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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 18(272)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Korovko N. SPIRITUAL AND MORAL EDUCATION OF YOUTH // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 18(272). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/272/329917 (дата обращения: 09.02.2025).


Korovko Nelia

master's student, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russian, Belgorod



Коровко Неля Владимировна

магистрант, кафедра социологии и организации работы с молодежью, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет,

РФ, г. Белгород



This article raises the problems of spiritual and moral education of youth, examines the subjects, factors and circumstances that have a direct impact on the spiritual and moral development of the individual. The article contains quotes from prominent people on the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. The influence of the church on the spiritual education of youth is considered.


В данной статье подымаются проблемы духовно-нравственного воспитания молодежи, рассматриваются субъекты, факторы и обстоятельства, оказывающие непосредственное влияние на духовно-нравственное развитие личности. В статье приведены цитаты выдающихся людей по духовно-нравственному воспитанию молодого поколения. Рассматривается влияние церкви на духовное воспитание молодежи.


Keywords: youth, young generation, spirituality, morality, education, development, culture, values, personality.

Ключевые слова: молодежь, молодое поколение, духовность, нравственность, воспитание, развитие, культура, ценности, личность.


In a time of unstable world, the education of young people requires special attention, an unstable time, both for the financial situation and especially for the mental and moral state of young people. We are not living in a simple time, during the coming changes and division of the world. Youth is a socio-demographic group that has its own age restrictions and is distinguished by its social status in society, the transition from childhood to adolescence and to maturity (adulthood). In addition, young people are the most active socio-demographic group that takes an active part in the development of society and the country as a whole.

Unfavorable circumstances arising in the modern world and society suggest the emergence of new requirements for the upbringing and development of the personality of a young man, a change and transformation of his views on the reality surrounding him, a rethinking and change in attitude towards people, himself and his own activities.

The existence of Russian society and the state is determined by the mental and moral health of the people, careful preservation and development of their cultural heritage, historical and cultural traditions, norms of public life, preservation of the national heritage of all people in Russia.

Due to the transience and cardinal change of the world, the development, views and worldview of young people are also changing dramatically. In the perception of young people, material values ​ ​ dominate spiritual ones, so they have distorted ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and love for the homeland.

The impact on young people from scientific progress, computerization, the emergence of social media, the media is not overlooked. Children stopped spending a lot of time on the streets, in parks, in courtyards, more and more sit on social chains and prefer virtual communication. The influence exerted by Internet resources is often not favorable. In view of the unstable psychological and social situation of young people, as in a short period of time, young people must go through several social phases of their development, namely childhood, adolescence, growing up, does not allow them to fully consciously analyze all the information they receive from these sources, moreover, not all the information they received is genuine and one that can be relied on.

"Without a deep spiritual and moral feeling, a person can have neither love nor honor - nothing than a person is a person." V. Belinsky [1, p. 25]. A serious danger to the moral education and development of the modern young generation in a modern unstable world is the spread of asocial subcultures, base values, crime, terrorism, drug addiction, prostitution, social networks, sects and other negative phenomena that have a devastating effect on the formation of their personality and their socialization.

The problem of moral education is the subject of a large number of studies, both in our country and abroad. This problem was considered within the framework of social, psychological and pedagogical science. Appeal to the spiritual and moral education of youth is revealed in the works of such thinkers as F. Akvinsky, A.I. Ilyin, Ya.A. Komensky, A.S. Makarenko, V.S. Sukhomlinsky, K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Khomyakov and others

«Я стремился раскрыть нравственные истины во всей их красоте, без громких слов. Красота нравственных ценностей человечества становится богатством души ребенка лишь тогда, когда ее революционный смысл раскрывается на ярких примерах, волнующих сердце», – пишет В.А.Сухомлинский [2, с. 46]. Безусловно, хочется отметить, что формирование нравственности и духовности осуществляется в раннем возрасте ребенка и только во время упорной работы родителей, педагогов и общества, можно привить и развивать в будущем такие нравственные ценности как любовь к родине, уважительное отношение культурному и духовному наследию.

"I sought to reveal moral truths in all their beauty, without loud words. The beauty of the moral values of mankind becomes the wealth of the child's soul only when its revolutionary meaning is revealed by vivid examples that excite the heart, "writes V.A. Sukhomlinsky [2, p. 46]. Of course, I would like to note that the formation of morality and spirituality is carried out at an early age of the child and only during the hard work of parents, teachers and society, it is possible to instill and develop in the future such moral values ​as love for the homeland, respect for cultural and spiritual heritage.

A.S. Makarenko wrote... "There is not a single act, not a single word, not a single factor in our history that, in addition to its direct economic, or military, or political significance, would not have educational significance, which would not be a contribution to the new ethics and would not cause the growth of new moral experience. " [3, p. 46]. The statement of the great teacher shows the fact that the moral education of children is influenced not only by pedagogical education or parenting, but also by the indelible imprint on the environment and external impact on the child. We can note that the moral education of young people, starting from early childhood, can be influenced by the environment, information obtained from uncontrolled sources and not found the correct interpretation in the unformed mind of the child. According to A.S. Makarenko, upbringing is a laborious process, which implies not only the impact on the child, but also, first of all, control their behavior on the part of parents, educators, teachers.

A large research material and scientific development of this problem, namely the moral education of young people, implies a set of complementary approaches and methods, such as: personal positive example, positive example from sources (literature, films, famous people, close circle, pedagogical groups), method of persuasion, suggestion, encouragement and punishment, training, exercise, demonstration and reproduction of educational situations (watching movies, going to the cinema, theater), ethical conversation, comparative analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical, methodological literature.

Agarkova Yu.S., Krivokhizha Yu.A. Pavlova E.S. and others, in their scientific study "Problems of spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren in the system of modern education" focus our attention on that "family and teachers should jointly make considerable efforts and prevent children from straying from a worthy path, preserve the unity of our country, our people, preserve the basic values of classical Russian culture that unite us "[4, p. 563].

In addition, of course, I would like to note that the current generation has moved away from Russian Orthodox culture and its spiritual and moral teachings. Young people see the church as something old-fashioned and not interesting. However, it is Russian Orthodox culture that can teach and show true spiritual and moral ideals for the perception of young people. Church employees can act as mentors setting an example of spiritual and moral behavior. The education of young people should begin from a very young age with the instilling of love and respect for Russian Orthodox culture by parents, and then at school spiritual and moral education should be based on the traditions of Russian Orthodox Church.

For years, an Orthodox person has been instilled in everyday life such important qualities as hard work, mercy, kindness, therefore, the study of traditions and the true history of the life of folk culture is impossible without knowledge of the foundations of Christian Orthodox culture. The moral education, relying on Christian Orthodox traditions, forms such important qualities in a child as kindness, love for one's neighbor, patriotism, traditional family values, citizenship, affects the psycho-emotional state and mental development.

The connection of times has not been interrupted in the Orthodox Church; there is no generational gap characteristic of the modern world. And ignoring the experience of transmitting spiritual values, as one may know, can inevitably lead to the decomposition of society, which we are now observing everywhere. Due to the collapse of society, as we know, the nation as a whole may disappear.

Young people moved away from Orthodox Russian culture, as mentioned above, spiritual and moral values ​ ​for them are not the main ones, unlike material ones. They believe that the church is a relic of the past, out of date, but innovations have been made to the Orthodox Russian Church, it is also trying to keep up with the times and introduce the younger generation to itself, "instruct them on the true path."

Therefore, the importance of moral education for the versatile development of the individual should not be underestimated. The moral education is a long-term process, involving an internal change in personality, which can be reflected not here and not now, in childhood, youth, but much later.

Each child needs to survive and overcome his part of difficulties, resolution of contradictions, acquire an irreplaceable experience of a genuine spiritual and moral life: satisfaction from good deeds, victory over himself and external obstacles; strengthening fortitude from the choice of principled behavior; remorse over the false step; joys of kindness; courage from the fight against evil [5, p. 270].

The President of Russia, Putin V.V. signed a decree approving the "Fundamentals of State Policy to Preserve and Strengthen Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values." Particular attention is paid to the main goals "preservation and strengthening of traditional values, ensuring their transmission from generation to generation; countering the spread of destructive ideology; formation in the international arena of the image of the Russian state as the guardian and defender of traditional universal spiritual and moral values "[6].

In the above decree, traditional values include "life, dignity, human rights and freedoms, patriotism, citizenship, service to the Fatherland and responsibility for its fate, high moral ideals, a strong family, creative work, spiritual priority over material, humanism, mercy, justice, collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual respect, historical memory and continuity of generations, unity of the peoples of Russia" [6].

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn; the state authorities pay special attention to the younger generation, because spiritual and moral education begins from an early age with those values ​ ​and priorities that will be instilled in child by his or her parents. After all, it is the family that is the primary source of obtaining information and raising a child. In the future, educational institutions in which the child goes through the phases of growing up play a significant role in the upbringing and formation of the child as a person. Of course, the society, the society in which the child grows up, the information from various Internet resources and the media that the child receives leaves its mark on the formation of the personality of each individual. Summing up the above, it should be noted that the moral education of the child, namely, the formation of a value attitude towards life, which ensures sustainable and harmonious human development and includes the education of a sense of duty, justice and responsibility, as well as such spiritual values as the ability to distinguish between good and evil, obedience, reverence for parents, caring for one's neighbor, patience, kindness, compassion, joy, first of all, it affects the upbringing of parents, which is manifested in traditions, customs, lifestyle formed in society over the centuries. In order to make it easier for parents to instill spiritual and moral values ​ ​in their children (the younger generation), parents themselves need to remember and honor the history of their country, the traditions of their people, the cultural heritage of their ancestors, and Russian Orthodox Christian culture. Only through the joint efforts of the family, the pedagogical team, public organizations, the Russian Orthodox Church, society as a whole, will we be able to educate and raise worthy young people.



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