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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 18(272)

Рубрика журнала: Философия

Секция: Религиоведение

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Библиографическое описание:
Chernyshova K. MERCY AS A VIRTUE IN CHRISTIAN ETHICS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 18(272). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/271/330768 (дата обращения: 06.03.2025).


Chernyshova Karina

student, Department of Philosophy and Theology, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article discusses one of the concepts of Christian ethics – mercy. It gives a definition of this term, and also identifies the fundamental characteristics and properties.


Keywords: Mercy, Christian ethics, God, love, virtue.


Representing one of the key concepts of Christian ethics – charity, we always represent some form of kindness to the world around us. Not only to man, but also to all living things, because man, as the crown of creation, was called to cultivate the world, which means unceasing care and attention to the world. The word mercy has countless explanations. If we turn to the Large Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov S.A., we will find such a definition: "Willingness to help, to show leniency out of compassion, humanity; help itself, condescension caused by such feelings" [1, p. 542]. The basis of mercy is love for God, His love, and therefore love for man. Just as the Lord is merciful to everyone who wears His image, so everyone who wears His image is merciful to His neighbor. And if we talk about the Christian understanding of mercy, then, first of all, it should be said about it as a kind of divine property, a manifestation of divine grace in man, one of the natural human manifestations, properties of the human personality, inherent from the moment of creation, and having a direct connection with the image of God in man. It is also impossible not to say that charity is one of the main Christian virtues, from which the thread of human perfection on the path to salvation is built. Mercy manifests itself primarily in compassion, complicity, and mercy to those in need.

Christian ethics is the moral teaching of Christianity, which is closer to the secular understanding. It defines certain boundaries and guidelines of the moral and moral side of a person. In fact, all these guidelines are laid down and prescribed in the Gospel and are not consciously observed by Christians. The system of ethical Christian paradigms is based and prescribed, rather, for the non-Christian world in order to make it clearer what Christ calls for, and what every believer goes to. Charity naturally enters the system of Christian ethics, occupying almost fundamental importance in it, and stands on a par with other important concepts such as kindness, compassion, justice, honesty, respect for human life and dignity, responsibility and dedication. Christ in His sermons and teachings, gave numerous parting words and commandments that are aimed at helping one's neighbor and revealing mercy. In the Gospel of Luke, Christ speaks of the most important commandment, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself" (Luke 10:27).

A Christian should not only know, but act in accordance with moral and ethical norms, but also learn to think in terms of Christianity. Gradually improving in the virtues, thereby approaching God, to finding His image and likeness in oneself. When a person carries out his spiritual life with diligence and attention, he gradually comes to a state of inability to commit an unethical, and even more so an inhuman act. This state in Christian theology is called the state of holiness – the maximum closeness to God. Christian ethics calls for everyone to live not only for themselves, but also for the common good, and strive to create a better society. But this path must begin first of all with yourself, with working on yourself and the world around you

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus Christ said: "For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you received me; I was naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me" (Matthew 25:35-36). The Lord calls us to help in various areas of life, whether it's food, drinks, shelter, clothing, treatment, or just attention and care. And in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus Christ says, "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31).

Anyone in need of help can be a neighbor, whether they are of another nation, race or gender. Man carries the image of God in himself, he is free to choose, free, and endowed with the main ability to love.

There are many examples of saints in the Russian Orthodox Church who are famous for their works of mercy. There are many hagiographic monuments that tell how the saints imperceptibly or explicitly helped those who asked for it, who needed it badly, healed diseases, reconciled rivals, comforted in sorrow and prayed for everyone.

St. John of Kronstadt is known for his charitable activities. He personally visited poor homes, comforted and cared for the sick, and distributed everything he had himself. The saint founded the famous House of Diligence, where a free primary school, a public school, a hospital and workshops worked [2].

Saint Matrona of Moscow was known for her merciful deeds and helping people in need. She dedicated her life to serving people, helping with treatment, support and consolation. Many people visit the tomb of St. Matrona to this day.

In the face of global challenges, it is the duty of every Christian to realize the virtues. It is necessary to be especially attentive to the needs and problems of others, to make the heart sweet, to get closer to God. After all, if you look at it, the word mercy consists of two roots: sweet and heart (sweet heart).

Over the past year, Belgorod region has become a stronghold of benefactors. The land where the Relics of St. Joasaph of Belgorod, miraculous icons and the oldest temples, holy springs and caves are kept.

There are many volunteer associations operating in the expanses of the Holy Belogorie, the Marfo-Mariinsky Sisterhood of Mercy, as well as volunteers who organize the collection and delivery of necessary things and products themselves.

The main directions of social service are to help homeless and low-income people by providing them with food, clothing, medicines and other necessary things. Volunteers visit nursing homes. They provide assistance in caring for patients, communicate, and hold various events to support them. Another activity is helping refugees. Students of various fields actively participate in the work of the headquarters.

Thus, mercy is one of the most important human qualities necessary for life. Through helping others, a person becomes happy and develops spiritually. Hermogen Ivanovich Shimansky writes: "Mercy is a constant mood of the soul, a feeling of love that possesses the heart, expressed in compassion and pity, pity for one's neighbors, kindness, goodness and benevolence, sincerity and benevolence, honesty and justice towards one's neighbors."



  1. A Large Explanatory Dictionary Of The Russian Language / Chief Editor. Kuznetsov S.A., 2000, p. 542.
  2. The Holy Righteous Father John of Kronstadt. / Alexander (Semenov-Tyan-Shansky), bishop. - M. – St. Petersburg: Father's House; Ioannovsky Stavropol Convent, 2011. – 496 p., with fig. (Series "Orthodox Saints").
  3. Shimansky G.I. Synopsis on moral theology. [Electronic resource] // - Access mode: https://azbyka.ru/otechnik/Germogen_Shimanskij/konspekt-po-nravstvennomu - bogoslaviyu/10#sel=51:9.51:54 (accessed 05/01/2023).

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