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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 18(272)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Kulatova A. MODERN VIEW OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE LESSON // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 18(272). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/272/331045 (дата обращения: 06.03.2025).


Kulatova Anel

student of 6B07215-23/3, M.Kh. Dulaty TarazRegional University,

Kazakhstan, Taraz

Altynbekova D.A.

научный руководитель,

scientific advisor, Senior Teacher, M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University,

Taraz, Kazakhstan


The article deals with the basics of methodological approach to teaching foreign languages, innovative teaching technologies used in designing a modern foreign language lesson.


В статье рассматриваются основы методологического подхода к преподаванию иностранных языков, инновационные технологии обучения, применяемые в проектировании современного урока иностранного языка.


Keywords: approach, innovation, methodology, design, foreign language.

Ключевые слова: подход, инновация, методология, проектирование, иностранный язык.


The main objective of the subject of English is to improve students' ability to communicate in the language. The subject of English, along with teaching and learning in school, has a special influence on the development of adolescents' individual qualities and the search for their place in society.

The use of a particular method in English teaching depends on various conditions. The most important conditions are: the purpose of English language teaching, the time allotted for learning English, the number of hours. Among these conditions, the educational purpose plays a very important role. This condition has a direct impact on the development of society, its political, economic and other relations with other countries in determining the purpose of foreign language education.

The famous scientist N. According to D. Galskova, junior learners are very inclined to learn foreign languages. The learner's imitative abilities and natural interest always create favorable conditions for learning new things [1, p. 113].

The classic of Kazakh literature grandfather Great Abay said: "To make your students learn well, they should have great enthusiasm and interest in learning". After all, only a person energetic, always wanting to know everything, showing perseverance and patience, will reach his goal.  An English educator should use not only the textbook but also other supplementary materials from newspapers, magazines and even the Internet to increase students' interest in the language. In order for students to learn the material fully and quickly, the teacher must be able to use many visual aids and organize the lesson correctly. In order to arouse students' interest in English lessons, the teacher should use different methods, but these methods should meet the following requirements, such as creation of atmosphere.

English teaching methods are: Logical Thinking; Grammar-Translation Method; Sales; Sequencing Method; Silent Method, Physical Feeling Method; Role Playing Cultural Communication Project Vessel; Problem Based Learning Analyzing Brainstorming Exchange of Views Interactive Methods; Communicative, Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Vitagenic Method, Thought Review, Audiolinguistic Method; Next Method: Explanation; Visual Method; Practical Method and Information and Communication Technology Method. These teaching methods include methods that have been used for a long time and modern new methods. It is important to compare and describe these English teaching methods.

Because every new method that appears has its advantages and disadvantages. In the comparative description, it is very important which method the teacher will choose in the lesson. Because there are many kinds of methods and it is difficult to choose and use them without knowing the differences of these methods. Now let's focus on the methods of teaching English. The first method of teaching English used was the "Grammar-Translation Method". The foundations of this method were laid in the late eighteenth century and were practically used in the middle of the twentieth century. Learning English requires the study of grammar and vocabulary. For this purpose, this method was used. In this method, a certain grammatical structure is studied and then sentence texts are made based on these topics. After that, translation of that sentence is included. Like any other method, this method had its own peculiarities. First of all, this method allowed for a good mastery of grammar. Secondly, it was convenient for citizens with a high level of logical thinking. This approach prevailed until the late 50s. Because time changes, society changes. Thus, many different methods were born according to the time [2, p. 132].

The next method of teaching English is called Suggesto pedia. This method started to be used in the 70's. This type of method is more difficult than other methods. Because by using this method, the student is given imagination. The meaning of this method is as follows: during the period of learning English, the student feels like a completely different person. He chooses a new name and makes up a new biography. Thus, the student felt as if in a completely alien world - the world of English language. This is certainly interesting and mysterious for the students. All the methods used in this method have a positive impact on the students' learning process.

It is very important to have a rich vocabulary when learning English. The ways of vocabulary development in English classes consist of the following methods. They are: speech, conversation, question-and-answer, translation, comprehension, techniques of working with books and texts. In order to enrich the vocabulary of students, the teacher should use tables, videotapes, various pictures, visual aids at the lesson. Now let us dwell on the methods of developing English vocabulary individually.

Visual method is considered to be the most common and effective method of teaching English. Because this method is used in all types of lessons. In the visual method, of course, visual tools and diagrams are used. They should not be less than a few colors. It is the most effective way to develop students' interest and vocabulary during the lesson.

The explanation method is a method implemented by the teacher during the lesson as the beginning of the learning process. In this method, the teacher explains new words, new topics or sentences.

Question-answer method is one of the most important methods of developing children's speech. In this method, students are engaged in communicative method. They ask each other questions and then get answers to their questions. It is a widely used type of method.

The practical method is a language learning activity in the course of students' mastering the lesson on various game elements. The role of games in expanding the vocabulary of the student is important because games are necessary for the formation of their speaking skills.  Interactive method - increases students' activity in creating interviews. The purpose of this method is to create a collaborative environment at all stages of the learning process. Students learn to think about the interests of the group while working on tasks. In this method, each student takes responsibility for his/her task and tries to achieve a common result. Students learn to work together. In this method, the student plays the role of a consultant and partner to the students during the lesson [3].

At the English lesson the computer helps the teacher to organize the student's independent work. For this purpose it is better to use the following exercises and methodical techniques according to the recommendations of scientists:

Computer programs are improving with time and developing rapidly. Thus, today we not only receive information through the world system of the Internet, but there is a new type of education - distance learning method. In this teaching method, course materials are created using video, text and graphics with the help of multimedia technology. Traditional textbooks and teaching aids as well as video and multimedia materials with limited interactive capabilities are offered to the learner as learning material. The influence of the economies of modern English-speaking countries on the world is increasing. Secondly, English is the language of literature and politics, art, commerce and various official communication. But there are problems for English language specialists. These are: firstly, the lack of material and technical base because of the introduction of new technologies in teaching English. Secondly, the lack of basic environment for combining theoretical knowledge with practice. The only way to solve these problems is to change the curriculum and improve the methods. English teaching methods should always be supplemented and developed. Therefore, increasing students' cognitive activity in expanding their worldview and improving their knowledge and skills is of great social significance.

Through the use of these methods and techniques, we can see that students' interest in English has increased.



  1. Bizyaeva A. A. Psychology of a Thinking Teacher. Pedagogical Reflexion. - Pskov, 2004. p. p. 60-62.
  2. Nikonova N. K. The more difficult, the easier // Prosveshchenie. Foreign languages. - M.: Prosveshchenie. - № 2. - 2012. - С. 13-15.
  3. Testova I. V. Synquain at English lessons in elementary school // IYAZYKI.RU: Internet edition. 2014. 14 Feb. URL: http://iyazyki.ru/2014/02/sinquain-gradeschool/

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