhin, O.V. Organization of business contacts with foreign partners / O.V. Severyukhi. - Moscow: Knizhny Mir, 2023. - 264 с. - ISBN 978-5-9948-4073-3
  3. Ulakhovich, V.E. Protocol and etiquette in modern diplomacy / V.E. Ulakhovich. - Moscow: Yurait, 2023. - 258 с. - ISBN 978-5-5-534-04275-7.

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