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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 19(273)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Ivanova N. ORIENTATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE WHEN CHOOSING A MARRIAGE PARTNER // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 19(273). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/273/331680 (дата обращения: 20.02.2025).


Ivanova Natalia

student, department of sociology and youth work organization, Belgorod State National Research University,

Belgorod, Russia

Smirnova Daria

научный руководитель,

scientific adviser, Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Belgorod State National Research University

Belgorod, Russia


This article discusses the orientation of young people when choosing a life partner. The peculiarities of choosing a marriage partner among young people are studied and analyzed. The facts presented in the article are given on the basis of a study of students of the Ionic of Belgorod (18-35 years old).


Keywords: youth, marriage partner, orientation, choice, marriage.


Introduction. The study of the factors of marital choice is currently highly relevant. This is primarily due to the fact that in the modern world there are emerging crisis trends in the functioning of the modern family, affecting all spheres of its life.

Methodology and methods. A special surge in activity in the study of family and marriage occurred in the period up to the mid-90s of the XX century. There is a characteristic interest in the problem of similarities and differences between spouses in terms of personal characteristics, as well as role and value orientations (A.N. Volkova, A.K. Dmitrenko, T.V. Galkina, D.V. Olshansky, A.P. Oschepkova, B.M. Petukhov, K. Vitek, D. Myers, etc.), i.e. The factors of social preferences in choosing a life partner were studied. In order to analyze the opinions of students (18-35 years old) The IONIC of Belgorod on the choice of a marriage partner, a study was conducted on 100 people. An online survey was chosen as the research method.

Scientific results. For the purpose of the foundation, it was important to understand how many of the younger generation at the institute are already in family relationships. To do this, the respondents answered the question about their marital status. "single" turned out to be the most popular answer to the question posed – 56% of students answered this way. 27% of respondents answered – "there is a girl / boyfriend." 6.6% (6 people) are in a civil marriage / cohabitation, 3.3% are engaged /engaged and only 4.4% of students have the status of wife/husband. This suggests that young people are in no hurry to get married at a young age and are responsible about marriage ties. (Diagram 1)


Diagram 1. Indicate your marital status


The next important question was about the age most suitable for marriage, according to the youth. The majority of students agreed that the optimal age for marriage is 23-26 years, 56% of respondents answered this way. Also, a significant proportion of respondents believe that the most appropriate age is 27-30 years old (22%). 9.9% answered – 19-22 years old. 4.4% (4 people) do not plan to get married at all, 3.3% of students plan to get married after the age of 30. 1.1% of respondents (1 person) are already married. This question shows that young people are responsible about the decision to start a family. (Diagram 2)


Diagram 2. At what age are you planning to get married (or have you already got married)?


The respondents were asked the question "What do you think is the most significant factor that ensures family stability?". 65.7% of students answered that stability ensures mutual understanding between spouses, 22.5% answered "respectful relationship between spouses", 3.9% – material benefits and only 2%, according to young people, family stability is ensured by having children. (Diagram 3)


Diagram 3. What do you think is the most significant factor that ensures family stability?


It can be concluded that subjective satisfaction with marriage and family stability increasingly depends, on the one hand, on the consciousness, desire and potential opportunities to combine their value orientations and claims with similar concepts of the partner, and on the other – on the full realization of individual values, needs and requests of each spouse.

Conclusion. The main thing in social preferences is the awareness of the fact that the chosen life partner should become the closest person. Therefore, when making a choice, young people need to focus on the future family well-being that they will have to build together. To do this, it is absolutely necessary that the ideas of a prosperous family relationship between future spouses coincide.



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